Between need and want: 8 tips on how to distinguish your desires from others


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If you want to live life to the fullest and be free, you must first of all understand why you are not free, what is holding you back. The word prison comes from the Latin praehendere, which means to seize, to grab, to catch. A prison is not necessarily a place in space; it can be any idea your mind creates. What caught you? The natural process of socialization requires that a person succumb to the influence of the various you need, thus functioning as a part of society. However, growing up, it is useful to be aware of those needs that you inherited genetically or through upbringing. Some should be appreciated and preserved, while others should be discarded. If you want to know how to live according to the principle I want, learn the principle it is necessary. This is hard work. Really hard. We unconsciously put ourselves in jail to avoid the biggest fears. We must choose, because I want to choose scary and incomprehensible. Our prison is built on the principle of needlessness from countless situations of choice, to which we unwittingly agreed, from the "walls" that take us away from our real ones. But one must lead to want. You create your prison and you yourself can free yourself.

Don't be afraid to ask for help
When you look at your needs, you consciously choose to meet with your personal prison - the expectations of other people, belief systems that you accepted without faith, and everything you agreed with without realizing it. By raising your list of needs to the surface, you run the risk of facing your deepest fears, and it is wise to find support. This is a job for professionals - psychotherapists, counselors and specialists trained to deal with these issues. Working with a therapist in everyday life is similar to working with a trainer in the gym, except that the therapist does not work with the muscles, but with the organ that considers itself the main one (the brain) and the source that really controls everything (the soul).

Remember yourself
The very idea that you have a vocation, or a purpose (your want) - that you should have it - can be confusing. It's unbearable. Believing that your destiny will appear fully formed is akin to believing that you can write a book just by wanting and thinking about it. But if you do one small thing every day - pick up a pen, write a paragraph of text, make a list of words - then your purpose will manifest. Destination never manifests itself more strongly than in childhood. What were you like as a child? What did you like to do? Were you a loner or did you prefer company? Were you independent or chose collaboration? Were you an organizer or a dreamer? If you don't remember, call your mom or someone who knew you well in your early childhood. Ask about who you were. Take notes during the conversation and save them:

Look for repetitive motives
Look for repetitive motives, themes, and connections. Do you like working in pairs? Hate sitting in one place all day? Is sensory stimulation important at work? Pay attention to those times when seemingly disparate activities become connected. When new ideas come up, add them to your list. When assumptions arise, don't let them go. Then start experimenting and playing with what you learn. Share your thoughts with those you trust. Consider their opinion and continue until you begin your journey home - to your destination.

Get ready to riot
When we discover what we want to do, the most basic defense centers in the brain raise the alarm. The signal for riot is turned on. Defense mechanisms begin to work. Because the choice in favor of your want raises extremely important and terrible questions. Let's be practical. People have four main questions when it comes to finding true destiny. The first is money. The second argument against purpose is time. Space is the third stumbling block to finding your destiny. But while money, time and space are the arguments we use most often to avoid going down the path of our destiny, there is another fear, and it scares a lot more and speaks much less about it. Once you choose your destination, you will have to face some formidable fears. You will feel vulnerable. Perhaps, ask yourself questions: will your loved ones leave you, will the places remain the same, will you have to spend your life alone. You may be asking yourself why this is needed at all. An incomprehensible dream? Childhood fantasy? A fleeting feeling that cannot be understood or explained? It is here, standing at the crossroads between what we want and what we need, we feel how real our fears are, and this is the very moment when many decide to act contrary to intuition, turning away from the path in which there are no guarantees, in which nothing is known and everything is possible.

Do something
Choosing to want, you must act. You have to do something. This is a small but important point that can take days, years, or a lifetime. When you are ready, you choose it, doing whatever you want - it does not matter whether it is a big step or a small one. So you begin to follow the path of your destiny. This path requires allowing the unknown to happen, but it does not ask to endanger yourself or loved ones. By choosing want, you should not become a stuntman who announces that he is going to do the unheard of. This is not a spectacular sport. The vocation is too important, it is extremely important to be chosen out of whim, out of excitement, out of intoxication. The most faithful want to be realized slowly, thoughtfully and quietly. They don't come impulsively, but line up based on sober, sound intentions. Every decision you make matters. Ten minutes of solitude. Once I want to select the installation instead of the need. Organization of your space. Your wishes, written and pinned to the wall. Your want, your destiny is not a distant land where you hope to come someday, it will not happen tomorrow or some other time. You must live your destiny today, at this moment.

Inspire Others
It is a constant effort, hard work (and inexplicably life-affirming occupation) to acknowledge yourself, your beliefs, and your destiny on this earth. The choice of the path of your destiny is the most significant, because this harmonious and fulfilling lifestyle will be reflected in everything you do. Your sacred space and daily steps will take on even more meaning. You will build a wonderful world for your purpose. And over time, it will seem like a tempting idea to stay forever in this magical place you created and never return to everyday life. But the complete and most important journey requires you to come back, share your purpose, and thus inspire those around you.

Think of this search as a journey
This journey is not new; perhaps it is one of the oldest undertakings of mankind. In some Inuit and Native American tribes, members of the community went in search of visions to gain enlightenment. They went into the wild for several days, often refusing to eat. The purpose of the journey was to reconnect with nature and the spirit world and experience dreams or waking visions giving guidance through this immersion. During a certain period of life, Australian aborigines went to wander, sometimes for several months - these were travels marking the transition to adulthood.


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I understand that it is extremely rare for anyone to immediately determine the truth of their desires, but I will not tire of repeating that absolutely everyone is able to materialize anything, if you follow certain rules:

✅1. Certainty in their desires.
Understanding what you really need is very important. Desires are not always fulfilled in a 100% version, they may have certain distortions, but everything that happens is tuned in such a way as to give us the opportunity to constantly develop, grow and reach new levels and understanding of life.

Everything that we identify with the concept "I want" is often far from always connected with our Soul. Very often it is connected with beliefs, with superficial information with which you have been "brainwashed". You initially filled your space with a large number of episodes that inspire superficial desires. If you ask "What do you want?", Most likely, the first three or four desires will come from the inner Ego .. and be a consequence of what you have been inspired. In fact, you want something completely different. This is another nuance that does not allow us to instantly attract into life what we want.

✅2. Sustainability of desire.
Desire must be harmless to the outside world. We have no right to think of something that can harm someone. Non-ecological desires are those, for example, with which people come to black magicians and sorcerers in order to attract into their lives something that does not really belong to them by means of some manipulations and rituals.

✅3. Mana accumulation.
Mana is energy, which is a resource through which desires are fulfilled. A person who has a lot of Mana gets a quick fulfillment of desires - the fastest possible time in seven days. The more Mana energy you have, the faster and better all desires are fulfilled!