Bank cash advances

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First go to a bank that allows alrge cash advances.Like citi they allow up to 5 k a card.Some like WU though they have a system that is more simple as in you never lose the card,there limits are about 2 k per card.BOA i think is 5-10k.Yea once you go to a bank and the ID is ok,it may or may go for approval via fone call.If that happens,you may get asked one of many many questions usually all shit of credit reports.If the person has a history of these than there are usually no CFA.If they do not its hit and miss.The great thing about Washington Mutual.When they became a big bank they devised a system that allowed anyone to work there and they have no cashier stations,per se.By that i mean you hand the card and the person is in front of you,they swipe and you get authrisation.They than do some shit and you get paid.The down side is low limits for cash advances.The citis and so on,have the usual stations and when they do the advances after looking at the card and id swipe.Of they get a fraud alert it may be hard to get out of the bank.
If you are going in as a atuthrised user and the issuer has a problem they may call the real owner and ask them questions as you wont be able to answer any yourself.
All said and done id do a big bank and go for at least 5 / 10 cash.Do some type of disguise as they knock this shit out to the Feds when it comes out its fraud and they look at all photos and take copys of the IDS and so on.
Everything posted in this has happened some were and to some on so it all real.

First Washington mutual is low limits less risk as you can get out with card and split.Low limits i think about 2.5 k max.
If as you say the person does alot of cash advances and repays them then my guess is you will get straight up approvall with no CFAS and get your cash.I would do it at the BOA or a CITI as they have high limits.I think Citi will allow you to get it in 2 cash advances of 5k a time.You said BOA said the max is 10k or half of the card limit or cash limit?
I would do the bank before the casino as knowing and seeing the results from Both.I would take bank.Casino's are good at fraud and they take a dim view of it.By that they seem to get LE involved very early on and give them everything they have.Casino's are working on the other side of us and take this shit way more serious than a bank.
What i meant about the Feds is.When the bank figures out what went down they will do as much as they can to help LE.By that i mean if that branch is being Hit hard with cash advance's it happens from time to time.They will take action.That is Have there own fraud teams look at what happned and Turn all intel over to the LE agency they want involved.That agency will have everything from the actual stills from the cams and the paper you signed.But if you take precautions and change how you look and so on you will be fine.
What i would do is a run at this and by that i mean get all this guys cards and max all them out.
One last thing if this person is in alot of debt and you try and charge.Many banks are declining these charges,as they can run credit reports daily and do it alot of the time.If the pesons debt ratio is out of wack,you may find charges not being allowed even though enough credit is available.Its part and parcel of the whole debt issue and banks freaking out that many many people are doing to them selves what we are meant to do.That is maxing out there cards and going bankrupt,they have slowed it down by these new proctols they integrated in the software they have that monitors not only credit lines also reports.Nasty bit of work.
All in all you seem good to go.I think you will get the 10 k and than some.
Walk in act like you are that person and take what is your money.
If you have control and changed the phone why not add a authrised user.?That way you could have Joe Smoe on the phone outside.You hit card at bank.If bank call to see if its OK.Usually they dont.You have some one who can answer all questions about the person.Last thing.They are being sneaky these days and are collecting info from DMVS and the like.So one question i see being asked alot of late is the car you own now or a car you may have owned.You really need as much info as possable.Stuff that is not just about the credit report.These are questions that some times you can get caught on.If you are 20 and he is 60 if any CFA happens you are done if the ask DOB from the ID and they will.If as you say he does Cash Advances all the time it should be NP.I would wonder why is a 60 yr old doing Cash and paying it back?Its not a cheap way to get cash.Does BOA not have that MBNA option were you can drop the whole credit line into a checking account in 24 hours?They may have as MBNA is BOA now.
I also soppose that maybe a Casinoe is a option for you.The floor limits are so high and there is a new ATM in them now.Cannot remember the set up exactly.Its some thing like swipe and get the whole card limit in one go.Ill try and dig that up again.

All in All id do a big bank in a big citi in a rich area.Those places have this type of activity all the time and its nothing out of the ordinary.

Thats it from me i think i have covered all i can.You really need to just bite the bullet and do this.


If you have the complete card info...Do a mid-size non cash advance purchase...1k to 1.5k, chances are it will decline(bottom line get the card to decline by doing a purchase) then call the bank and be ready to be verified...once verified (usually by the security/fraud dpt.)..immediately tell them to put a note on the account that u will be doing a CA of X amount.

90% of the time u will never get C.F.A/nor decline at the cashier...if u don't request more than your card daily CA limit. All banks have daily CA limit. IF BOA/M.B.N.A there is a trick to get over the limit...not easy...And DO NOT ever try to get CA from the same bank the card was issued. NEVER!

U can clean card out with the same method thru a casino...