Anonymity on the Internet did not save the scammer from punishment

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Some people commit crimes remotely, creating fake accounts in instant messengers and on Internet platforms, hoping to remain unmasked in this way. However, such "privacy" is a myth. This was reported to the correspondent of the agency "Minsk-News" in the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs.

A young resident of the capital was in dire need of money. Instead of earning them by honest labor, he decided to improve his financial situation by criminal means. So, in one of the groups of the Telegram messenger, where they leave messages about acquaintances and "flets", the guy began to correspond with a foreigner, creating an account with a female name for this purpose. During the conversation, they agreed on an intimate meeting. Of course, the clever resident of the capital was not going to go to it – it was just an excuse to extort money from the interlocutor.

The malefactor on behalf of the girl began to complain to the new acquaintance about the difficult financial situation. He, in anticipation of a pleasant evening, agreed to help and transferred 100 rubles to his card, not even assuming that he was communicating not with a beautiful lady, but with a man. When the money was credited, the scam artist simply deleted the correspondence. The guy was sure that a foreigner would be ashamed to write a statement to the police and talk about the transfer of money for the alleged sex.

– When the victim realized that he was deceived, he turned to the police. The identity of the 22-year-old suspect was quickly established, and a criminal case was subsequently opened against him under Part 1 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus ("Fraud"), " said Andrei Bahar, head of the criminal investigation department of the Leninsky district Police Department. – Online dating fraud usually follows the same scenario: scammers create fake profiles that are as attractive as possible. After unobtrusive communication under various pretexts, they persuade the potential victim to transfer money to them. When the goal is achieved, the attackers stop communicating or delete the account, deluding themselves that it will be impossible to expose them.

Another unemployed resident of the Leninsky district, a regular at gambling establishments, met girls online and offered them assistance in obtaining visas. When they agreed, he asked them for 200 euros to allegedly apply to Estonia to prepare an invitation. After that, under various pretexts, the attacker lured more money from them, which he spent on gambling. Thus, he deceived seven girls for a total amount of more than 10 thousand rubles. By the way, a 31-year-old Minsk resident has previously been convicted of fraud.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Bahar noted that even after deleting the account, digital traces still remain. Modern technologies allow law enforcement officers to establish the identity of a suspect using them, so the alleged anonymity will not help to evade responsibility.