Anti-skimmer overview


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Here will be an overview of anti-skimmers that I have encountered in various countries.
For whom can this information be useful? It can be useful for designers of hulls and skimmers, because it's no secret that a good case in terms of stealth will be one that is made in the form of an anti-skimmer.
And so,
let's get started:

1. Perhaps the most common model for wincor:
Looks at ATM like this:
And has a fairly large number of modifications.
Works as a plug to prevent the installation of in-slot skimmers or other types. It can also work together as a "break" module. Which is triggered when the anti-skimmer is removed.
Were noticed: everywhere.

2. Works by third-party manufacturers:
Looks at the atm like this (put on wincor, ncr and others, wherever they can fit):
They are used exclusively as stubs, installed from the inside, so it is impossible to pull it out. But it is possible in countries where such anti-skimmers are common (so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion among holders), to make such skimmers (2 out of three cases seem to be created for this) and look for ATMs on which there are no such anti-skimmers and work to work.
Were seen in: France, Holland, USA.

3. Plug for NCR:
Looks at atm something like this:
This type is not widespread. Used as a plug to prevent the installation of foreign devices.
Were seen in: Holland, Denmark, Germany.

4. "Lips" for Diebold Opteva: Over the
past couple of years, more and more ordinary lips have been replaced with similar ones (several varieties were noticed in terms of transparency / quality of plastic, etc., most likely the handiwork of local Kulibins). And of course, it is not at all difficult to use the same lips, but for different purposes.

5. Green for NCR:
Also the most common type of anti-skimmer. Various types of skimmer bodies have been made and will be made for them, such as a "mitten" dressing over or simply a "substitution", when the ATM on which there is no anti-skimmer, it "suddenly" turns out to be installed.
Were noticed: everywhere.

It is not a big problem to purchase original bodies and fit skimmer bodies to fit them, basic social engineering skills are enough. And everything would be fine, but there is the worst kind of anti-skimmer for our brother:
Modular / electronic anti-skimmers. When installing modules (there are also a huge number of them), outwardly no changes can be seen, but when installing a skimmer, Alarm occurs - it may have different consequences, since modules can be configured as you like: ATM can go to "out of service" after 5 minutes, cameras can start recording 24/7 immediately (since usually cameras do not write 24/7), and the most unpleasant thing: it may not turn off at all , but just report the alarm. Further, it is possible to call the cops, ambush and receive upon withdrawal. But this issue is resolved by the presence of observers at the point. Yes, and it remains to be glad that this type of anti-skimmers is quite expensive, and taking into account that banks have not 2-3 ATM, but hundreds, or even thousands, equipping all ATM with this type of anti-skimmer is quite a costly exercise.

We don't even consider jitters and the like. with modern skimmers, this is all well done.
Successful skimming and I ask you, treat skimming like a business, be prudent and careful!