Blackhat — a new blockbuster that tries to show the work of carders in a realistic way


Reaction score

Everyday work of carders

According to ArsTechnica, the new action film "Blackhat", which includes a carder hunting down an evil hacker, will not be a revelation or particularly interesting to watch, judging by early reviews. However, thanks to the scrupulousness of the director, who invited two computer security consultants at once, at least the actions of computer geeks on the screen will look realistic. In one scene, a group led by a convicted carder (Chris “Thor” Hemsworth), who was taken out of prison to chase a hacker, uses an axe to break into the server room of a nuclear power plant that was destroyed by the villain's actions, and tries to extract information from a damaged hard drive.

One of the consultants was Chris McInally, known for his epic hack of the dating site OkCupid in order to find the girl of his dreams. And the prototype of the main character, embodied by Hemsworth, was Max Butler, known under the nickname Max Vision – a computer security consultant and a well-known carder. The book Kingpin was written about him, and the author, Kevin Poulsen, was just the second consultant on the film.

The director really wanted to achieve realism in his film in relation to computer technology, so he even first decided to teach Chris the basics of programming. When that didn't work out, he settled on Chris typing various Unix commands into the terminal with his own hands and at great speed. However, this is not to say that the film did not have unrealistic scenes with break-ins (like hacking the prison network from a smuggled smartphone by the main character of the film), and, moreover, this realism does not seem to save the film itself, stuffed with standard chases, fights and shootings. The current imdb rating of the film is 5.5 points. So, while we are still waiting for an interesting and realistic movie about burglars (and not a colorful fairy-tale performance like Swordfish and Hackers or a boring and ridiculous action in the style of The Net).