Banking scheme


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So let's start in order. All movements took place in October 2014, I had a VISA-electron bank card issued to me. I actively used it, the money was never stale. One evening I went to the ATM to remove the parish at 12k. After he sent me to hell, because there was no money there, I was a little surprised at this course of events! the amount, though small, but the very fact made me wonder what was the matter (I was always neat and attentive). I think maybe there is simply no money in the ATM.

I start calling the bank, trying to find out where my money is. A girl with a sweet voice answered me that I did the withdrawal operation yesterday - cashout (where it was not said, and after everything I describe, I was never notified)

Dictates to me my completed operations:

I am surprised. How so? Thoughtful, I went home and decided to personally visit the bank in the morning. The next day, in the morning, I went to the bank to sort it out! As a result, I was offered to write a claim, where he wrote about fraudulent actions on my card, how, what and when it was, also indicating the time and amount of withdrawal that was presented to me, and be sure to indicate that my funds should be returned to me. At the end, they said that in two weeks come, it will be considered. About a day later I wrote to a friend, with whom I worked closely, and obsessively tried to find out how I was doing, I decided to share my failure, during the whole conversation, having learned later, he laughed wildly at me)))

He decided to pin me up and he did it!) I appreciated the joke) He withdrew the money. You know, at that moment, like a stone from the soul, I thought, what if the sum were more decent! Anyway. How did he deduce ask?

Well, now in order. He works at a gas station, takes pictures of people's cards, nothing like that) has a left SIM card and, as a privileged subscriber, is a member of the Hi-Light Club. How to enter there you ask? It's not very easy. If you are a subscriber for more than five months, but less than two years and your cellular communication costs over the past five months are at least $ 10 / month, then wait for the call, or it is better to call yourself and leave an application for joining! There are many privileges, but as he told me, he was interested in replenishing the bank account. card knowing its number and validity. As soon as you enter these data from the phone, the money is instantly credited to the SIM. You could have 15k per month from one card. During the day, he got a lot of cards, but he was not impudent. I dumped a maximum of 5 cards a day. I worked on the topic for about 3 years. Major carwasher)))

Thus my money was withdrawn. Well, I just couldn't even think of him! Laughed)

So I come in two weeks and find out that the claim went to New York. And then I thought everything would pass quickly, but it was not there. After about 3 weeks I called their center, they found my claim, was still pending. After about a month, everyone also transferred money to me in the region of 10-12k, I look, they came, took off, smile, I'm glad. 3 days after the withdrawal, I again try to find out what is there with the claim, so I call the bank, they found the claim again and said that my funds were returned on such and such a number. I immediately remembered the arrival of money 3 days ago and then I understood everything! He thanked the girl and said goodbye. As a result, profit!)

I think you understand the essence of my idea. In short: we put money on the card, use it, drain money from it, write an application for a refund, wait and get a profit! And those that merged, you have already withdrawn.

Now let's look at the ways of implementation and the nuances during work that came to me from the depths of the Universe.

Basically you have one CC. Knowing the data on your own card, you can, for example, transfer money to another left card through online services (be careful, there are fakes!). You can also upload it to a SIM card through a bank card replenishment, then withdraw it from it already. For all procedures, use vpn + rdp (or socks).

There is another way, this is for those who have an encoder, software for recording dumps, blank cardboard. Those who have encountered this will understand how to proceed.

My thoughts and guesses about all this.

I analyzed my situation, why was it returned to me? Because, at the level of the knowledge that the Bank's Security Service possessed, my friend and I were strangers, which means they were not in collusion, that is, I am a real victim. How did it happen? The number to which the money was received was only for this, I did not even know it, of course there was no contact. There were separate phones through which we communicated, and that is rare. I also think the weighty fact was that we were in different cities.

So, in order for everything to work out, if you work together, you need to be strangers for the bank security service and not have any intersections of the working material and your relatives. To avoid any leads or suspicions. I think I won't be able to work alone, well, imagine you, for example, in the city of London, use a card there and suddenly you lose money, after a while after all transfers (the time will depend on the bank to which you are transferring) some unknown person removes in another ATM from London money money, and his card was made, for example, in general in New York. Cool huh?)) No, one is not an option.

The following reflections. If you bet on a stream, then you need drops. And again the problem is fucking! Why is it that people from one city communicate money from cards? There is an idea that all drops need to have something single, the same, some kind of connection between them, but only in terms of how and where they could steal dumps of their cards and pins. So they all should, for example, use one ATM in one or two days, supposedly there could be a skimmer there. Why one or two days, or even less? Bank employees come to the money box, check it and pump it up with money from time to time. I think you need to choose a not very noticeable loot, where the permeability of people is small, such are most likely not often refueled.

Or all the drops had to buy something in the online store, from where their CC is known. Here drops should be from different cities. Although ... there is an idea, for example, on some resource sharpened for a specific city, a link to an online store is posted, or a FB group about your city or something like that, and voila, a contingent from one city is recruited!

I thought everything out so thoroughly, Bank security service will carefully check everything, what, where, where and from where. Well, which bank would want to give its money?

And I also want to note that all the drops should be used a little by all the cards. Well, there are transfers, withdrawals, purchases in the store, so that it appears that this is not a set-up. After this writing, I understand that it makes no sense to mess with all this for the sake of small profit. If the money is decent, then you can.

Now let's talk a little about the intricacies of this technique - it is not necessary to insure the card, usually insurance is offered for credit cards, it is understandable why, there are 3 reasons here - the 1st is financial risk insurance against fraud when using a credit card, the 2nd is life insurance, and the health of the credit card holder. And the third - insurance of financial losses in the event of the use of funds by third parties in the event of loss or theft of a credit card. Also, when writing an application, take into account the following factors - your card should not have a piece of paper with a pin code, in such a situation, the bank may not return the money to you, the card must be with a magnetic stripe if it has a chip (microprocessor on the front side of the card) , then your application for a refund will be rejected (since these cards are more secure than the old type cards). I used a bank card without a chip and received a refund without any problems. Also, you should not compromise yourself and come up with a good legend in advance, you will have to prove that you did not withdraw money, but it was stolen from you (not every bank will want to give money just like that, it depends on a lot, on the bank's rating, on its promotion, on attitude towards customers, etc.) Do not say that they called you on the phone and asked for your card details - this will not play in your favor, the bank may not return the money to you, citing the fact that you did not follow the bank's instructions on the security of your card. Bank employees never ask for card details - such as - pin code, CVV2. Do not forget that the banks have a well-functioning monitoring system and all transactions are recorded, as well as the faces of people withdrawing money from the ATM, so if you decide to give your card to a third person (your friend, for example) to implement the topic, then you need to put on a cap on your head and you can even sunglasses - DSLRs so as not to light up your face, because every ATM has cameras, they do snapshots, or record video. As for the ATMs - there are protected ones - they have “passive devices” installed on them, you can't stick anything on them. If the protective device is cut off, a signal will be sent. There are also "active devices" - a detector inside the ATM. As for the ATMs - there are protected ones - they have “passive devices” installed on them, you can't stick anything on them. If the protective device is cut off, a signal will be sent. There are also "active devices" - a detector inside the ATM. As for the ATMs - there are protected ones - they have “passive devices” installed on them, you can't stick anything on them. If the protective device is cut off, a signal will be sent. There are also "active devices" - a detector inside the ATM.
You can get a refund once with your card, it is no longer worth it, it will raise suspicions. That's all for me.