Big cleaning: Wikipedia may become a victim of the new law


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VPN services are a bone of contention between the scientific resource and Roskomnadzor.

Wikipedia may be blocked in Russia in accordance with a new law prohibiting the popularization of VPN services, said Anton Gorelkin, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy. According to the deputy, Wikipedia has "a whole wiki article that not only describes ways to bypass blockages, but also strongly recommends that users use them," which contradicts the recently published requirements of Roskomnadzor.

Gorelkin also noted that Roskomnadzor has a number of other claims against Wikipedia, some of which have already been issued court decisions. In his opinion, all the necessary legal grounds for blocking the resource already exist, but it is important to ensure that this does not lead to inconvenience for users.

He stressed that all the valuable information from Wikipedia is already available in the Russian segment of the Internet on such platforms as "Big Russian Encyclopedia", "Ruviki" and "Runiversalis", where it is adapted in accordance with encyclopedic standards.

"It remains to make sure that the link to the Wikipedia article prompts the user to open its secure version on one of the Russian analogues. The necessary technical solution is already being developed by ROCIT experts," Gorelkin said.