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Boeing in trouble clouds: the airline fights for its data after the LockBit group attack


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How will the negotiations end and are hackers deceiving themselves by claiming a leak?

Boeing, a key player in the aerospace and defense technology market, has confirmed that it was the victim of a cyberattack. Presumably, the well-known hacker group LockBit is involved in the case, which is accused of illegally accessing confidential information and stealing data.

"We are aware of a cyber incident that has affected one of the segments of our business related to the supply of spare parts for aircraft," a Boeing representative said. The company assures that the incident will not affect flight safety in any way and an active investigation of the incident is currently underway in cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

The company sends out threat notifications to customers and suppliers.

At the moment, the Boeing website, intended for the distribution and sale of spare parts, does not work due to "technical problems".

The 2022 financial report shows that the sale of spare components and aircraft maintenance is one of the most profitable business lines. The company began to invest more resources in production and established control over the revenue from the sale of parts that are produced by other manufacturers under the license of Boeing. This is probably what attracted the attackers ' attention.

Although LockBit admits its guilt, analysts have not yet established the true source of the threat.

According to information published by the VX Underground resource , hackers added Boeing to the list of their victims on the leak site, initially giving the company only six days to decide on negotiations. Researchers claim that LockBit exploited a 0-day vulnerability to gain access to the corporation's systems.

Ironically, by October 30, the group removed the leak announcement, saying that negotiations were already underway.

So far, the aircraft giant has not issued an official press release and has not provided a report to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection Agency (CISA) has ranked LockBit as the most active ransomware operator in 2022.

As VX Underground points out, LockBit isn't just a group of hobbyists. Hackers have established a clear management system and are engaged in "self-promotion" - even paying famous people to apply tattoos with their symbols. Experts are skeptical about the group's claims about hacking and carefully check the information before taking any action.

According to expert estimates, from 2020 to June 2023, ransomware managed to earn more than $ 90 million from ransomware campaigns. And among their victims were such major players as the Taiwanese chip manufacturer TSMC, SpaceX and many others.