Carding Forum
So, getting started with the TanTan dating app:

Why TanTan?
- The application is very popular among Chinese and Koreans. These nations and even Tajiks, Uzbeks and Russians meet here.
- Location - here they won't be able to tell you "sorry little one, I'm in Tajikistan"
- Blocking system - practically never see blocking of accounts, very rarely see for 3 days for mass complaints about a fake page.
- Scammers - in this application there are very few scammers with different schemes and it is easier to breed mammoths
- Registration - you can do it via your phone number or Facebook account.
First of all, we need to come up with a legend about the girl, the age is preferably 21-25 years old, Russian by nationality, in no case Chinese, etc. because of this there will be a drain on the spot through the appearance. They will be glad to meet a Russian woman in the application because there are few of them there. Also, we will choose a photo for the girls, it is advisable to look for a pack of photos so that they can throw them off if necessary.
My legend looks like this:
Kristina, 24, I work as a stylist in a beauty salon (I do manicures). I came to Moscow from Veliky Novgorod a year ago. I rent an apartment myself. I like to clean the house and cook. I am looking for a serious relationship here, the main thing in men is honesty and courage.
The legend has been invented, all that remains is to register in TanTan and make a location of our address!
First, we need to change the location. To do this, you need to install the Fake GPS application from the Play Market or AppGalery (on iOS, the geo is changed differently, Google will help). Then, after installing the application, you go into it and provide access to the application in the phone settings to change the location according to the instructions at the entrance. After that, you click on the three dots and select the Go to item and you will see a menu in which you need to insert the coordinates of the address. To get the coordinates of our address, you need to go to the Yandex Maps website. On the site, you enter the address where the mammoths are found, and you will have information about the address, and you will need to find the coordinates item and copy the numbers. Then you return to the application and insert these numbers and you are teleported to the location of the address and you click on the start button and the location has successfully changed. Do not forget the location can return to the previous one after stopping the application!
When you have successfully changed the location, then install the dating app and come to register via phone number or Facebook account. I think no one will have problems with this.

We changed the location and made a questionnaire, now our task is to look for mammoths!
The way to find mammoths is to like the profiles, you first analyze the profile, and then like it, the main thing is to look at how many km the mammoth is from the location and if more than 50 km then it is better to skip , if the second country is indicated then we also skip. If the number of km or country is not indicated in the profile then you should look at the profile in detail and then with a high probability it will show km or country.

We liked the profiles and now we have chats with mammoths. Start of the dialogue
It is worth starting a dialogue with "Hello, are you in Moscow?" This question should always be asked because yesterday he could be in Moscow, and today in China. NEVER write "let's get acquainted?" From English this is translated as let's meet and mammoths will be intimidated by this. It is better to write if you mind talking to me or let's talk. You can also address mammoths as you do so that they understand that you communicate with them with respect.With his consent, we ask three main questions at the same time.
• Where do you live? (To know for sure if he is in Moscow)
Where are you from? (We find out the nation, no need to specify, they do it themselves. It is important that we do not bring the North Caucasus and everything connected with it). What do you do for a living? (It is important that we do not bring lawyers, attorneys, cops and civil servants in general)
Also, don't reply to them with messages like: "Ok", "Cool", etc., show them that you have a lot in common, that you are interested in them as a person, for example, for the place of work "construction", we can reply: You probably have a hard job.
• After we have learned the BASIC information that we NEED, we move on to warm-up questions, for example: Questions of this nature show your interest in the mammoth.
•How long have you been in Moscow?
Do you like it here? What do you do in your free time?
Have you had a girlfriend before? Why did you break up? Do you like me? What do you like about girls? What is the purpose of the meeting?
If a person is interested in a meeting, then he himself offers a meeting, but if not, then we continue with messages such as:
- You know, I like live communication better.
- Damn, I have absolutely nothing to do in Moscow
• I'm so bored today, maybe we can sit SOMEWHERE and have dinner? (here
It's not important to say "cafe" or "restaurant", it might trigger them)
It is important to remember that we do not say a specific cafe, but to arrange a meeting at an address or metro station. You can use a call after you have learned the basic information about the mammoth and it is not against the meeting in principle. You can write:
• Give me your WhatsApp number, I'll call you when I get off work, we'll agree on where and when to meet.
Great, we have set a place and time for the meeting, write to him every 2-3 hours, ask if everything is still going well, if he is coming, if everything will work out.
- Phone with TanTan app or emulator on PC
- Chinese proxies or VPN
- Phone number for registration or ready and verified TanTan account
- Registered telegram or whatsapp account (the place where we will transfer mammoths to send them a link)
- Actions during a bath
- Your head, which can think, use a translator and be creative.
- Android Phone App - FakeGPS
- Application for using Chinese proxies on iPhone Potatso
- To start, you need to enable VPN from Hong Kong or other rich cities in China.
- Download the TanTan app. VPN must be (!) enabled (sometimes fakeGPS may be required, especially when working with emulators)
- Nord and Windscribe have Hong Kong as their location. You can use another one
The essence of work in Chinese
There is a popular dating app in China called TanTan.Our task will be to communicate with the mammoth, the ultimate goal of which will be to pay for a subscription to your OnlyFans account. The minimum subscription cost will be $40 (for them, this is pennies). The most important thing is that they go for it! Now let's calculate ... If you have a pretty girl in your photo, who is liked by 100 Chinese per hour, it is possible to get only 10 mammoths per day (in money, this is $ 400). Of course it is possible‼ ️ It will be a shame for you if you get only 10, and not 50 people per day. The Chinese are willing to dialogue, almost everyone communicates in English and many want to see your pussy and titty


1. Download the TanTan app
2. Setting up a fake location in the emulator

Location setup
A window like this opens, in it we search for China on the map and select the city we need. In my case, it is Beijing.

Press orient
Next we need a number to register an account
Go to the site and buy a number for registration. I buy a Hong Kong number for 45 rubles (you can try cheaper) Don't forget about VPN
Enter this number in the application
Next, we enter the code from the SMS activation, fill the account with regular photos of a pretty girl - beautiful, but not model-like, so that it looks realistic and cute.
When you've done everything, start liking all the Chinese +- 5 years from the age we specified, we like no more than once every 15-20 seconds. From 15 minutes to a couple of hours, the algorithms will check your account and allow you to chat with those who also liked you.
Make 10-15 likes and let the account rest for 20 minutes. When you like a mammoth, look through all of its photos, go to the profile and don't forget to swap mammoths in refusal! No need to like everyone you see!

When you like and you come across a mammoth with mutual sympathy, a notification appears on top. We will have a dialogue in messages, we will be able to write to him.

Click on the mammoth and a dialogue will open

Communication begins
Next, read the communication manual, the link is in the main manual.
This is what payment looks like from the mammoth's side

Subscribe button

Subscription selection

Select payment method

Tantan can be banned often, you need to register new numbers, but you can confirm the account, and then it can live forever.
If you are banned in TanTan:
- With PlayMarket on Android it's clear - you create a new email, log into your account, download Tan, register with a new number.
- With Apple ID it's a bit more difficult. Go to the Apple ID creation page in the browser, create a new Apple ID. Then go to the APPSTORE with your new Apple ID! Do not log out of Apple ID in the settings, log out of the AppStore, go to a new one, there will be two-factor authentication. Write the number to which you just registered your account, then in the service with SMS you receive another SMS to this number. You receive an SMS, fill out the form in the appstore. Write the city Moscow, put the index 101000, Mira street 10/20/30 (the numbers are not important), write the same number from the service. Then download Tantan and register.