Another confession from a carder


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It was 2017, I was then working in the direction of carding and everything was going quite successfully, if not for one BUT. There was money, there were clothes, BUT the monotony of the work simply killed, over time you become bored with monotonous actions.

Even then, I remember how my friend’s ass was burning to put the money into some real business. And when there is money - why not?

We searched for a long time, thought for a long time, “who and where?” and after a while, fate confronts us with the user Upo (his nickname). And this same Upo led us to the seller of the Cutlet ATM Marker.

The software allows you to hack the ATM in such a way that it starts giving out money from the cassettes. After some brainstorming, it was decided to take the software through a guarantor. After the first successful job, the seller receives $5,000, and we are a ticket to a comfortable existence.

What did we get for $5,000?
Another confession from a carder. Carding, Drama, Long post

Green - software for working with ATM;

Black - libraries for work and ini files;

Red - manuals for work.

Software for work included:
Another confession from a carder. Carding, Copy-paste, Drama, Long post

Software for work.

Red arrow - shows which bills are in the ATM (5k, 1k, 500r, 100r);

Blue arrow - generates a code for CUTLET MARKER, it changes each time accordingly;

Green arrow - checks the ATM for the possibility of issuing and issues it.

I would like to emphasize that we are not meat that will do anything for the sake of money, before going anywhere, we thought about everything and drew up a plan of our actions. We took care of safety and found a way out to fire (just in case). In general, everything was like in that film about bank robbers.

All preparation took several months. During this time, we thought through a plan, bought all the equipment: clothes, masks, firearms, a walkie-talkie, and even some kind of jalopy on four wheels.

Our city, which had 500k+ souls, was not suitable for us, you understand. We started driving around villages and towns. We needed an urban-type settlement so that somewhere on its outskirts there would be an ATM, which we would surround our Rus' like a Mongol yoke, once upon a time there a long time ago.

After some time, the victim was chosen; it was a small branch of a savings bank on the outskirts of the village, inside of which there were three ATMs. We prepared ourselves mentally, weighed all the pros and cons, and came to the conclusion that it was time to jump into our jalopy and take these pieces of iron to hell!

The road to the village passed in deep silence, and cold sweat flowed down my forehead and back. Having parked 100 meters from the department, the X moment came, everyone understood that there was no way back.

Moment X:
Kent sits in the car, waits for the signal and shoots after the nimble. So I got out of the car, going to the terminals, my heart was beating like crazy, the adrenaline in my blood was going through the roof, but I, one might say, already smelled this money and understood that nothing would stop me!

But before performing all these actions, it was necessary to spray all the cells in the department that were there with a spray can. It was written in the manual that the percentage of people looking at these cameras is very small, because the video is recorded on them autonomously.

He splashed all the cameras, ran out into the street and ran to his sidekick, we’re waiting. We also sat in dead silence, waiting for the highway to light up with the colored lights of the “security service” car. 10-15-20 minutes, but they are still gone! We went out, smoked and decided to continue.

I take with me a backpack with all the devices, a firearm (just in case), a crowbar and bags for money. I go into the compartment, bend the side cover of the ATM with a crowbar and insert the USB hub.

all those months of preparation for the operation.

on the line, it was really like in those movies. You cannot convey that feeling of euphoria when the imaginary silence was broken by the sounds of the ATM, which began to count out the bills! EVERYTHING WORKED!

I forgot about my fear, the money, one might say, just fell out of it!

There were a lot of them, I was loading the bags while the third terminal was already spitting them out, and the other two were already empty. Apparently, there were no less than 800 thousand there. I collected everything, collected and collected, until it came to my ear:

- I see sirens on the highway, get out!
(I remind you that there is a police station in the middle of the village, and around there are fields and you can see if someone is coming from the highway, and the entrance there is just fucked up, it leads through the entire village, which played in our favor, because if you drive along the field, you will get stuck in a swamp)
Either the cops or the security, I didn’t see any other options, my heart almost stopped! I worked too dirty, unacceptably dirty! I had to quickly wrap up, all my things were scattered, and I touched some things without gloves..

Money moved into the background, I had to clean up my tracks! The whole process took 1 minute, maybe a little more.

I run out and fly to my friend’s car, which I could barely get into because my legs were just weak from fear. We hit the gas, so much so that there was dust all over the village. There was a heated discussion about what to do and where to go, as well as who would get which bottle, because there were simply too many of our prints in the car.

It was decided to burn the car; we agreed on this decision unanimously.

Sirens could be heard just everywhere, the whole way we rode on a glass that was compressed so that the needle would not get through.

Here we are leaving the village, driving along the highway, and an ambulance, a fire department, cops fly by - wow! We are panicking, it seems like they didn’t do anything like that, why do we need an ambulance and a fire brigade!

The main action of the night:
As we later found out, there was a fire in the village, some kind of bathhouse was burning and all these guys were going there. And you know, thank God that everything turned out this way. Who knows what would have happened if there had been no fire. We went there and did what we wanted, got a boost in the form of dough, a bunch of gray hair and unforgettable memories.
Some time after the first case...
We stepped into a new life, immediately recouping all costs many times over, all doors were open to us. We were not worried about the issue of money (by those standards), we could afford everything (according to our desires), which is what we did.

Everything is like in those films, one to one. The main characters hit the jackpot and continue on as usual - drugs, whores, booze. Trite? This is a harsh reality. We also thought that we would continue to work with a cool head, but when a mountain of money falls on you from above, it blows your mind, take my word for it.

Fortunately, I was not the same hero from the movie, I always thought ahead, yes, I spent money just as thoughtlessly, but I put aside about half of my bank until better times.

We continued to work according to the same scheme:

Found an ATM in the middle of nowhere - Quickly poured it - Went off into the sunset.

We began to work faster, I could no longer be brought into a sense of euphoria by all this money that was scattered all over the floor when the ATM spit it out like crazy.

Flashback from the last case where we worked together...
This was the last raid in which only the two of us worked. The goal was the same village, where we intended to unload at least 3 ATMs. We were already experienced, so I had no desire to climb in and cover the cameras with spray paint myself. We found a local guy who willingly did it for us, but he also received 5,000 rubles for one smeared camera.

True, there was one awkward moment when he was painting over the last camera, the alarm started blaring and he farted on his slippers along with the gravy. Who the hell knows why she honked the horn, but no one came, even though we waited for 20-30 minutes.

After waiting until nightfall, it was decided to move out. We took the same equipment for business. This time the car was left in the forest. To hit the jackpot, we split up and went to different bank branches, which were located not far from each other. Communication was maintained via radio. I fondly remember those moments when I was talking to someone else about life, and I was pushing the HUB into the hole to hack the ATM.

So I pull the third ATM, the other 2 are already empty and I don’t know why, I’m starting to get very nervous. This rarely happens to me and it worries me very much, my ass senses something is wrong, which means it’s time to get out. Having never finished, I collect all the treasures, collect money and fuck off.

My whole operation took about 15 minutes, when I went outside I told my friend that I gave him slippers - he supported me and also folded up. Of course, your ass itches when you run through the streets, everything around is empty, the streetlights are shining, and you have two bags of dough. My nerves got really bad then, I flew into the forest and lost contact with my friend.

Our approximate path.

I am I; K - Kent; The square is the meeting place.
I got there quite quickly, because the forest made it possible to move unnoticed, but my comrade was nowhere to be found.

I'm waiting, I'm panicking. Thoughts in my head - Should I fuck or wait? Maybe they’ve already tied him up and are coming after me? But after about 5 minutes I see this idiot heading towards me.

As he told me, there was a bunch of people near his ATM that had gotten crazy and the cops were called for them, well, that’s what we hoped for. We get into the car and get off. He's driving, I'm counting the profit. Only 4 bags, mine has about 1 million 500 rubles, my friend has 2 million. In short, it’s fucked up, and laughter and sin - we understood that they would definitely look for us, but at the same time it didn’t give a fuck, we had a shitload of dough , and a bunch of plans for how we can spend it.

The car was sent to the dry cleaner, and then handed over to the guy at the scrapyard. The news didn't say a word about our raid. Everything seemed to be great, but there was a series of failures...

After this operation, there were many times when we splashed the cameras, the alarm went off and security came. Apparently everyone was notified to be more vigilant and our operations would be disrupted.

Biggest mistake:
After all the events and joint operations, my friend was inspired to assemble a whole team that, like pirates, would raid ATMs, and we would blow the dick and take 50% from the pack. I immediately said that the idea was bullshit, anyone could cheat/turn us in and then it would be fucked. But there was no stopping him. He communicated with the recruits personally. The discussions lasted about a month, we did not work all this time, and I was already preparing to move to another country. And my friend, as it turned out, was already conducting interviews in full force, collecting all sorts of scumbags from all over the city and choosing the best among all this meat.

Having assembled something like a team, he began to train them, but these Indians didn’t even hold a phone in their hands, what kind of machinations could he do with the “cutlet”? But the sidekick was stubborn and taught them everything. I had to train them to work with the software. I did all this on Skype, changing my voice with programs. No one saw my face, I was already living an ordinary life and was seriously thinking about moving.

The day of X has come. His gang went to the first case and carried out 7 ATMs in a day! They were like savages, they flew into the department, fucked up the guards, they didn’t give a fuck, they definitely didn’t think with their heads. I don’t know how much they earned then, but my percentage was a little more than 1 million. It’s quite possible that they screwed me over with the payments, because according to my friend’s stories there was a ton of money, but only pennies reached me.

They were looking for them, that’s for sure, although they worked harshly, everything was done correctly. The flaw was that there were drug addicts on the team, who were enough for 2-3 cases, after which they died from an overdose, or they were even killed by the same drug addicts and robbed because they did not keep their mouths shut.

My friend was constantly looking for new guys, I just taught them how to work with software remotely. There were 14 groups in total, they worked every day. In fact, there were 5-7 groups constantly working, because some of them merged after a couple of cases. The raids were no longer carried out on villages, but on cities. I received my percentage and lived in chocolate, everything was getting closer to my move...
Sad end.
Call from my homie. I find out that one group was captured by the cops, he panicked because all these thugs saw his face. It was decided to finish, but my friend did everything as if he wanted to go to the bottle, he was not eager to cover his tracks and finish.

Everything seemed to be quiet, they were looking for us, it seems to me that they were looking for us, but not a word from the box. It was not profitable for them to tell them that they were so easy to rob, and the insurance covered all losses.

Everything was like this until that group was caught. I was ready to fuck, and my friend began to drink. He came to me almost every day and said:

- I wish I could fuck 20 ATMs like that and get the hell out of this country.

I could only assent to support him. I knew perfectly well that he had no money, he had wasted everything on parties and unnecessary crap, but I had all the documents ready for the move and money for the first time.

I told him that I was leaving the game and didn’t want to participate in it anymore. We already had about 40 raids for money, we targeted villages, they were looking for us, I knew that for sure, that’s why I decided to call it a day. There is no need to judge me, I perfectly understood where this was all going, my only regret is that we didn’t stop earlier.

In general, our conversation somehow faltered, but I saw that my friend still had a bad feeling. We said goodbye, after which he disappeared for a week. No calls, no letters, I'm really hooked...

Night. About 2 hours, approximately. Call from a friend.
- Brother, help me, I'm dying...

I have a fucking lump in my throat, I fly out into the street, he somehow tries to explain to me where he is.

I find out that he decided to work solo using old points. He was caught by a private security company, with two wounds - in the leg and shoulder. He crawled to some garages and asked me to help him.

I hear some conversations in the background, then a friend’s voice - Don’t hit me! And spanking with screams.

I throw away the phone, I can’t describe my state, I just wanted to cry. To be honest, this is no longer funny, I’m just in a wild panic!! I’m fucking home, packing my things, I couldn’t sleep anymore, my flight is only in a week..

I spent a week at home, I didn’t go anywhere and didn’t communicate with anyone. The doorbell rang, my heart was beating like hell, my ass rolled somewhere under the sofa. I look through the peephole - my friend’s mother! I open it and find out that her son was captured for the raid on ATM, his house was searched and they found 3 million, gunshots and other crap. He himself is now in a coma, because when he wanted to escape, he was hit in the back, and there his spinal cord was hit.

I turn on the fool, I say that this is the first time I’ve heard about this, this cannot be, I begin to say that my friend was not capable of this, and in general that this is a complete FAILURE!!

After 3 days I fly to America, where I live to this day. My friend survived and was given 12 years of general imprisonment. He seems to be sitting fine, he set up his mobile phone and even called me a couple of times. Of course, I talked and supported him, but after the last conversation I changed my number and cut off contact with him, forever.

My friend remained disabled and uses a wheelchair; when he came out of a coma, he was offered to help the investigation. As a result, he turned in the entire gang of drug addicts, everyone except me... I am very grateful to him for this, I hope that he will keep the secret. I help his mother in every possible way, sending money once a month, ala help from Putin. I know that this won’t pay me off, but I’m doing everything I can.

That's it, that's the end of the story.
