Books that teach how to influence people


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There are thousands of books of psychology in the world, but only a few of them really teach how to influence; it is not so easy to understand them, because they came to us literally from another era and were written for completely different people.

We have compiled a list of the most modern psychology books that explain in simple terms how to take control of relationships with others.

1. Robert Cialdini "The Psychology of Influence"
The book "psychology of influence" is recommended as the best textbooks on psychology, conflicts, management, both Western and our psychologists. The book by Robert Cialdini has exceeded a circulation of one and a half million copies. She captivates readers with an easy and interesting style, as well as an effective presentation. And it is a serious project in which, at the modern scientific level, an analysis of the mechanisms of motivation, understanding of information and the ability to make decisions is carried out.

2. Viktor Vasiliev "White Book"
The book is about how to change quickly, easily and while staying in your comfort zone.

The system, developed by the author, is designed to rid a person of the influence of life scenarios that program his behavior and to gain genuine freedom of reactions. In this book, the reader will find specific methods that will reveal to him the reasons for his actions, as well as tools for changing them. The fate of each of us is largely determined in early childhood, but in adulthood it may well be realized and controlled by a person.

This book will open your eyes to your life.

If you decide to change, then this is the book that should be read very first.

3. Timothy Leary, M. Stewart "Technologies of Consciousness Change in Destructive Cults"
What motivates people who go to the sect? How do they live after they get there? How do they live after they leave there? Do they leave at all? We raise our eyebrows with skepticism when we are told another horror story about a cousin of our acquaintances who transferred all the property to the sect, and we think how you can buy such a thing. We are intelligent. We're safe. We will never fall prey to these fanatical fire-eyed strangers whose existence can be simply brushed aside.

Such thoughts are the first mistake of those who then spend months in prayer, exhausting work, stress and the race to enlightenment, instead of which comes a nervous breakdown, if not worse. That is why it is worth leaving aside the belief in one's own invulnerability and figuring out what technologies for consciousness changing are used in destructive cults, preferably in detail.

4. Eric Byrne "Games People Play"
This book, which has successfully withstood many reprints and has been published in a multimillion circulation in many languages, is dedicated to teaching the reader to professionally analyze the nuances of their communication, as well as to help get rid of many behavioral stereotypes and complexes that interfere with everyday life. Initially, this work was conceived as an advanced textbook of psychoanalysis, but in the end the author was able to present it in a simple and accessible language to every language using vivid and witty images.

People Who Play Games, which became an international bestseller many years ago, is still one of the most popular psychology books around the world.

5. Karen Pryor "Don't growl at the dog"
You will learn how to get your spouse to stop grumbling once and for all; how to teach a three-year-old child to behave; how to explain to a cat that it is not necessary to climb on the kitchen table; how to get your boss to regularly raise your salary; how to improve your own results in any activity - from sports to writing poetry.