Beautiful, but not without flaws: Getting to know KDE Plasma 6 on KaOS Linux


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Floating panel, Wayland, Octopi, and other new features of the distribution.

On the site a review of the new version of the KaOS 2024.01 operating system was released. The main innovation was the use of the updated KDE Plasma 6 interface. Moving away from the usual canons, KaOS developers proposed a non-standard taskbar location on the right side of the screen, adding originality to the system. The choice of a light design theme as a standard also sets this distribution apart from many others that prefer dark colors.

KKDE Plasma 6 in KaOS runs on Wayland by default, providing a modern and efficient display protocol, although X11 is still available for applications that have not yet been adapted to Wayland. KaOS uses Octopi to install programs, which is different from the traditional Discover option in other KDE Plasma-based distributions.

Among the new features of KDE Plasma 6 in KaOS are a floating panel, improved visual selection of active windows, a new task switcher using thumbnails, integration of wallpaper settings directly into the settings app, and an advanced "Night Light" function, which makes working at a computer more comfortable in the evening and at night. The overall improvement in performance and stability makes working in KaOS particularly enjoyable.

In the set of pre-installed applications, users will find the Elisa music player, the KDE Connect synchronization tool, the NeoChat messenger, the Seafile cloud storage, the Falkon web browser, the Haruna video player, the Kate text editor, and the LibreOffice office suite. In addition, the distribution includes FMPEG 6, the Boost/ICU stack, the Linux kernel version 6.6.14 and Systemd 254.9. The lack of an email client in the basic package may surprise, but this can be easily fixed using Octopi by installing KMail or Thunderbird.


As noted so far, the release is more focused on enthusiasts who want to try out the new version of KDE Plasma. Despite the current difficulties with installation, it is expected that the full release of KDE Plasma 6 will make KaOS even more attractive to a wide range of users. For those who prefer a cautious approach, we recommend waiting for the official release of KDE Plasma 6 to ensure the best possible user experience.

To test KaOS 202401, you can download the ISO image from the official download page.