Anonymous hackers claim to have hacked the IT systems of the Israel Defense Forces


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Is it worth believing in such high-profile statements, and what do the IDF representatives think about this?

As a result of an alleged cyberattack by a hacker group associated with the Anonymous collective, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) faced allegations of compromising confidential data. According to the hackers, they gained access to 20 gigabytes of information, including more than 233,000 military documents in various formats, including PDFs, Word documents and presentations.

The defense department, on the other hand, denies hacking and emphasizes that their multi-level protected computer systems could hardly be directly compromised. And if any hacking really took place, most likely it was civilian systems.

Hackers published a video showing allegedly real fragments of IDF presentations, but the agency considers this as a possible element of psychological warfare, calling into question the authenticity of the materials.

Earlier this month, the same group allegedly conducted a cyberattack on the IT infrastructure of the Israeli Ministry of Justice, claiming that members of the group managed to penetrate the security systems of the department and upload more than 300 gigabytes of data. According to hackers, the data array contains 8 million files, including sensitive personal information.

The group's motives remain unclear, but some members have expressed anti-Israel sentiment, which may link the attack to a broader geopolitical agenda.

It may also be that there really was no compromise. We saw a similar strategy last month with the Mogilevich group, which simply started a bunch of rumors that it had allegedly hacked several large companies, and then solemnly declared "the greatest cyber fraud".

According to The Jerusalem Post, the national cyber agency previously issued a warning about a surge in cyber attacks after Ramadan targeting Israel's online infrastructure, including websites, digital systems, and sensitive data leaks. In addition, hackers can use tracking programs and attempt to illegally gain access to systems for espionage or sabotage.