BA. Bank accounts. Start.
This lesson will be devoted to the basics of working with BA. We will talk about working with US bank accounts. We do not work in Russia, keep this in mind. However, I can give advice on how and for what to accept money from the US, so that all sorts of people here do not grab you by the ass, because just show our authorities a rag - everyone will want to bite off a piece. This is mainly the tax office.
The first topic. What is a BA, what is the difference between a BA and an account, what details does a BA have and how to view them? A BA is a bank account - one or more accounts that have common details. In short - several accounts that are registered to one owner. And each account has its own purpose. Therefore, accounts are divided into core and non-core. It is divided like this - either the account is suitable for our work with it, or not (that is, it is merged or not).
The main profile accounts for each BA:
• Checking
• Savings
Let's figure out what Checking and Saving are.
Checking - if we compare it with Russia (We are more used to it) - this is a current account. For example, the farmer's salary is transferred to it, from which he makes payments, well, utilities, gasoline, food, telephone. Therefore, the movement on this type of account is frequent, but the volume of transactions, as a rule, is very small.
The second type of account is Savings. That is, savings. There the CH keeps money that he does not spend often, like a stash. Well, you know, they used to keep money in Sberbank. In a savings book. This is something like that.
On Checking - small amounts in the expense column, CH checks more often, but for the bank, transactions on such an account are a common thing. Saving - larger amounts (in my experience - much) - CH rarely checks, but the bank treats transactions from such an account much more suspiciously. Therefore, we need to decide for ourselves which account to work with and which not. Our choice is influenced by many factors, such as CH activity, bank type, etc. Saving also needs to be monitored more carefully. The fact is that in the USA there is a federal law according to which there cannot be more than 6 transactions per month on Saving accounts (including incoming and outgoing). And test payments (Mini) are also counted (2 positive and one negative = already 3 transactions. I talked about test payments (aka MiniDeposit) in the lessons about PP, but we will come to this later.
The law itself:
You can read it at your leisure.
I'll tell you right away what will happen if there are 7 transactions on the Saving account. It depends on the bank. Someone will take a large commission, or the bank will close the account. Therefore, the first rule of working on BA
- Always read the FAQ and/or documents from banks. Terms and conditions, so called. There are over 6,000 banks in the US, all with different rules. There is no limit on the number of transactions for Checking.
A: Are transfers between your accounts also limited by them?
B: Yes, if we transfer from Saving to Checking within the bank, there is still a transaction for debiting. And it is taken into account. If we transfer from a card to an account, there are limits.
A: Are there any limits on the amount on Checking? Up to what amount can it be less suspicious, or do you need to analyze the behavior of the CH?
B: It is necessary to analyze the behavior of the CH and read the documents of a particular bank. There are banks with a ceiling on funds in individual accounts.
A: So if the transactions are within $100, the $1000 transaction will be blocked?
B: It won't be blocked. It may raise suspicions from the bank. The bank has its own AntiFraud. Just like in stores where CC is entered, the bank has the same. For example, if a customer spends $100, and here is a $1,000 transaction. They may call him and ask for confirmation. It also depends on the method of draining funds. There are more noticeable methods that are stopped fairly quickly, and there are less. We'll talk about them too.
Okay. Now let's move on to non-core accounts. Non-core accounts. There are usually 4 of them (which are worth highlighting): Mortgage, Deposit, Loan, Invest (Brokerage).
Mortgage is a mortgage. It shows a normal amount, with a plus, but you can't withdraw money, since the amount shows the debt paid off.
Deposit - if there is a deposit, then it is logical that there is money there. But to transfer or withdraw it, event X must occur. Like death, default, birth. Or it lies for a while (deposit until 2022, for example). You need to find out the conditions for withdrawing the deposit. It is still a problematic account, even though there is usually a large amount there.
Loan - a credit account, like for studying. Usually - a target account - a car, a house. You can drain it, but it's problematic.
Well, there is still Invest. This is a brokerage account, from which the CH can buy shares, in the US stockbrokers are more common than here. It can be classified as a specialized one, but it has many nuances.
It's funny, but in the last screenshot I ended up draining the very last (Saving) account (not completely, of course). I didn't manage to get to Invest, CH lit up after a certain amount left. Some investment firms allow you to link non-core accounts to them, thus, you transfer money from the bank (for example, you can't drain such an account, you link it to a firm where it is possible to transfer funds to other, external (External) accounts).
A: We don’t touch non-core accounts at all?
B: Not exactly. These accounts can also be drained. I'll give a standard example from my practice. There is such a thing, called logs - the CH stillak is loaded into the PC and from there all the logins-passwords-cookies come to you. And there are people who process these logs.
Let's say they know how to drain the PP (what can they do - you go via Cookie, click Send and get the benefit). So, such a "drainer" goes into the PP and sees 100-200 dollars there. And drains it. Thus, killing the log (CH notices and changes the passwords). And there was also a BA in the log, for 100 thousand dollars.
What I want to say is that if you don't touch and avoid complications, you'll get less profit. So you should consider EVERYTHING, that's 100%, especially in the first 4-5 months. We'll talk about methods later. For a start, of course, the simplest accounts are Checking and Saving.
A CH can have many accounts. From one to 100, for example. A CH can assign a nickname or give a name to each account. In addition to accounts from another bank, card accounts are usually attached to the BA - this is what is written next to them.
And there is also the opposite situation, when there is Internet access to the card, where you can view transactions, but you can't do anything with it. This is not a BA, this is a card account, no one needs it. It does not reach Enroll, since there is no complete data about it (details), CVV and Exp. Date are missing, it is important to understand this difference.
Okay, let's take a little break and look together at what we have here on the accounts of this BA.
Money Market is a cash register account, i.e. a corporate account, it belongs to the company. If you noticed, there is a credit card here - a business one. This indicates that the account is corporate. These are accounts within one BA. Different people. Employees of the company, yes. Money Market, logically, is an account with a constant flow of funds.
Accordingly, draining from it will not be something shameful either, the CH themselves regularly do this, sometimes they will not even notice. I am a business owner. I can transfer money to James, Mercy, Louise and a bunch of other CH, or I can transfer to "AeroSleep", we buy some products from this account (this is an example, in fact, I am not the owner of the account). Okay, Money Market can be attributed to the profile, but it also has its own specifics when working. Do not be afraid to touch the Money Market account, my advice to you.
Okay, let's move on to the details.
Details are information that can be used to transfer money to an account, i.e. account data for replenishment, in short, or for withdrawal, you can also issue an invoice for payment, in general, this is information about the account that allows you to perform transactions with it. The most important detail for a BA is its owner. Therefore, we need to know the first and last name of the owner. And if we talk about Russia - yes, the details can include a correspondent account, BIC, etc.
And in the USA there are 7 main requisites.
1. Name of the CH.
2. Address from a real post office (not email).
3. Telephone.
4. Email.
5. Card number (if any).
6. Routing Number.
7. Accounting number.
I think it's clear with points 1 - 5. Let's look at 6 and 7. Routing is a unique number of a bank branch, issued to a bank branch. Well, you know, Sberbank offices, for example, are everywhere, each of them has its own unique code. The same is true in the USA. But there is a difference from Russia - in the USA, each branch receives its own license for each type of operation. For direct deposits, there can be one Routing number, for electronic ones - another. What does this mean - you may have heard about checks in the USA, and checks are sent to one address, to one Routing Number, but when you want to link your BA somewhere or to something - the Routing is already different.
Accounting is an account number, as you might guess. A separate accounting number is issued for each account. It usually consists of 9-12 digits. The account number is assigned by the bank when opening an account. Let's see how it happens in a bank, otherwise a dry narration without images does not promise the acquisition of knowledge.
Do you see two Routing numbers? One for direct and one for electronic. Each license (each Routing) in the USA costs 120k - 170k. And opening a license for Wire transfers in a distant city with a population of 1000 people - does not make sense. And assigning a separate Routing for this, waste money. They simply use the license of a neighboring large settlement. And the commission for this service will go to the profit of the neighboring city.
Okay, let's move on. Well, you know, there is now a whole profession of cyber crooks, they are called carders, I think. I heard something about them, they say they have gone completely crazy. And banks are fighting them, it seems. And banks think that by changing the appearance and code of the authorization page in the BA, they will protect their clients, make the bank cooler. In fact, they are kind of right, because there are Brute'ers, and Brute is written largely based on the page code. Well, we cannot see the BA details unless we go there. I am talking about Brute, not logs. We will not always be able to go to the BA. For this, we need a statement. It is called a Statement. It is sent to the CH monthly by mail, and is also available from your personal account online at any time. Where to look for and view it - in almost all BAs you can find a special tab.
Open this tab and download Statement. I usually download it. I advise you to do the same, it will be useful in your work (further), example - you will be asked to draw, you can do it yourself in a couple of clicks. I will write about drawing separately. You will be able to do it yourself, without resorting to the help of the drawers.
Usually, CHs don't receive Statements by mail, but every month the bank sends a reminder with a link to these statements. And some CHs don't give a damn, imagine that you constantly receive spam from the bank, it's not cool, and you become indifferent after some time. My advice is to look at the date of the last Statement and build your work based on it. It is much better to wait for the day when CHs receive a statement in the mail with no fraudulent transactions. This increases the chances of success. CHs also receive statements in paper form, by mail (USPS). There, the statement takes several days and there is room for maneuver. Is it possible to disable statements? No. You can choose between online or paper statements.
A: How long does it usually take to work with BA?
B: There are methods that allow you to receive funds in hand in 30 minutes. There are methods that take 7-10 business days. The level of profit and required skills varies.
Besides statements in BA, there are also so-called warnings (Alerts). A scary thing, actually. These are notifications that are sent to the mail or SMS of the CH in the event of certain events. An example is a write-off of more than $1k. Crediting funds. Logging into an account. Now think for yourself, are people who are engaged in PP smart people? Who buy Brute accounts, attach them to BA, press the deposit. Especially public banks, like Chase, where almost every account has several warnings connected. This is for you to the question of why PP is dying. No, not because it does not give.
Well, in our work, warnings (Alerts) are also not a very pleasant phenomenon, but we can at least influence them. There is a special tab in the bank with these warnings, and opposite each line there are 3 CheckBoxes with a choice of where to send the warning. SMS, mail or nowhere.
Okay, look. If we choose nowhere, we may receive a notification about disabling warnings. In addition, the bank begins to suspect something. Some guy flew in with new IP address, from a new machine and turned off warnings. CH does not behave like that.
You can set it to email so as not to provoke AntiFraud too much and start spamming it. Ideally, you change your email and spam the old email. But changing your email is another Fraud for the bank. The most unnoticeable action is to set SMS warnings. When you change your phone number, the notification does not go anywhere, if you do everything correctly. Advice. Do not delete the CH phone number, guys. This is also very noticeable for AntiFraud. In many banks, you can add a second (Secondary) number. That is, YOURS. And redirect notifications there. You can use Google Voice, TextNow. Not all banks eat VOIP. And they have been tweaking them quite a lot lately, banks do not eat them. Therefore, there are services for receiving SMS from the bank and for 2 dollars they will lick you.
After you put the second number, leave the account for a day. Do not immediately make it the main one. Let it sit for a day - set our number as the main one (Primary). The CH number can now be deleted. If you have access to mail - run to the mail, see what's going on there. Maybe the bank will send a letter to the mail. That the number has been changed. Or some banks have an internal message system. And it says about the number change. You need to take all these points into account, read and delete. Otherwise, the CH will notice. Not even that. The chances of failure increase.
After changing the number, I recommend waiting for some time. 1-2 business days. Why wait? The thing is that you are shown that the number has been changed. But in fact, this is not the case on the bank's server. It takes time to consolidate the information. A little off topic - the CH address is changed by the bank in 5-7 WORKING days. And you see the new address IMMEDIATELY after it has been changed. And you have no idea that it has not been changed yet. When I say address in this context, I mean residential address. Weekends and holidays in the USA are not considered banking days. Therefore, we avoid them when working. On these days, you can do whatever you want - look for offices, register accounts for yourself, deal with hanging problems. But do not work with CH accounts.
Now about the withdrawal method, we will consider the main methods further. But now it is worth mentioning the following - based on the transaction history, we need to look at the amounts that the CH operates, where it spends this money, how, we need to adapt to the CH behavior as much as possible so that the chances of success increase. Think for yourself how the bank reacts if a person flies in from a new system, with a new IP, removes all notifications, fixes his account and drains the entire balance. The golden rule of working with BA: The first transaction can never be more than 30% of the account balance. It is also worth remembering - after entering the BA, in any case, when a new working day begins, a notification will pop up that the login was made from such an IP and such a computer yesterday. You must definitely catch this notification. Sometimes it comes to the mail, sometimes not. Depends on the bank.
Banks work according to UTC -5 (in winter -6). Transactions are credited: 4-30 am, updated - 12-00 pm, additional accrual - 4-00 pm. New working day - 00-00. It also depends on the bank, but I gave you approximate data that is the same for most. There is a bank that likes to accrue at 8 am. So here you can and should also look individually. And yes, still, closing the topic of notifications. You understand that we need to catch a minimum of Fraud points. Therefore, any changes in number/mail/addresses are undesirable. Ideally - when the CH has notifications turned off by default.
A: What about the IP address for BA? What criteria are mandatory when choosing based on experience?
(Open ports, blacklists, FraudScore). What about system setup, can I use Linken Sphere?
B: However, it's enough for me. Criteria - I check for blacklists. I don't check FraudScore. Ports - also none. 100% by Whoer and absence from blacklists - and go ahead. Regarding system setup - I use Portable FF copies for each bank. I have a separate working American machine with English Windows and DoubleOpenVPN forwarding. Regarding LS (Linken Sphere) - I use the paid version for work, I don't even look at other antiquities. I usually select SOCKS in for the city.
Yes, my SOCKS live surprisingly long, everyone complains, but I feel comfortable. There is SOCKS, which has been alive for 8 months already. I created a BA self-registration in August. And since then I have been logging in from one SOCKS from Yes, it sometimes crashes. There is no SOCKS in the network, then I take another one. Thus, I have a list of SOCKS, from which I log in to the BA. We are talking about self-registration.
If we are talking about entering Brute accounts or logs - here under ZIP. Everything is included, WebRTC is hooked from Proxy. If anything, then I do not manually register WebRTC, I just have a parameter in FF: about:config. In the search for FF config, enter Proxy and look at all the parameters. For example, ice.proxy_only. In general, any work begins with configuration. I would recommend starting with searching for a description of the variables in the configuration of this config. Yes, it is difficult, long, tedious. That is why no one configures it, and if they configure it, they do not say. This parameter is more than enough for me. Turning off WebRTC also works like a red rag sometimes.
Depends on the bank as well. But if we are talking about registering an account in banks, then it is better not to provoke once again and not to play at luck, and so much time is spent on breakthroughs.
It is best to find out what changes, how each parameter affects, and then choose the best one for yourself. The system is best set up by those who enter CC. But this is enough for us. I will tell you right away. The mechanics of working with card entries and with BA are different. The system settings are also different. There is no more profitable topic in C than BA. But many people give up on it, because it is difficult.
It's easier for many to just press one button and everything will always be fine. But here you have to think, search.
I also want to say that it is worth working more on logs, but if there is no money, then take Brute and work with it. Brute's start-up capital will help you get there, as well as your bruises. Logs cost from $50/piece. Or you negotiate with people for %, but there is little of that now.
A: You said that taking PP, linking BA and making a deposit is not a very smart idea, but what to do then?
B: Specifically with PP, I don't consider the work highly intellectual. It is built on ordinary, repeating simple patterns. Well, think about it, if there is a BA with notifications, a person buys a pack of BA, and he cannot influence these notifications.
Binds BA, makes a deposit. Out of 10 PP accounts, one survives. It is best to work with BA. Look for new methods, offices. PP is usually suitable for those who are starting their journey in S. But in BA you can potentially make many times more. PP is ONE of hundreds of offices in the USA. Offices that allow you to work with BA.
This lesson will be devoted to the basics of working with BA. We will talk about working with US bank accounts. We do not work in Russia, keep this in mind. However, I can give advice on how and for what to accept money from the US, so that all sorts of people here do not grab you by the ass, because just show our authorities a rag - everyone will want to bite off a piece. This is mainly the tax office.
The first topic. What is a BA, what is the difference between a BA and an account, what details does a BA have and how to view them? A BA is a bank account - one or more accounts that have common details. In short - several accounts that are registered to one owner. And each account has its own purpose. Therefore, accounts are divided into core and non-core. It is divided like this - either the account is suitable for our work with it, or not (that is, it is merged or not).
The main profile accounts for each BA:
• Checking
• Savings
Let's figure out what Checking and Saving are.
Checking - if we compare it with Russia (We are more used to it) - this is a current account. For example, the farmer's salary is transferred to it, from which he makes payments, well, utilities, gasoline, food, telephone. Therefore, the movement on this type of account is frequent, but the volume of transactions, as a rule, is very small.
The second type of account is Savings. That is, savings. There the CH keeps money that he does not spend often, like a stash. Well, you know, they used to keep money in Sberbank. In a savings book. This is something like that.
On Checking - small amounts in the expense column, CH checks more often, but for the bank, transactions on such an account are a common thing. Saving - larger amounts (in my experience - much) - CH rarely checks, but the bank treats transactions from such an account much more suspiciously. Therefore, we need to decide for ourselves which account to work with and which not. Our choice is influenced by many factors, such as CH activity, bank type, etc. Saving also needs to be monitored more carefully. The fact is that in the USA there is a federal law according to which there cannot be more than 6 transactions per month on Saving accounts (including incoming and outgoing). And test payments (Mini) are also counted (2 positive and one negative = already 3 transactions. I talked about test payments (aka MiniDeposit) in the lessons about PP, but we will come to this later.
The law itself:
You can read it at your leisure.
I'll tell you right away what will happen if there are 7 transactions on the Saving account. It depends on the bank. Someone will take a large commission, or the bank will close the account. Therefore, the first rule of working on BA
- Always read the FAQ and/or documents from banks. Terms and conditions, so called. There are over 6,000 banks in the US, all with different rules. There is no limit on the number of transactions for Checking.
A: Are transfers between your accounts also limited by them?
B: Yes, if we transfer from Saving to Checking within the bank, there is still a transaction for debiting. And it is taken into account. If we transfer from a card to an account, there are limits.
A: Are there any limits on the amount on Checking? Up to what amount can it be less suspicious, or do you need to analyze the behavior of the CH?
B: It is necessary to analyze the behavior of the CH and read the documents of a particular bank. There are banks with a ceiling on funds in individual accounts.
A: So if the transactions are within $100, the $1000 transaction will be blocked?
B: It won't be blocked. It may raise suspicions from the bank. The bank has its own AntiFraud. Just like in stores where CC is entered, the bank has the same. For example, if a customer spends $100, and here is a $1,000 transaction. They may call him and ask for confirmation. It also depends on the method of draining funds. There are more noticeable methods that are stopped fairly quickly, and there are less. We'll talk about them too.
Okay. Now let's move on to non-core accounts. Non-core accounts. There are usually 4 of them (which are worth highlighting): Mortgage, Deposit, Loan, Invest (Brokerage).
Mortgage is a mortgage. It shows a normal amount, with a plus, but you can't withdraw money, since the amount shows the debt paid off.
Deposit - if there is a deposit, then it is logical that there is money there. But to transfer or withdraw it, event X must occur. Like death, default, birth. Or it lies for a while (deposit until 2022, for example). You need to find out the conditions for withdrawing the deposit. It is still a problematic account, even though there is usually a large amount there.
Loan - a credit account, like for studying. Usually - a target account - a car, a house. You can drain it, but it's problematic.
Well, there is still Invest. This is a brokerage account, from which the CH can buy shares, in the US stockbrokers are more common than here. It can be classified as a specialized one, but it has many nuances.
It's funny, but in the last screenshot I ended up draining the very last (Saving) account (not completely, of course). I didn't manage to get to Invest, CH lit up after a certain amount left. Some investment firms allow you to link non-core accounts to them, thus, you transfer money from the bank (for example, you can't drain such an account, you link it to a firm where it is possible to transfer funds to other, external (External) accounts).
A: We don’t touch non-core accounts at all?
B: Not exactly. These accounts can also be drained. I'll give a standard example from my practice. There is such a thing, called logs - the CH stillak is loaded into the PC and from there all the logins-passwords-cookies come to you. And there are people who process these logs.
Let's say they know how to drain the PP (what can they do - you go via Cookie, click Send and get the benefit). So, such a "drainer" goes into the PP and sees 100-200 dollars there. And drains it. Thus, killing the log (CH notices and changes the passwords). And there was also a BA in the log, for 100 thousand dollars.
What I want to say is that if you don't touch and avoid complications, you'll get less profit. So you should consider EVERYTHING, that's 100%, especially in the first 4-5 months. We'll talk about methods later. For a start, of course, the simplest accounts are Checking and Saving.
A CH can have many accounts. From one to 100, for example. A CH can assign a nickname or give a name to each account. In addition to accounts from another bank, card accounts are usually attached to the BA - this is what is written next to them.
And there is also the opposite situation, when there is Internet access to the card, where you can view transactions, but you can't do anything with it. This is not a BA, this is a card account, no one needs it. It does not reach Enroll, since there is no complete data about it (details), CVV and Exp. Date are missing, it is important to understand this difference.
Okay, let's take a little break and look together at what we have here on the accounts of this BA.
Money Market is a cash register account, i.e. a corporate account, it belongs to the company. If you noticed, there is a credit card here - a business one. This indicates that the account is corporate. These are accounts within one BA. Different people. Employees of the company, yes. Money Market, logically, is an account with a constant flow of funds.
Accordingly, draining from it will not be something shameful either, the CH themselves regularly do this, sometimes they will not even notice. I am a business owner. I can transfer money to James, Mercy, Louise and a bunch of other CH, or I can transfer to "AeroSleep", we buy some products from this account (this is an example, in fact, I am not the owner of the account). Okay, Money Market can be attributed to the profile, but it also has its own specifics when working. Do not be afraid to touch the Money Market account, my advice to you.
Okay, let's move on to the details.
Details are information that can be used to transfer money to an account, i.e. account data for replenishment, in short, or for withdrawal, you can also issue an invoice for payment, in general, this is information about the account that allows you to perform transactions with it. The most important detail for a BA is its owner. Therefore, we need to know the first and last name of the owner. And if we talk about Russia - yes, the details can include a correspondent account, BIC, etc.
And in the USA there are 7 main requisites.
1. Name of the CH.
2. Address from a real post office (not email).
3. Telephone.
4. Email.
5. Card number (if any).
6. Routing Number.
7. Accounting number.
I think it's clear with points 1 - 5. Let's look at 6 and 7. Routing is a unique number of a bank branch, issued to a bank branch. Well, you know, Sberbank offices, for example, are everywhere, each of them has its own unique code. The same is true in the USA. But there is a difference from Russia - in the USA, each branch receives its own license for each type of operation. For direct deposits, there can be one Routing number, for electronic ones - another. What does this mean - you may have heard about checks in the USA, and checks are sent to one address, to one Routing Number, but when you want to link your BA somewhere or to something - the Routing is already different.
Accounting is an account number, as you might guess. A separate accounting number is issued for each account. It usually consists of 9-12 digits. The account number is assigned by the bank when opening an account. Let's see how it happens in a bank, otherwise a dry narration without images does not promise the acquisition of knowledge.
Do you see two Routing numbers? One for direct and one for electronic. Each license (each Routing) in the USA costs 120k - 170k. And opening a license for Wire transfers in a distant city with a population of 1000 people - does not make sense. And assigning a separate Routing for this, waste money. They simply use the license of a neighboring large settlement. And the commission for this service will go to the profit of the neighboring city.
Okay, let's move on. Well, you know, there is now a whole profession of cyber crooks, they are called carders, I think. I heard something about them, they say they have gone completely crazy. And banks are fighting them, it seems. And banks think that by changing the appearance and code of the authorization page in the BA, they will protect their clients, make the bank cooler. In fact, they are kind of right, because there are Brute'ers, and Brute is written largely based on the page code. Well, we cannot see the BA details unless we go there. I am talking about Brute, not logs. We will not always be able to go to the BA. For this, we need a statement. It is called a Statement. It is sent to the CH monthly by mail, and is also available from your personal account online at any time. Where to look for and view it - in almost all BAs you can find a special tab.
Open this tab and download Statement. I usually download it. I advise you to do the same, it will be useful in your work (further), example - you will be asked to draw, you can do it yourself in a couple of clicks. I will write about drawing separately. You will be able to do it yourself, without resorting to the help of the drawers.
Usually, CHs don't receive Statements by mail, but every month the bank sends a reminder with a link to these statements. And some CHs don't give a damn, imagine that you constantly receive spam from the bank, it's not cool, and you become indifferent after some time. My advice is to look at the date of the last Statement and build your work based on it. It is much better to wait for the day when CHs receive a statement in the mail with no fraudulent transactions. This increases the chances of success. CHs also receive statements in paper form, by mail (USPS). There, the statement takes several days and there is room for maneuver. Is it possible to disable statements? No. You can choose between online or paper statements.
A: How long does it usually take to work with BA?
B: There are methods that allow you to receive funds in hand in 30 minutes. There are methods that take 7-10 business days. The level of profit and required skills varies.
Besides statements in BA, there are also so-called warnings (Alerts). A scary thing, actually. These are notifications that are sent to the mail or SMS of the CH in the event of certain events. An example is a write-off of more than $1k. Crediting funds. Logging into an account. Now think for yourself, are people who are engaged in PP smart people? Who buy Brute accounts, attach them to BA, press the deposit. Especially public banks, like Chase, where almost every account has several warnings connected. This is for you to the question of why PP is dying. No, not because it does not give.
Well, in our work, warnings (Alerts) are also not a very pleasant phenomenon, but we can at least influence them. There is a special tab in the bank with these warnings, and opposite each line there are 3 CheckBoxes with a choice of where to send the warning. SMS, mail or nowhere.
Okay, look. If we choose nowhere, we may receive a notification about disabling warnings. In addition, the bank begins to suspect something. Some guy flew in with new IP address, from a new machine and turned off warnings. CH does not behave like that.
You can set it to email so as not to provoke AntiFraud too much and start spamming it. Ideally, you change your email and spam the old email. But changing your email is another Fraud for the bank. The most unnoticeable action is to set SMS warnings. When you change your phone number, the notification does not go anywhere, if you do everything correctly. Advice. Do not delete the CH phone number, guys. This is also very noticeable for AntiFraud. In many banks, you can add a second (Secondary) number. That is, YOURS. And redirect notifications there. You can use Google Voice, TextNow. Not all banks eat VOIP. And they have been tweaking them quite a lot lately, banks do not eat them. Therefore, there are services for receiving SMS from the bank and for 2 dollars they will lick you.
After you put the second number, leave the account for a day. Do not immediately make it the main one. Let it sit for a day - set our number as the main one (Primary). The CH number can now be deleted. If you have access to mail - run to the mail, see what's going on there. Maybe the bank will send a letter to the mail. That the number has been changed. Or some banks have an internal message system. And it says about the number change. You need to take all these points into account, read and delete. Otherwise, the CH will notice. Not even that. The chances of failure increase.
After changing the number, I recommend waiting for some time. 1-2 business days. Why wait? The thing is that you are shown that the number has been changed. But in fact, this is not the case on the bank's server. It takes time to consolidate the information. A little off topic - the CH address is changed by the bank in 5-7 WORKING days. And you see the new address IMMEDIATELY after it has been changed. And you have no idea that it has not been changed yet. When I say address in this context, I mean residential address. Weekends and holidays in the USA are not considered banking days. Therefore, we avoid them when working. On these days, you can do whatever you want - look for offices, register accounts for yourself, deal with hanging problems. But do not work with CH accounts.
Now about the withdrawal method, we will consider the main methods further. But now it is worth mentioning the following - based on the transaction history, we need to look at the amounts that the CH operates, where it spends this money, how, we need to adapt to the CH behavior as much as possible so that the chances of success increase. Think for yourself how the bank reacts if a person flies in from a new system, with a new IP, removes all notifications, fixes his account and drains the entire balance. The golden rule of working with BA: The first transaction can never be more than 30% of the account balance. It is also worth remembering - after entering the BA, in any case, when a new working day begins, a notification will pop up that the login was made from such an IP and such a computer yesterday. You must definitely catch this notification. Sometimes it comes to the mail, sometimes not. Depends on the bank.
Banks work according to UTC -5 (in winter -6). Transactions are credited: 4-30 am, updated - 12-00 pm, additional accrual - 4-00 pm. New working day - 00-00. It also depends on the bank, but I gave you approximate data that is the same for most. There is a bank that likes to accrue at 8 am. So here you can and should also look individually. And yes, still, closing the topic of notifications. You understand that we need to catch a minimum of Fraud points. Therefore, any changes in number/mail/addresses are undesirable. Ideally - when the CH has notifications turned off by default.
A: What about the IP address for BA? What criteria are mandatory when choosing based on experience?
(Open ports, blacklists, FraudScore). What about system setup, can I use Linken Sphere?
B: However, it's enough for me. Criteria - I check for blacklists. I don't check FraudScore. Ports - also none. 100% by Whoer and absence from blacklists - and go ahead. Regarding system setup - I use Portable FF copies for each bank. I have a separate working American machine with English Windows and DoubleOpenVPN forwarding. Regarding LS (Linken Sphere) - I use the paid version for work, I don't even look at other antiquities. I usually select SOCKS in for the city.
Yes, my SOCKS live surprisingly long, everyone complains, but I feel comfortable. There is SOCKS, which has been alive for 8 months already. I created a BA self-registration in August. And since then I have been logging in from one SOCKS from Yes, it sometimes crashes. There is no SOCKS in the network, then I take another one. Thus, I have a list of SOCKS, from which I log in to the BA. We are talking about self-registration.
If we are talking about entering Brute accounts or logs - here under ZIP. Everything is included, WebRTC is hooked from Proxy. If anything, then I do not manually register WebRTC, I just have a parameter in FF: about:config. In the search for FF config, enter Proxy and look at all the parameters. For example, ice.proxy_only. In general, any work begins with configuration. I would recommend starting with searching for a description of the variables in the configuration of this config. Yes, it is difficult, long, tedious. That is why no one configures it, and if they configure it, they do not say. This parameter is more than enough for me. Turning off WebRTC also works like a red rag sometimes.
Depends on the bank as well. But if we are talking about registering an account in banks, then it is better not to provoke once again and not to play at luck, and so much time is spent on breakthroughs.
It is best to find out what changes, how each parameter affects, and then choose the best one for yourself. The system is best set up by those who enter CC. But this is enough for us. I will tell you right away. The mechanics of working with card entries and with BA are different. The system settings are also different. There is no more profitable topic in C than BA. But many people give up on it, because it is difficult.
It's easier for many to just press one button and everything will always be fine. But here you have to think, search.
I also want to say that it is worth working more on logs, but if there is no money, then take Brute and work with it. Brute's start-up capital will help you get there, as well as your bruises. Logs cost from $50/piece. Or you negotiate with people for %, but there is little of that now.
A: You said that taking PP, linking BA and making a deposit is not a very smart idea, but what to do then?
B: Specifically with PP, I don't consider the work highly intellectual. It is built on ordinary, repeating simple patterns. Well, think about it, if there is a BA with notifications, a person buys a pack of BA, and he cannot influence these notifications.
Binds BA, makes a deposit. Out of 10 PP accounts, one survives. It is best to work with BA. Look for new methods, offices. PP is usually suitable for those who are starting their journey in S. But in BA you can potentially make many times more. PP is ONE of hundreds of offices in the USA. Offices that allow you to work with BA.