And when not on the darknet? Google's Dark Web Report privacy feature Feels Where It's Needed Most.


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Google has expanded the capabilities and geographical impact of the feature.

In a world where cyber threats are becoming more urgent, Google is taking new steps to protect its users ' personal information. Today, the company announced the launch of the "Dark Web Report" feature for Indian Google One subscribers.

What is Dark Web Report and why is it important?

The darknet is a dark corner of the Internet, where numerous illegal activities take place-from drug trafficking to the sale of stolen data. Your personal data – name, date of birth, phone numbers, and email addresses – may be targeted by cybercriminals. The "Dark Web Report" function actively monitors your information and warns about its leakage.

Users who have activated "Dark Web Report" create a unique profile, where they indicate data that requires specialized monitoring. If the specified information is detected in a leak on the dark web, the system sends a notification to the user, allowing them to take timely data protection measures. It is worth noting that Google One subscribers get advanced monitoring capabilities: setting the update time and expert recommendations for actions in case of data leakage detection.

The feature also became available to users in India, where the number of cases of cyber fraud is growing every year. The Dark Web Report represents a significant step towards strengthening the digital security of Indian users.

Note that Google first announced the launch of the feature for Gmail users in May of this year. Once enabled, Gmail users can scan the darknet for their email addresses and take measures to protect their data based on Google's recommendations. For example, a user may be prompted to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect their account from hacking attempts.