Assange vs Empire: British court to determine Wikileaks founder's fate


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Why does the US want to transfer Assange from prison in London and what is stopping them?

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is now in his fifth year in prison in London, awaiting a court decision on his future. Recently, a hearing was held in the case, the purpose of which was to determine the chances of possible extradition to the United States for sentencing. The court's decision remains unclear.

Since 2019, Assange, 51, has been fighting extradition to the United States, where he faces up to 175 years in prison for espionage charges. The charges stemmed from WikiLeaks ' publication of classified documents revealing details about US military operations and diplomatic missions, including civilian casualties in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The situation became more complicated after Assange lost asylum in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, where he was hiding for 7 years, trying to avoid extradition to Sweden on charges of sexual crimes, which were later dropped.

At the last hearing of the court in the UK, the possibility of an appeal in his case was discussed. Assange did not attend the hearing in person due to ill health, but he was supported by dozens of protesters outside the courthouse.

Assange's defense team claims that his activities were aimed at revealing the truth and protecting the public interest. The lawyers also point out that the US authorities discussed the possibility of his murder or abduction during his stay in the Ecuadorian embassy, which adds a political dimension to the case.

A British court ruled on the possibility of extradition after receiving guarantees from the United States that Assange will not be subjected to torture and inhuman treatment. However, this decision can still be challenged in the European Court of Human Rights.

Assange's wife and human rights organizations are sounding the alarm about his state of health and the possible consequences of extradition. They call for Assange's release and an end to the persecution, stressing that his life and freedom are under threat.