Best/worst payment options


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Please state what you love or what are your problems with popular payment options used/not used by traders. Back in 2007 I was in love with e-gold, untill they froze my money and I could not collect, ironically they continued to accept money into the A/c without saying they had a problem. Only when I tried to buy something, then I found out I had lost my money. I sent numerous e-mails and got no reply from them. Needless to say I was not happy. :mad:

Keyser Soze1

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I like Green Dot (obviously not for large transastions) because you can use a card under someone elses name to purchase things at the stores, do ATM withdrawls, etc and can plan ahead of time so that your method of dress/ had/disguize varies so they can't get a good visual on your face, should they ever have reason to target you (or actually your card).

If the person you got the card from can't describe you, doesn't know you, wlll that's a dead end. And if they report a break in to their mailbox a month after the GD card arrived their ass is covered so they can't be legitimately threatened, they just have to play it smart and not talk to the cops, let the lawyer talk. If they are significantly mentally challenged they are not going to prison regardless, someone just conned them into getting GD card for them for a oew trips to burger king and 25 bucks.

WU is trickier as there are ways for your prints to wind up on documents and video surveillance. If you are using 1-3 fake id's to pick up the money that narrow the trail for them. And if your using your own car and they get the license plate on a surveillance camera b/c u parked out front/across the street.... u just learned the hard way that surveillance can hurt you BAD. Depends on who is tracking you though and what cameras they want to access, how much money they are spending on the case.

I have also done CIM (cash in mail) for and with people I trusted.

I hear that liberty reserve and the like might be the safest but I am not moving large ammt's of money now so am not on top of this. I do know that I had someone move over 30K many times for me out of the country from a small foreign store to another country and deposited in someone elses name (which is mine). Friends in foreign countries that can be trusted are gold.

Are they going to bring someone from Cambodia to your trial to testify against you? Start making friends in other contires and start doing it now. I do not plan on retiring in this shizat hold they call the usa, I will be in paradise sipping from a coconut on the beach living in my condo a 5 minute stroll to a beautiful beach I paid 34K USD for that would cost in Miami beach 400K.

Word to the wise.


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Greendot cards get frozen really easily if you move any type of real cash through them. So if you use greendot get alot of cards and try to keep the amounts llow on each card.