Analysis of the shadow profession. The world of selling debit cards.


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The world of debit card sales
Attention! All information is provided for informational and educational purposes only. The author is not responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this article.

Hello everyone! Today we will take a look into the world of debit card sales and talk to one of the top sellers in this area.

Happy reading!

I bet that you, my dear future criminal, at least once, but came across advertisements for the sale of bank cards.
It doesn't matter where - advertising for this service can be found in any social network and in any search engine. Every shadow forum or Telegram chat is full of this kind of advertising.

The abundance of offers can give the impression that everyone can handle this business.

"All you have to do is collect drunks in the area, force them to issue a card for a bottle, and then sell it in a cart."
- so will think everyone who has ever thought about this profession.
And the price tags for cards start at $ 50 and end at $ 250.

Highly profitable, considering that you get this card for the price of a bottle of vodka.

Is it really that simple?
What are the risks of sitting on a bottle?
How does the business work from the inside and what are the pitfalls?
All these questions, and many others, we asked one of the top debit card sellers.
And now we are ready to share this valuable information with you ?

Interview with a top player in the debit market. Start.

? I want to warn you right away that this article is for informational purposes only. All this is nonsense of an old paralytic, all the characters are invented, and your fucking guy is watching you.

Only two people are involved in the interview: Me and the Seller. For a clearer description of who is who, I mark us with the letters: "I" (here everything is clear) and "P" (seller).

Me: Hi, I'm sorry to distract you, but you agreed to be interviewed, so why waste your time - let's get started?
P: Hi, nothing, I have more than enough free time. You can also answer the questions ? I
just warn you right away - I won't tell you a lot of details.

I understand. If the question is inconvenient or it is better not to talk about it, tell it directly. We'll skip it. I, like many readers, are interested in your field of activity. But I understand that a lot should remain "behind the curtain."

How did you come to this?
P: Like many who start doing shadow business - everything was bad in life ?

Me: Why this particular sphere?
P: What else to choose without having a name on the forums and reputation?
Just this.
It always starts with something small.
Let's say that when I started, I sold 10-20 cards a week and was very happy. I had a couple of drop guides, proxies, and they made these cards. I took at one price and resold x2.
Received 50k a week.

Me: Not a bad start ?

P: For a start, maybe.
But sooner or later, appetites grow and you involuntarily begin to increase your turnover.
With an increase in turnover, a greater number of drops come, which cannot be physically tracked.
This is how the first card thefts began. Here I thought: "Something needs to be changed."
I packed up and went to another city. I rented an apartment for drops and began to carry them around the banks myself.

Me: Where did you get drops in another city?
Consider an unfamiliar place.

P: Drop conductors.
People were rushed to me, and I took on all the expenses (tickets, food, accommodation).
Yes, because of this, I received less profit than if they sent me ready-made cards. But it received protection from theft of money from cards.
Here, as elsewhere, the law works: the miser pays twice .

Me: Did you deliver them to banks yourself?
P: At some point, yes. You leave with them early in the morning, just before the banks open.
A drop sits in the car, you give him a SIM card - he flooded into the bank.
I left the bank, took everything from him at once and drove to the next one. And so in circles.
He worked from dawn to dusk, one might say.

Me: Ok, you made the cards. The question is: where and to whom to sell them?
P: On the forum, in its own thread. This is exactly what I did.

If you do not have a deposit and the service (topic) for the sale of plastic is not open, you should not poke around here at all.
At the very beginning of the journey, I did not have a service and a deposit. I was fortunate enough to find a good customer to work with. It was thanks to him that I was able to save up for a deposit and open a service.

Me: How much did you deposit and where did you deposit it?
P: Mandatory deposit for trading plastic 200-300k. Without this - nowhere.
Plus the opening of the service (also paid, but I don't know the current prices, and the old ones are no longer relevant anyway).
I made a deposit and created a service on DM *.
I still carry out my main activity there.

* DM - There is a Dark Money forum, created back in 2012 for cashiers, dumpers and cash-out services.
Me: I see.

And how long have you worked yourself?
Until a certain turnover of cards / funds?

P: Yes.
In general, you should not take ready-made plastic from someone. It is better to do everything yourself and check everything yourself. Until there is a circulation of 150-200 cards per week.
Then you can take the driver and check.
Checked, by the way, part-time and the sender.

Me: Wow, 150-200 cards a week by yourself? Not so bad.
P: It's realistic to make 200, 300, and 500 cards a week. The main thing is to have someone to give them to ?

Me: Wow, where can I find so many drops? These are not feeble crowds of people.
P: Well, how to say. I do not recommend looking for drops on the Internet.

Where to look for them and how to look for them already think for yourself. The students are the smartest - they always try to pull the dough off the cards.
The best solution is to work with drop lines.
There are a lot of reliable ones, the main thing is to look well.
Do not be greedy and pay from 5k per card to drop drivers. This will stimulate their efforts.

Me: Let's end this part of the interview with a beginner's advice and move on to the insides of this kitchen?

What advice would you give to beginners? ?
P: Do not give up if money is stolen from your card.
Give back and work on - these are working moments.
Work for the name, then the name will work for you.
If you have problems with nerves and you are soft-bodied, you should not get into this activity.
Only the best stay afloat here.

An interview with a top player in the debit market. Inside view.


Me: I thought for a long time where to start the "Inside Look" part and settled on what they usually end up with: Risks .
Many readers and I are interested in the issue of risk.

What articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does your activity fall under?
P: You'll be surprised now, but not under what ?
Unless, of course, you can't talk to yourself.
There is no sale of bank cards in the UK. And it is unlikely that she will appear there in the near future.

Me: Ie. Does it not fall under any illegal banking fraud, etc.?)
P: Yes. Absolutely.
If they come to a drop, he simply says that he sold the card to someone on Telegram and that's it.
They say he did not receive money.

Me: Not bad enough ?

But you probably follow the rules of "network hygiene"?
What would you recommend for beginners to use?

P: Of course. Without it, it's completely nowhere ?
Proxy + VPN
Handset in flight mode
Wi-Fi router
And every 2 weeks or a month, change everything, including accounts.

Me: Great, very useful information ? Now you work in a team, right?

Tell me, what do you use to communicate within the team?
P: Trema * and Signal **

* Trema - Threema Secure and Private Massanger

** Signal - Signal Private Massanger
I'm fine. We learned about security and communication. It's time to move on to the most interesting:
What does the scheme for receiving cards look like from their creation to the receipt of the finished material by the customer and how many people are involved in this chain?

P: Are you definitely not a cop? ? You ask such dangerous questions.
I will say this: my people can be counted on the fingers of two hands.
And the diagram looks something like this:

  1. The drop receives the card from the bank and gives it to the driver.
  2. The driver collects the finished material from the drops and transfers it to the inspector / sender
  3. I receive addresses to send and pass them on to the verifier / sender
  4. Checked checks the material and sends it to the required addresses.
As you can see, there are not many people in the chain to create a good flow of cards. But even this amount is enough for large volumes.

Me: Indeed, a short cut. How many cards does one average drop make on average?

P: It is better to consider here not the number of drops, but the crews.
One crew - 4 drops.
Make 20 to 40 cards a day.
Here you will never guess how it will go.

Why me?

Is the banking system somehow opposing you?
Do they not give a card to a drop or what?
P: Of course.
There are many factors and pitfalls. Up to the point that the drop fucking did not come out. Among them, there are still those missed managers ?
For example, St. Petersburg and Moscow are not at all suitable for our affairs. There, "banking supervision" is tougher. Face control will be worse than any club.
But, like Kazan or Novosibirsk - the very thing ?

Me: What about blocking?
Do such incidents often happen?
P: Yes, they block mainly due to a change of device or if the application has been deleted for a drop .
Well, or if the drop hid the money and did not replenish the card for 200r, this also happens.

I'm serious? ?

And what is the replenishment for? Proof to the bank that the account is being used as intended?
P: No, it's just that each bank has its own chips upon receipt : Somewhere 1500 is required, somewhere 200 rubles, somewhere 0.
In some branches, replenishment is required, in some not. Moreover, both of these branches are one bank

Me: Hmm. Well, you are in a position to issue such a large flow of cards. Who are your clients? Who in business needs so much material?
P: Well, basically, I shave off 1-2-5 card buyers. Already so insolent that too lazy to lift the ass off the couch.
Basically, work with wholesalers is built. Well, so that they take 50-100 cards a week.
These are mainly scammers and cash-out services.
And in general, clients do not say what they are taking, and I do not ask. What is it to me?

There are those who take overdraft and drown the drop in minus.

Me: Ugh, tough. Another minus in the piggy bank of work with a drop ?

Never, under any circumstances, work with drops. This is for reference.

Okay, how do you arrange delivery?
P: We work with courier services such as CDEK.

Me: For example, I ordered AK-47 seeds on one site, and I received a registered parcel with the return address of a lawyer agency. It is clear that this was done for the laying and anonymity of the parcel. Do you use these "tricks"?
P: Yes, but we ship from the left docks, from the left address. CDEK don't give a fuck what to send - in our case there will be no return.

Me: Well, that's all clear.
Next, I would like to touch upon the stressfulness of this profession.

At the beginning of our conversation, you mentioned that you shouldn't appear in this case if your nerves are naughty. I think this is because of working with clients. does any sales imply communication with a wide variety of people?
P: You understand correctly.
Sometimes the head is fucked.
Sometimes they refuse to pay the mat.
And you need to have your own approach to everyone.
Especially there are a lot of demagogues, like those who spend the whole day trying to ask about all kinds of petty fucking, and then merge.
But now I do not work with small buyers, and among wholesalers there are fewer brainworms ? but there are such people as well.

Me: So, buyers who refuse to pay the checkmate?
P: Yes, and there are such.
You send plastic, for example, 20 pcs.
He writes: "Marriage 10 cards, give a replacement"
You send a replacement and wait for payment - but he does not pay.
In the meantime, you check the cards on which he wrote about marriage - and they have already been worked out.
So it turns out minus 30 cards

Therefore, it is necessary to take an advance payment, at least 50%
So that, if he himself does not earn, then at least calculate the drops in order to work to zero, and not to a minus.
In general, there are many different cases, you can't even mention everything.

Me: Hmm, it's interesting though.

How much do you spend on advertising your service and where do you buy it in general?
P: Nowhere.
Almost all cashiers communicate with each other. All their own and everyone knows everyone.
As I said before: First you work for a name, then it works for you.
And so, on DM (Dark Money), when the service is opened, it goes into the advertising budget.
And of course, "Midas" with "First Illegal" is nowhere else.

I'm not bad.

What about the competition in your niche?
Are there competitive wars or attacks against each other?

P: Without this, nowhere ?
I don't really want to tell - here, everyone will be as clean as they can. But the multi-moves are different among themselves. Very interesting. Only hyenas survive, and Lions are bitten and with a bunch of arbitrations))
Don't poke your nose where you don't need to and rat clients.
He will read and understand ...

Me: Easter egg ?
And so, let's summarize :

What is required and what investments are required for a good start?
P: In general, the list of expenses is as follows:
  1. Your service + Deposit 200-300k
  2. Costs of drops for round-trip tickets if the drop is from a region or another city.
  3. Accommodation, but it is better to rent monthly.
  4. Food at least 500 rubles per person and ride 3-4 people by car.
  5. You need to work out a drop for 2-3 days. This is from 10 banks.
  6. Plus, pay for service in each bank.
  7. Plus, the driver has to pay according to the number of cards made.
  8. I checked the share, for the number of checked and sent ones.
Me: Well, we came to the sweetest. Grandma ?

How much do you cut, cowboy?)
P: Look, taking into account all the costs, from one card I have about 1-3k, it would seem a little, but with the volume this figure is quite good.
1kk per month can be earned.
But you need a lot of strength, a lot of drops (20-30 people per week) and a lot of nerves. For I am going to work with such a contingent stupid

Me: 1kk is possible, the perspective is clear.

But how much do you earn on average per month?
R: From 200k to 1kk. You can never guess here.

Me: Decent, even very much ?
This is where my questions end, in general I understood what's what.
Thank you very much for your time and help in obtaining material for the article. We will not advertise you, but you do not need advertising ✌️

P: Yes, not at all ? but if you are a journalist and I see a video of correspondence on YT or on TV, I will deanon you ?

Me: Uh, don't worry. I am making reviews ?



And so, my dear future criminal, it's time to take stock.

  1. If you want to go into this business - get ready for the costs. You can't do without them.
  2. Miser pays twice. Do not be greedy and generously pay for the work of your employees (including drops).
  3. Although the business does not violate the laws of the Russian Federation - observe the rules of "network hygiene" otherwise the bottle will come close to your "golden ring ".
  4. As with any scalable business, there are many pitfalls that are easy to cut your belly into.
  5. In addition to money, you need brains, ingenuity, straight hands, leadership qualities, the ability to communicate with the most diverse contingent.
  6. Work for the name, then the name will work for you