Alien contact: a threat or a chance for a new beginning?


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Why scientists are not afraid of meeting with extraterrestrials.

As often imagined in movies, a highly developed alien race arrives to Earth, promising peace and prosperity, but at the same time hiding something that threatens all of humanity. However, how realistic is this outcome of events? A new study based on Hobbs game theory and philosophy offers its own perspective on this question.

The historical experience of mankind can tell us a pessimistic scenario: when European colonizers collided with the nations of America, the result was genocide and the destruction of civilizations. Similarly, many believe that the first contact with extraterrestrials will be fraught with danger.

However, a study published in the journal Space Policy suggests otherwise. Most likely, the first contact will be established by radio at a distance of light-years, and instead of an immediate threat, humanity will have the opportunity to exchange information.

When considering contact with extraterrestrials, the authors suggest using the Hobbesian Trap principle or Schelling's dilemma. The main conclusion is that, despite our concerns, the best strategy is mutually beneficial cooperation.

Analyzing possible scenarios, scientists came to the conclusion that in contact with an alien civilization, humanity will have significant information about them. Knowing that they developed in the same physical universe as us, overcoming many challenges, we can assume that both sides will benefit most from cooperation.

The authors of the article have identified the main axioms of the first contact with extraterrestrials. Their essence is to understand the possibility of communication, be cautiously optimistic, and be confident that the first contact does not pose a significant threat. Interacting with extraterrestrials can bring mutual benefits.

As a result, when people trust each other and work together, our world becomes a better and safer place. Perhaps the same can be said about the interaction of humans and extraterrestrials.