Bank employees on the Darknet


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Salary of a bank employee on the Darknet
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Hello everyone In today's article, you will learn how easily bank employees can merge your data into the network, how it works, and most importantly-how much a bank employee earns working in the shadows.

Enjoy reading it!

The average salary of a bank employee in the country is approximately $ 1000. It's up to you to decide whether this is a lot or a little, but the access to information that an ordinary employee owns clearly does not correspond to the amount for which he works. In this case, we are talking about such data as: the client's balance; his full bank details; phone number; passport data and even a code word (which can be used to identify the client's name and confirm a particular transaction!).

And as is often the case, such employees, because of their small salary, try to find themselves any possible part-time job that would not take up much of their time. And at such times, they may accidentally (or not) come across various dubious, but attractive, ads on various resources, including in the Internet and darknet. In them, unknown individuals are looking for employees of banking structures, for further illegal teamwork.
Upon request, the employee will need to enter the most confidential information about the bank's client, report it to an anonymous customer and receive a monetary reward for this.

What information about us is leaked by the bank's employees?
To answer this question, you should go from the opposite, and remember what data[ we leave in the banks themselves. Currently, ordinary bank debit cards can be issued remotely, without leaving your home. To do this, you just need to go to the website of any bank you are interested in, choose the debit card option you like, enter your passport data, mobile phone, confirm the application, and wait for the plastic bank card to be made. Everything is extremely simple.

As a result, the following data will be added to the bank's database:
  • Email
  • phone number
  • passport data that includes your residencepermit, account number, and card balance.

A natural question arises: Is it true that the most ordinary, ordinary bank employee has access to all this confidential information?
The most ordinary person does not, but a specialist who performs operational work with individuals has the ability to open the database and view your bank data. The average salary of such a specialist in Moscow is $ 1000. [And when a person realizes that this money is not enough for him, he goes to the darknet, in search of an illegal employer for whom he will perform illegal actions.

Now let's find out what a bank breakout is

Bank breakdown
Bank penetration is an illegal service that allows attackers to obtain personal information about a specific person or organization from the bank's closed databases.

If you type the phrase "bank breakdown" in the search bar, you can stumble upon a huge number of resources offering such a service. Prices are completely different everywhere. Someone offers to get a complete set of all data about a person for $ 1000.
As a rule, the services of such shadow forums are mainly used by illegal businessmen who are not employees of the bank, they find employees, negotiate a price with them and sell them to other people at a surcharge.

For each of the points of such data, the bank employee is ready to pay $ 50, and for the code word $ 100. That is, with a full-fledged breakdown order for the entire physical area. For example, such an employee may receive about $ 1000. If you take 1-5 orders a month from one employer, you can get from $ 50 to $ 1000. By cooperating with three employers, an attacker can complete 12-25 orders a month, which will additionally bring him a minimum of $ 300 and a maximum of $ 1000. There are no problems to start and work with several other employers and control the flow of orders, while completing 40-60 requests per month, while earning at least $ 1000 and a maximum of $ 10000.

To sum up, let's answer the main question: How much does a bank employee earn on the darknet? Based on our rough calculations, an average $ 2000, plus the official salary of a Moscow bank specialist. Total: approximately $ 3000 for Moscow.

In fact, the money is not so big, given the risk that a typical attacker is exposed to, because the actions that he commits are criminally punishable.