All about the work of a pos-terminal cashier


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You, of course, are dressed according to the amount for which you want to make a purchase (a bruise for your next lover - so that looking at this trinket weighing several carats, she remembers you). But there is a problem - you know that the card is not really yours. And in order to feel more confident in this situation, you need to know how the cashier works, what is prescribed for him by his job description. In order to know this, read this article - it's all about the work of a POS-terminal cashier. Although this instruction is taken from a Russian bank, it is a literal translation of instructions that are used in other countries - from the USA to Japan. So now you are in a better position - you know every action of the cashier, but he does not know anything about you.

A small note: many of you have probably seen ads in supermarkets that credit cards are accepted for payment only upon presentation of an identity document. So you should know - this rule is ILLEGAL from the point of view of payment systems and this is pure initiative on the part of the outlet or the bank serving it. Yes, the cashier has the right to ask for an identity card during the authorization process (in which cases - you will find out below), but the requirement to present an identity document BEFORE the authorization starts is illegal. For example, when paying for purchases from MY card, with such a request, I demand to call the store director and make a scandal (I am generally a scandalous person). If I am told that this is the bank's demand, I demand so that I can dial the number of this bank and on the phone I argue with the bank employees explaining to them that they are disregarding the rules of the international payment system VISA, whose card I have, and I am planning to roll a cart in VISA with a complaint about them. Usually works. So know your rights.

So, let's start studying cashier rights and obligations.

on security measures

A bank card (hereinafter referred to as the card) is the property of the issuing bank that issued it and can be used to purchase goods, receive services or withdraw cash only by the legal cardholder. His name is indicated on the front of the card, and a sample signature is on the signature panel, and the details of the identity document presented by him must match the data on the card.
The card cannot be transferred by its legal holder for use to a third party under any circumstances.
An illegal operation with a card means: the use or attempt to use a card in a false name, a counterfeit card or a forgery of the card itself, the use of fraudulent forms of Accounts and Accounts of a different Company, applying additional symbols / records to the imprint from the card - falsification of the Account, use instead of a card clean plastic with data stamped on it or encoded on a magnetic stripe from a genuine card (so-called "white plastic"), entering the code not received at the Authorization Center into the Account, as well as illegal use of the card by its legal holder.
When accepting cards, follow these rules to ensure your financial security:
1. Check the card expiration date;
2. Make sure that the card meets international standards and its use is not limited to one country or region indicated on the card (for example, "Valid only in ...").
3. Make sure the card is not damaged.
4. Check if there are any signs of a forgery of the card;
5. Check the signature on the signature panel - without a signature, the card will not be accepted for service.
6. Make sure that the signature on the Account matches the sample signature on the card;
7. Make sure that the data on the Account matches the data of the presented card - perhaps their discrepancy in case of counterfeiting the magnetic stripe of the card.
I. The main signs of counterfeit VISA and EUROCARD / MASTERCARD cards, which are most often found in Russia at the present time and methods of their detection:
1. Hologram (VOLUME IMAGE). On fake "holograms" the image can shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, but the VOLUME of the image is absent. The background of the real hologram is clear, the images are easily distinguishable and detailed. The background of the fake "hologram" is dim and the image is blurry. A counterfeit EURO "hologram" often peels off ("bubbles") when the face is pressed and the card is bent in the "hologram" area. The foil with the image of the fake "hologram" is lifted with a fingernail. A real hologram does not bubble when the card is bent, does not bulge and cannot be damaged when trying to remove it from the plastic with a fingernail.
2. Panel for signature. Instead of a signature panel, a strip of white paper is glued. The edges of the signature panel are easily ripped off. On the panel, in some cases, the background is missing or erased in the form of a three-color inscription "Mastercard" (EURO cards), blue or three-color "Visa" (VISA cards).
3. Lamination. On the front side of the card (sometimes on the back side), a transparent adhesive film - a laminate - can be applied. Laminating film peels off at the edges of the card, and sometimes does not adhere tightly to the plastic in the area of the fake "hologram" and embossing.
4. BIN of the issuing bank. The first four digits of the account (card) number, duplicated with paint (usually black) can be erased from the card. The BIN cannot be erased on a real card.
5. Logo.
6. Micro printing. The micro print around the Visa logo is practically unreadable and can be easily erased from the card.
7. Stylized symbols. The "V" or "MC" symbols are crude and different from the standard ones.
8. Ultraviolet symbols. In ultraviolet light, cards may not show a flying pigeon for Visa or the letters "MC" for EURO. Some forgeries have these symbols, but they are indistinct and blurred, and the card itself glows, which should not be.
9. Magnetic stripe. Magnetic stripe data does not match embossing.
10. The edge of the card is dark, not white.
II. Authorization.
For security reasons, the cashier must first of all carry out electronic authorization through the existing POS terminal. In case of a refusal to make a purchase, the POS terminal screen will display the message “REFUSAL, N” (where N corresponds to the refusal code, is technical information for processing) - do not perform voice authorization, do not service the card. The cardholder should be offered to contact the issuing bank.
Voice authorization can be performed only if there is no connection with the processing center (the message “Setting error” or “Connection error” appears on the POS terminal screen).
III. Features of the behavior of the bearers of the cards, which should cause the alertness of the cashier.
1. delayed, uncertain signing of the slip / check of the POS terminal;
2.unnatural, nervous behavior, excessive talkativeness, attempts to speed up the execution of the transaction
3.inconsistency of the appearance and surname of the holder indicated on the card (for example, if a person with European appearance presents a card addressed to a citizen of one of the countries of Southeast Asia or Latin America)
4.card comes from a pocket, not from a wallet
5. the desire to buy everything indiscriminately, of any size, etc.
6. the desire to independently deliver home large goods (computer, refrigerator, etc.) despite the service offered by the company for the delivery of goods to your home.
IV. The actions of the cashier in case of doubts about the authenticity of the card or that the card was presented by a legal holder.
establish the identity of the bearer of the card by asking for identification documents; identify the photo in the document with the identity of the bearer of the card and make sure that there are no signs of photo exchange (re-pasted photo) in the document.
record the data of the document on the Account or make a copy of the document.
If there is any doubt about the legality of using the presented card and at the same time there is no certainty about it, you should refuse to service the card, offer to pay with another card or in cash.
V. Actions of the cashier in case of detecting a counterfeit card or an illegal holder.
When establishing the fact of using a card in someone else's name or a counterfeit card, or when receiving an authorization command "withdraw the card", you must:
1. Make out the slip.
2. Give the bearer a signature on it.
3. Ask to show a passport or other identity document and write down its details on the slip.
4. If necessary, a conditional signal can be used when requesting authorization - "CODE 10". The authorization officer himself will inform and call the representatives of the police bodies to the Enterprise.
Take measures to arrest the fraudster with the help of your company's security personnel.
Call the employees of the local police station by phone 02;
5. Draw up a protocol of detention (if the police officer intends to take with him the seized card and the drawn slip as material evidence - draw up on the spot an official protocol of the seizure of these documents);
6. Record the details of the employee who arrived for detention, as well as his position and work phone;
7. Inform the police officer that the 7th Department of the Office for Combating Economic Crimes (UBEP) of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate will be immediately notified of an attempt to use the card illegally;
8. Report the incident to the UBEP Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow by phone. 950-45-38 (39, 40, 41). Around the clock by phone. On duty UBEP - 950-44-40 and the Security Service "Bank-X" - on weekdays from 9 to 18 hours by phone. ________________;
9. Draw up an accompanying note, in which it is necessary to indicate where and by whom the card was seized, the card number, its validity period, as well as the name and surname of the holder;
10. Within three working days, send the withdrawn card to the Department of Payment Instruments "Bank-X" at the address: ______________________________________, along with an accompanying note.
Vi. On what grounds can the card be withdrawn from the holder.
1.the presence of obvious signs of card forgery (see Signs of counterfeit cards);
2. fake magnetic stripe (disparity data from the magnetic stripe data, embossed on the card)
3. The person presenting the card to someone else's name (mismatch of the signature, present the card, signature legitimate holder on the reverse side of the card and / or lack of data of identity documents with data on the card).
4. receiving the command from the Authorization Center: "Withdraw card"
5. the card is seriously damaged (broken, cut, ironed and its print on the bill is not readable).
Vi. What documents can be accepted by cashiers as proof of identity.
The identity of a Russian citizen is established by a general civil passport (fake passports are usually presented with fake cards); a serviceman - with an officer's identity card or military ID.
The identity of a foreigner can be established by the national passport, accreditation card of a diplomat, journalist, businessman.
In all cases when you ask for a document, write down the details of the document on the Account.
Vii. What actions with slips are strictly prohibited
1. Double rolling.
2. Making changes to the remaining two copies of the slip
3. The use of "white plastic" for making a slip
4. Transfer of slip blanks to unauthorized persons.
VIII. Peculiarities of card processing when working with a POS-terminal
It is imperative to compare the number embossed on the card with the number on the check.

ATTENTION! The withdrawn or found card must be returned to Bank-X within three days for the subsequent return of the card to its owner - the issuing bank.
Bank-X guarantees a REWARD for withdrawal from illegal circulation of the card.
Our tel .: __________________ - authorization service (around the clock);

What transaction codes can be issued by a "machine for issuing money", or a POS-terminal?

Transaction codes.

A positive answer is code 00.
The transaction was successful. The client can confidently sign the check.

Code Name
00 Approved Successful transaction
01 Refer to Card Issuer Call CA
02 Refer to Card Issuer, special condition Call CA
03 Invalid Merchant Call CA
04 Pick up card Withdraw card, call CA
05 Do not honor Refusal
06 Error Call CA CA
07 Pick up card, special condition Withdraw card, call CA
08 Honor with identification Call CA
09 Request in progress Call CA
10 Approval for partial amount Call CA
11 Approved VIP Call CA
12 Invalid Transaction Call CA
13 Invalid Amount Invalid amount
14 Invalid card number Invalid card number
19 Re-enter transaction Repeated transaction (copy)
21 No action taken Call CA
30 Format Error Call CA
41 Lost card Pick up Lost card - withdraw, call CA
43 Stolen card Pick up Stolen card - withdraw, call CA
51 Not sufficient funds Insufficient funds
52 No checking account Refusal
53 No savings account Refusal
54 Expired card Expired card. Refusal.
55 Pin incorrect Invalid PIN. Refusal
57 Transaction not allowed for cardholder Refusal
58 Transaction not allowed for merchant This type of card is not supported . Withdrawal
61 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit The withdrawal limit has been exceeded. Refusal
62 Restricted card Restricted card. Failure
63 Security violation Call CA
65 Activity count limit exceeded Failure
75 Pin tries exceeded Bad PIN counter is full. Refusal.
76 Unable to locate previous Call CA
77 Inconsistent with original Call CA
78 No account Call CA
80 Invalid transaction date Call CA
81 Cryptographic PIN error Call CA
84 Pre-authorization time to great Call CA
86 Cannot verify PIN Call in CA
89 MAC error Invalid MAC-code. Call CA
91 Issuer unavailable Issuer bank is unavailable
92 Invalid receiving institution id Call CA
93 Transaction violates law Transaction is illegal
94 Duplicate transaction Duplicate transaction
96 System malfunction Call CA

Note - CA = Authorization Center.


bank card allows its legal holder (hereinafter the “card holder”) to pay for goods and services, receive cash at ATMs and bank branches.

Types of cards.

The following international payment systems are represented in Russia: VISA International, Europay International, MasterCard International, American Express, Diners Club International, JCB International.
The cards are made of plastic and have the same rectangular shape and specific dimensions. Each card has the card number, cardholder's name and expiration date embossed at the bottom.
Cards that have not yet expired or have already expired are not serviced (the validity period of the card is indicated on its front side). The card expiration date reflects the card's start date and expiration date (for example, 07/95 07/97). Sometimes the card expiration date can only contain the expiration date. The start and expiration dates of the card are located below the number embossed on the card. The card is valid from 00.00 hours on the first day of the month indicated on it (in our example: - from 00.00 hours on July 1, 1995) to 00.00 hours on the first day following the month indicated on it (in the example: - until 00.00 hours on August 1, 1997 of the year).
All cards (except Maestro) have a highly sensitive panel with the owner's personal signature. When erasing the signature, the word “VOID” appears on the panel (“VOID” is not valid).
The signature of the cardholder must be made by him with a ballpoint pen upon receipt of the card.
Each card of the above payment systems on the front side has the following details:
- card number,
- card expiration date,
- payment system logo,
- hologram (except Diners Club and Amercan Express, Maestro and VISA Electron not always),
- name and surname of its holder ...
On the reverse side, the card has:
- a magnetic stripe,
- a panel for the cardholder's signature
- a hologram (Diners Club only).
The regional card differs from the international one by the inscription “Valid only in ...” and is accepted for payment only in the specified country.
Each payment system (Visa, Eurocard / MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB) has its own distinctive emblem (logo).

For VISA cards:
On the front side
- the “VISA” logo in the form of a three-color flag (blue, white, gold): “VISA” is written on the white stripe. The logo is located in the upper or lower right corner of the card;
- along the contour of the "VISA" logo in the form of a continuous frame, the microprinting of the code and BIN (bank identification number) of the card issuer is applied;
- hologram (volumetric image) in the form of a flying pigeon, pressed into plastic; when the card turns, the pigeon “flaps its wing” and “stretches its beak”;
- VISA card number starting with “4” and consisting of 16 or 13 digits: “4XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX” or “4XXX XXX XXX XXX” in this case, the last group of numbers must be in the hologram field;
- the first four digits of the embossed (embossed in a special way) card number must match the four BIN digits printed by typographic method, above or below the card number;
- the card validity period can be embossed with the initial and final, for example, 10/96 - 10/98, or only the final, for example, 10/98; the card can be issued for a period of 1 month, 1 year, 2 years and rarely for 3 years;
- after the validity period, the symbols “CV”, “PV” or “BV” corresponding to the type of card (classic, premier, business) must be embossed on the card in a special font “flying italic”. From January 1, 1996, only the “V” symbol can be embossed, regardless of the type of card. Since January 1, 1997, the symbols C, P, B can be applied with printing ink.
- an image of a flying dove (red or violet-blue) in the center of the card, visible in ultraviolet light;
- the personal data of the cardholder (name, surname) are applied by embossing;
on the reverse side
- a magnetic strip soldered into plastic, not glued;
- on the signature panel there must be a distinct (not overwritten, not smeared) signature of the cardholder;
- on the signature panel, an oblique text of the repeating words “VISA”, written in blue; since 1996, the inscription should be applied in blue and gold colors;
- since 1996, the card number and three digits of the security code can be printed on the signature panel; since January 1998, the card number and three digits of the security code are mandatory, located either on the signature panel or on a special strip below the signature panel.

For Eurocard / MasterCard:

on the front side
- the “MasterCard” logo, which is two intersecting circles of red and yellow colors with the inscription “MasterCard” on their background;
- the “MasterCard” hologram is a three-dimensional image of the continents against the background of a repeating multicolor text “MasterCard” visible to the naked eye and the meridian grid is absent, the hemispheres are outlined by a luminous strip consisting of a repeating MC abbreviation;
- “Eurocard” logo (may be absent), representing the inscription “EUROCARD”;
- embossed card number, starting with the digit “5” and consisting of 16 digits: “5XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX”;
- before the validity period of the card since 1996, the BIN of the bank is indicated in typographic way (by analogy with VISA) - from 01.01.99 all cards will have to comply with this standard;
- after the validity period of the card, the protective symbol “MC” must be embossed in “flying italics”;
- the card validity period can be embossed with the initial and final, for example, 10/96 - 10/98, or only the final, for example, 10/98; the card can be issued for a period of 1 month, 1 year, 2 years and rarely for 3 years;
- under ultraviolet illumination on the front side of the card, they are visible in the lower left corner “M” and in the lower right corner in front of the “C” logo (large print), invisible in normal light.
- the personal data of the cardholder (name, surname) are applied by embossing;
on the reverse side
- there must be an inscription “ICA” and a 4-digit number;
- the magnetic strip is “soldered” into the plastic and contains the account number, the holder's name and the “Card control number”, electronically recorded, which can only be read by POS-terminals or other special devices.
- on the signature panel there must be a distinct (not overwritten, not smeared) signature of the cardholder;
- the signature panel has a red-yellow-blue inscription EuroCard or MasterCard at an angle of 45. Since 1996, the printed card number and three-digit security code (CVC) may be duplicated, on the face of the card there are melted lines in this place, repeating the card number and CVC. From 01.01.97 this should be required. From April 1, 2000, banks began to issue cards, on the back of which, instead of the card number, only the last four digits of the card number are placed on the panel for typographic signature instead of the card number.

For VISA Electron cards:

on the front side
For old design cards (issued before 1.09.98):
- “ELECTRON” logo in the form of a blue field with an inscription in white letters “Electron” and two thinning stripes of yellow and red colors, respectively, above and below the inscription “Electron”. The logo is located in the lower right corner of the card;
- along the contour of the “ELECTRON” logo in the form of a continuous frame, microprinting of the inscription “Electron” is applied;
- a hologram in the form of a flying dove;
- “VISA” logo in the form of a three-color flag (blue, white, gold): “VISA” is written on the white stripe. The logo is located in the upper right corner of the card;
- along the contour of the "VISA" logo in the form of a continuous frame, the microprinting of the code and BIN (bank identification number) of the card issuer is applied;
For new design cards:
- “VISA Electron” logo in the form of a blue field with an inscription in white letters “VISA Electron” and a yellow “stroke” between “VISA” and “Electron”. The logo is located in the lower right corner of the card;
- along the contour of the “VISA Electron” logo in the form of a continuous frame, microprinting of the inscription “Electron” is applied;
- the hologram can be present or absent;
For all types of cards (new and old design):
- personal data of the cardholder (name, surname), card number and its validity period are printed or printed, but, as a rule, not embossed. However, some banks may emboss the personal data of the cardholder (name, surname), card number and expiration date;
- the first four digits of the card number must match the four typographic BIN digits above the card number; from 01.01.97 should be applied under the first group of numbers;
- VISA Electron card number, starting with “4” and consisting of 16 digits: “4XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX” in this case, the last group of numbers must be in the hologram field; since 1997 the use of 8-digit card numbers has been allowed, the last four of which are printed in the hologram field;
- the text “ELECTRONIC USE ONLY” “Electronic use only”
on the reverse side
- the magnetic strip is soldered into the plastic, not glued;
- on the signature panel there must be a distinct (not overwritten, not smeared) signature of the cardholder;
- on the signature panel oblique text of repeating words “ELECTRON”, written in blue, red and gold;

For Cirrus / Maestro cards

on the front side
- the “Maestro” logo in the upper right or lower right corner of the card, representing two intersecting circles of blue and red colors with the inscription “Maestro” in white on their background. Instead of the Maestro logo, some cards issued by European banks may only have the edc logo, which is also located in the upper right or lower right corner
- the number of digits in the number is 16, 18, 19;
- card number starts with 50, 56-58 or 60-69 embossed or printed on the card;
- the card is always valid for the last month / year (00/00), it can be issued max for 3 years;
- the name of the issuing bank (the bank that issued the card) and / or its logo located at the top of the card;
- the name and surname of the holder are embossed or printed under the card expiration date.
on the reverse side
- a magnetic stripe - at the top of the card;
- signature strip. The signature on the card must be clearly written in ballpoint pen. The strip should not contain traces of signature changes;
- in addition, the reverse side of the card may contain logos of Edc, EC, Cirrus systems;
system logos ::
- “Cirrus”, which is two intersecting circles of blue and blue colors with the inscription “Cirrus” on their background;
- “edc”, which is the inscription “edc” placed on a white background, respectively, letters “e” - blue, “d” - black and “c” - red and a stylized curved ribbon of blue, white and red colors;
- “EC”, which is two intersecting letters “E” and “C”, respectively, of blue and red colors and a stylized image of a person with a card and an ATM.

VISA ELECTRON AND CIRRUS / MAESTRO cards can be accepted for payment only if there is an electronic terminal (cash register, with the possibility of accepting cards) at the place of sale of goods (works, services) of the Enterprise. Servicing the above cards using an imprinter is prohibited.

For DINERS CLUB cards:

On the front side:
- the Diners Club logo is located in the upper left corner, on the right side of it there is an inscription Diners Club International (for international cards) or Diners Club (for local cards) with an R in a circle;
- a silver-colored card with gray wavy lines and outlines of an expanded card of the world (since 1997) (an exception is the joint Diners Club –SABENA card, where a dove is depicted instead of the world card - the SABENA company logo);
- on local cards in the center of the card there is an inscription “Valid only in…” and the name of the country where this card can be accepted for payment;
- card number always starts with 36, 38, 30 or 39 and consists of 14 digits grouped 4-6-4;
- embossed DC symbol in a circle in the lower right corner;
- security code 2 letters written in printing ink and located above the embossed DC symbol in a circle;
- the validity period of the card is always initial and final, the card is issued for 1 month, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years;
- before the validity period of the card there must be 2 digits - the year of the holder's joining the club, the abbreviation “DC” and two Latin letters of the code of the country in which the card was issued;
- on shared cards, the background of the card itself remains standard, and the name or symbol of the partner company will be applied to the right side.
On the reverse side:
- on the signature panel in the lower part to the right, the credit card number and 3 digits of the security code are laser-engraved;
- must be "Valid Worldwide" (for international cards) or "Valid only in ..." (for local cards);
- there is a hologram in the lower left corner of the card, the embossed DC logo and the card's expiration date must affect the hologram field;
- on the hologram panel there is a DC symbol and a world card, and against the background of the iridescent colors of the world card - the inscription "Diners Club International" appears. This inscription should not be omitted from the background of the card.

For JCB cards:

On the front side:
- volumetric hologram of the “JCB” logo in a three-dimensional color image in the lower right corner (“the sun illuminating the globe, the moon and stars on a dark background and the illuminated inscription“ JCB ”);
- card number always starts with 35 digits and consists of 16 digits grouped 4-4-4-4;
- the card is always valid for an expiration date;
- after the validity period, the five-pointed star and the abbreviation JCB must be embossed;
- additional elements do not appear under ultraviolet light;
- the first four digits embossed on the card coincide with the four digits of the card applied over them by the laser method;
- strictly in the upper right corner there must be an inscription “JCB International”.


On the front side:
- the card number always starts with 37 or 34 and has 15 digits in the grouping 4-6-5;
- card validity period is always initial and final. Term 2-3 years;
- after the validity period - the year of joining Amex and the letters A.Kh. or OS;
- on corporate and personal cards, a four-digit digital code (batch code) is on the right above the number, on Optima cards on the left;
- a Roman warrior is depicted on cards of all types, on personal cards he is located in the center of the card, on corporate cards in the upper left corner. On Optima cards, the warrior image spans the entire right side;
- local Amex cards, which are not subject to acceptance in this region, do not stand out outwardly, but are in the stop list;
- under ultraviolet light: AM - the image of a Roman soldier - EX.
On the reverse side:
- laser number (under the signature panel);
- Amex logo, inscription Made in USA


1. Before issuing a card account, you must check:
a) textured view of the card;
b) the validity period of the card;
c) the presence of the client's signature.
2. When servicing a card on an imprinter, you need to request a transaction confirmation code at the authorization center.
The authorization service works around the clock, 7 days a week, without a lunch break and holidays. Multichannel telephone - ____________.
When requesting a code, you must give the company's cliché number, card number, its validity period and the amount in rubles. It is imperative to know the commands that can be given to you:
1) “Your code is ....”. The code dictated by the operator must be accurately and accurately recorded on the slip in the “authorization code” column. The code can be numeric, alphabetic or mixed.
2) “Refusal”. This answer means that the requested amount is not confirmed. The reason for the refusal can only be found out by the cardholder by contacting his bank. If you receive such a response, you can offer the client:
- pay with another card;
- pay in cash.
3) When you receive a command to “remove the card”, refer to the instructions for safety measures when providing card service.
3. If you have the slightest suspicion that the card is counterfeit or has not been presented by its legal holder, see the instructions on security measures when providing card service.
4. If, after receiving the confirmation code, the transaction on the card is not completed, you must immediately call the authorization center and cancel the code, or perform the corresponding operation on the electronic terminal.


The account consists of three copies:
a) the first copy - the enterprise,
b) the second copy - the client,
c) the third copy - Bank-X.
1. Insert the card face up into the small slot of the rental machine, then insert the invoice into the large slot so that its upper part overlaps the lower part of the card with raised numbers and letters, roll the imprinter roller right and left. By swiping to the right, you will get an imprint from the card; by swiping to the left, the cliché of the company is imprinted. Each copy of the invoice must be clearly printed with the card details (CARDHOLDER) and the company's cliché (MERCHANT).
2. Enter the date of the transaction (Data / Date).
3. Enter the transaction amount in the SUM / TOTAL column.
4. In the column Currency / Naim. Currencies enter RUB.
5. In the Cashier init./Signature column, enter the name of the cashier.
6. In the Auth.Code column. enter the authorization code received at the BANK's Processing Center.
7. In the First four digits ... box, write in the first four digits of the Card number.
8. Offer the cardholder to sign the account (CARDHOLDER'S signature). Check the signature on the account with the holder's sample signature on the back of the card. If the identity of the signatures is in doubt, ask the cardholder to present his passport, and write the passport details on the front side of the invoice in an empty space.
9. Return to the cardholder along with the second copy of the account (cardholder / client). The first copy of the account (merchant / company) remains for reporting with the Company, the third copy is sent with a summary report to Bank-X.
Responsibility for incorrect registration of the invoice lies with the persons engaged in their registration.