BlackCat/ALPHV malware developers have improved their arsenal and started using a new tool called Munchkin

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Now a virtual machine on network devices is used for hidden deployment of the cryptographer, which allows BlackCat to work on remote systems or encrypt SMB and CIFS network resources.

Munchkin is a specially configured Linux Alpine OS distribution that comes as an ISO file.

After the device is compromised, attackers install VirtualBox and create a new virtual machine using the Munchkin ISO, which includes a set of scripts and utilities for downloading passwords, distributing them over the network, creating payloads of the BlackCat 'Sphynx' cryptographer, and executing commands on network hosts.

Munchkin makes it easier for ransomware to perform various tasks, including bypassing the security solutions of the victim's end devices.

Because VMs provide an additional layer of isolation from the operating system, this makes it difficult for antivirus protection tools to detect and analyze.

The choice of attackers fell on the Alpine operating system for a reason.

This operating system leaves the smallest digital footprint and allows you to automate a significant pool of operations, which in turn reduces the need for manual intervention, creating additional "noise" from command streams.

In addition, Munchkin's modularity with a variety of Python scripts and unique configurations create conditions for changing the payload as needed, allowing you to easily adapt the tool to specific goals or campaigns.