Angie 1.5.0: now under the BSD license, compatible with Russian operating systems


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A new version of the high-performance HTTP server has been published.

The Angie development team has introduced a new version of a high-performance HTTP server and proxy server that works with multiple protocols.

The Angie project is now available under the BSD license and has demonstrated its compatibility with several Russian operating systems, including, but not limited to, Red OS, Astra Linux Special Edition, Rosa Chrome Server, Alt, as well as the FSTEC-certified version of Alt.

Web Server is responsible for the development and maintenance of Angie — a company created in the fall of 2022, which has already attracted investments worth $ 1 million. Among the key figures of the company are Valentin Bartenev (former leader of Nginx Unit development), Ivan Poluyanov (former head of frontend development in Rambler and Mail.Ru), Oleg Mamontov (former head of the NGINX technical support department), and Ruslan Ermilov (an active member of the community [email protected] ).

One of the key features of the new version of Angie 1.5.0 is the implementation of the http_acme module, which automates the process of obtaining and updating certificates using the ACME protocol from Let's Encrypt, saving administrators from routine tasks of keeping certificates up to date. To configure the process, a convenient configuration is offered, which greatly simplifies working with certificates.

The auto_redirect directive has also been added, which optimizes the automatic redirection process, making it easier to control server behavior in situations where the request URI does not end in "/". This feature makes the web server more flexible in processing requests.

Angie 1.5.0 also extends integration with the Prometheus monitoring system, providing an alternative to using epochal time instead of the standard ISO 8601 format when exporting metrics. In addition, the statistics API has a new "recovering" state, which allows you to monitor the gradual recovery of upstream hosts after failures, improving the overall reliability and stability of the system.

Version 1.5.0 is also synchronized with the latest changes from the nginx 1.25.4 repository and supports installation on operating systems, including FreeBSD 13 (arm64 architecture) and RED OS 8 (x86-64).

Packages for modules that support working with NGINX Native OpenTelemetry (the angie-module-otel module ) and the updated package for nginx-opentracing to version 0.34.0 have been updated and extended, which opens up new opportunities for monitoring and tracing the web server operation.