Amplifying the audio skimmer signal for dummies


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And so you bought a skimmer! But the signal from the head is weak, although the pressure is good (as you think) and there is no interference-pickup. And still the signal is shit! And instead of stinking and splashing indignation at the seller or the assembly technician (who has already drove off to your grandmothers raised from the sale in Goa), I offer you a small revision of your skimak to amplify the signal (along the way, reducing the noise from the evil spirits of the induction fields guarding each ATM!) And yes, I know that you cannot solder and the words "one-transistor passive signal amplifier" sound to you like a spell to summon Satan (if this is not the case, then the article is not for you, oh my great maestro of the soldering iron)!

So you bought a microphone. Or a headset. Better that the thing that you speak into has the shape of your thumb. Well, not what you thought (obviously overkill), but in general, any will do. The fact is that by breaking it apart, you are less likely to break the fintilyushka we need from this microphone. And we don't know how to solder properly, so it's easier to solder wires to a large part than to a small one.

In short, the microphone was chosen and bought. now we break it. You can directly at the checkout. we do not hesitate to break it with our hands (so far we will not break off anything superfluous there). As a result, we should have on our hands a pill-microphone with two wires sticking out of it (the wires have been torn off too? No big deal!)

Examining the tablet, we see that it is surrounded by a cylindrical foil from the side (well, or tin, it does not matter), we remove it. But we are careful not to break off anything superfluous yet. We get a tablet from the bottom of which there will be two scraps from our wires (on a green platform-scheme), on top of a metal plate. And on the sides, under the tin wrapper, there is white plastic. your goal is to carefully pick out this plastic without breaking off the top plate (which stands on one leg inside). The plastic can be cut and it will fall out because it has the shape of a ring with a square cut inside (I explain it crookedly, but you will understand on the spot). And now you will see a green platform-the bottom on which there is a black tripod (we need it!) And two legs go into the bottom (two wires were soldered to them on the other side, and the third is bent and a disk is soldered to it - the top cover of the microphone ... If you break off this disk, then most likely it will break off with the leg together. and under the root of the leg (congratulations, you will have to learn how to solder into extreme holes). So now the goal is to break off this disc without breaking your leg (hold it with thin-nose pliers or bite off the leg with nippers at the disc itself).

In the end, we did get what we need. tripod (the same transistor). Now, in the break of wires from the head to the guts of the skimmer, we need to solder it. one of the wires from the head is called a signal (mark a random one, if you mark the wrong one - it's okay, the skim won't burn, you re-solder it.) In total, we break the signal wire and solder a part of the wire from the head to the upper leg (first with rosin, we drop a drop of solder there, so that the wire did not fall off). And from the intestines to the signal leg of the transyuk (for example, the left leg, if you made a mistake, then you solder it to the right). For convenience, you can solder from the bottom of the green platform on which the tripod stands - there is still solder left from the original wires. Now we take the second wire (not marked, this is "ground"), and we also tear the one that goes from the head to the remaining free leg (we will have the left one, do not forget that we can confuse the left with the right, because Eve does not know from which side you are looking at the tripod). And the remaining "earth" wire from the guts that goes to the same leg (you can just on the second contact from the bottom of the green platform, there the solder from the second wire remained.

Checking. No sound! it means that the signal and the ground have been mixed up. We re-solder all the wires again (we start cursing Eve)!
Checking. Again there is no sound! It means that the left and right legs of the tranny were confused. We re-solder everything again. (Eve's ears turn red)
Checking. And we got fucked! There is no sound again! So we didn't mix up the signal and the ground. Leave the legs in place and swap the signal and ground.
Now everything should be exactly. And if the signal is still bad, then this is already a decoder problem (fuck I'm tricky! XD)