Bitcoin HYIPs: is it worth investing? Full parsing.


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Today I will talk about Bitcoin HYIPs. First, let's figure out what a HYIP is? No, I'm not talking about some kind of fame or fame, but about such a thing as HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) - highly profitable investment projects with a HUGE share of risk. In this case, accepting bitcoin. In fact, such organizations (and more often just the site admin) pretend to be investment funds and are often a scam, but this does not mean that money cannot be raised on them.

1. What is the difference between a HYIP and an investment fund?

An investment fund is
an organization that invites you to invest and receive% of the invested amount on a monthly basis. By what means? This is the main question. As a rule, they are engaged in exchange trading (the same crypto). Also, they can invest in various projects with a quick payback period and high ROI (return on assets). But identifying the real fund is in any case difficult and almost impossible.

Hype is the most common pyramid. The earlier you come in, the more chances you have to recoup your deposit and get something on top. That's all.

Everyone's story is different - but almost every HYIP tries to impersonate a fund . You can find on their websites various fabricated reports on stock trading, loans and other heresies. All this is fake. Reviews on their own website, if any, are also fake. You can only believe the monitors of such projects, but even then, there are people like you sitting there - they have invested money and every day they are glad that the HYIP is still paying. There are also fake monitors that give false information about payments.

2. Why invest in HYIPs if it's fucking awful?

I am by no means encouraging you to invest in these really risky projects. But I did it and I want to tell you how to try to minimize this risk.

First, you need to find good HYIP monitors. What is this, you ask? These are the sites that invest the "minimum wage" - the input amount for HYIP and monitor payments on a daily basis. I used, for example, Bitmakler.

It looks like this:


There are just dozens of similar services, but from the Russians, in my opinion, this one is the best. No ads, just opinion. Keep other services:

Secondly, you need to develop for yourself a clear system of criteria for choosing a hyip. You can't just, headlong, invest in everything. You may or may not be lucky. I had two scams in 2-3 days, but then I did it without criteria.

My criteria for choosing HYIPs:
  • Strictly fuck the HYIPs with the return of the deposit (you can see these on the screen). The risk percentage of such HYIPs is much higher. Why? Yes, because a priori, the site that promises to return your contribution will return it if you entered one of the first or will not return it at all. Withdrawing money from the turnover of this project is a very dubious event. The essence of any hype is to collect a bunch of bucks and throw you. You can earn in the first 1-35 days, maximum. It depends on the rate, though. Now popular - 5% per day.
  • The age of the hype. This is a separate topic altogether. There was a project like He positioned himself as "the longest-lived project" and wrote that he was 700+ days old. For about 650 days he was on the darknet and partisan, and now he went out into the clear and is ready to help everyone make money. Total bullshit. It was a fake and the payments were only daily, according to the simplest plan. (Plan = "tariff" that you choose). 2.5% daily. All premium plans were a complete scam and the project threw a lot of people.
That is why it is necessary to invest in the "youngest" projects. Thus, the probability of at least returning the invested money is much higher. An example in numbers.

You have invested in 4 HYIP projects that started on the same day. Your payout is 7% daily. Approximately, events will develop like this:
Hype 1 - died after 5 days. You received your 5 * 7% = 35% of the deposit. And they went 65% in the red.

Hype 2 - died 15 days later. You got 15 * 7% = 105%. That is, you returned your deposit and went 5% in profit.

Hype 3 - died immediately. You have gone -100%.

Hype 4 - died 30 days later. You got 30 * 7% = 210%. That is, you returned your deposit and went 110% in profit.
Etc. Get ready to scam. Is always!

  • Reviews about the hype. Why read reviews? It could be a fake!
    Of course, it can be so. But I read reviews on Bitmakler and found there very useful comparisons of the current project, with any successful one, which I knew about and did not invest, because it was already the 15th day of the project. Thus, I understood that the admin of these projects is one and the same, and at the very beginning you can earn money. I paid attention only to the reviews of those people whom I "knew" - I discussed projects with them, shared the results, etc.
  • Instant payments only. No reinvestments. There are some HYIPs in which payments are not instant (you cannot withdraw directly to the wallet). We bypass such projects, they are 100% scams. Your "money" accumulates in your account until a certain moment - the plan is closed, but, as a rule, the project does not live up to that moment.
    The same applies to reinvestments - an offer to reinvest the received profit and get an over-the-top (5000%) profit. This is all fucking for schoolchildren.
  • Payments should be on a daily basis, or better - hourly payments. This is much more reliable since you can output your money every hour, every 3 hours, etc. One such project gave me 118% profit.
  • If you have already made money on HYIP and you liked it, then you need to do the following. The project has died. You visited his website every day and learned all the little things. Now we go to all monitors and look for fresh projects with a similar design: fonts, conditions, plans, some other little things (icons, menus, etc.). With a 70% chance, the admin of this hype will be the same person.
  • The pyramid is the last criterion, which contradicts all the others a little. Always understand that you need to invest the amount that you do not mind fucking up. Everything is on the principle of a pyramid - entered earlier - more chances to earn. As long as the grandmas go to the project, they go to you. First, they give you your money, then - the money of other users who came later than you. That's all.
Topic with requests: Requests (request withdrawal) should be squeezed every day when the project stopped paying you. Example: the project went into a scam, having paid me 65% of the deposit. Many monitors have removed it from the board. Every day I ran through a request for payment and out of 12 requests, they gave me 7. I went to a profit of 115%. After the project died.

A bit from personal experience. I am attaching an excerpt from the report I have kept for myself. This was my first experience.


As you can see, only three of them dumped me. All these projects, of course, have been dead for a long time. For those who are not friendly with English: DEP - deposit, EARN - received, PROFIT - profit.


The purpose of this article was to briefly talk about HYIPs and their essence. I am not encouraging you to invest. In a sense, this is the "loot" button, because having invested money, you don't fucking do anything, you just take them off every day. You need to do this only for the sake of fun and experience, you do not need to invest 100,000 rubles in the first project you come across. As you can see, all my contributions are scanty. On average, this is 2,000-3,000 rubles per project. I was curious and tried it. Now I am investing in more useful things. But I spent the scanty profits from HYIPs with pleasure.

Remember, the best investment you can make is investment in yourself.