Bank card buyers who helped steal citizens money were detained by the St. Petersburg police


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Employees of the Department for Combating Cybercrime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, together with colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Frunzensky district, stopped the activities of an organized group, whose members are suspected of illegal circulation of payment funds.

It is established that in March of this year, a 21-year-old resident of the Northern capital for a monetary reward of 1,500 rubles gave a former classmate his bank card and a SIM card from the phone with access to the personal account of the online application of a financial institution.

In the future, the account of the owner of the credit card received 624 thousand rubles, stolen by telephone fraudsters from a resident of the Tula region. Scammers convinced the woman that her non-cash savings are in danger, and therefore the money needs to be transferred to a secure number. According to the idea of the attackers, in the future, the stolen more than half a million rubles were supposed to go to other accounts under their control, but the suspicious transaction was blocked by the bank's specialists.

Having found out the identity of the owner of the card on which the" frozen " finances were located, the police found out from him who he gave it to. The buyer was a 21-year-old resident of St. Petersburg. The young man was detained. It turned out that for a long time he bought up the payment means of his friends and just random citizens, and then handed over credit cards to his comrades, a 22-year-old student of one of the prestigious universities of the city on the Neva and a 21-year-old unemployed friend temporarily residing in Sochi.

Further, their common 21-year-old acquaintance from the Vyborg district of the Northern capital sent to an unknown person in the messenger the details of these bank cards, which subsequently received money from victims of telephone fraudsters. The girl converted these finances and transferred them to the crypto wallets of her accomplices.

Police officers detained suspects in illegal circulation of payment funds and seized mobile phones, laptops, credit cards and SIM cards issued to third parties, as well as contracts and powers of attorney for the right to dispose of other people's financial accounts at their places of residence.

Investigators of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg opened a criminal case against young people on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Article 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Three defendants have already been charged and a preventive measure in the form of remand in custody has been chosen. Their accomplice and the established seller of her bank card were released on her own recognizance and due behavior. The investigation continues.