For the smartest carders.

Find a seller on a platform like ebay / kijiji / craigslist who sells Amazon gift with a denomination above 25 usd.

Write to him asking to show three and only three consecutive Gift numbers so that you can supposedly send an email to Amaz and make sure that the card is genuine and not fake.

If he gave you 3 numbers, write a message on email or in Amazon live chat with something like the following:
“My Aunt Jamie received an Amazon Gift for her boyfriend, but when she took it out of her bag, she discovered that the code on the back was scratched and unreadable. My aunt gave the gift card to me because she didn’t need such a gift. What can we do about it?

Support will tell you that they can add the card balance to your account, they just need 3 digits - pass them on.

Wait no matter how long sap asks you to wait, then enjoy your free Amazon money.