Alfa-Bank denied reports of hacking of the client base by Ukrainian hackers

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Hackers claim to have gained access to the data of 30 million bank customers.

Alfa-Bank said that the allegations that Ukrainian hackers from the KibOrg and NLB groups gained access to the personal data of the bank's customers are fake. The press service of the credit institution and the customer support service confirmed to RBC that the information about the leak is not true and customer data is protected.

"Personal data of more than 30 million clients of the largest private bank in Russia has been obtained. The database contains information about the client's full name, date of birth, account number and phone number, as well as other interesting data, " the KibOrg project said in its channel. In addition, the hackers said that they posted publicly available screenshots with data of the alleged oligarch Mikhail Fridman, who is the co-founder and co — owner of the bank, his son Alexander Ozhelsky, blogger Artemy Lebedev, singer Timur Yunusov (Timati) and singer Vasily Vakulenko (Basta).

According to the Telegram channel "Information Leaks", hackers placed in the public domain a file containing 1 million lines with personal information of bank customers, namely:
  • FCs;
  • Date of birth;
  • Phone number (175.724 unique);
  • Email (18.692 unique);
  • Bank card details.