Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity: Cisco absorbs Splunk for $28 billion


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Cisco expands horizons: Splunk is now on the team.

Cisco announced the acquisition of Splunk, a software developer for processing and analyzing machine-generated data. The deal is valued at $ 28 billion ($157 per share) and is expected to be completed in the first half of 2024. Once the process is complete, Gary Steele, President and CEO of Splunk, will join Cisco's senior management team.

The acquisition will allow Cisco to integrate the Splunk platform, designed for integrated work with machine data, into its ecosystem. This move will strengthen Cisco's position in cybersecurity by providing customers with more powerful tools for threat analysis and big data processing.

Chuck Robbins, head of Cisco, emphasized that the joint work of the two companies will create the basis for new innovative solutions in the field of security and monitoring based on artificial intelligence. In addition, he expressed confidence that thanks to the combined efforts of both companies, enterprises of various sizes will be able to significantly improve the level of their cybersecurity.

Gary Steele, head of Splunk, shared his vision for the future after the merger. He expressed confidence that the partnership with Cisco will open up new horizons for the development of Splunk and help many organizations strengthen their positions in the market.