Air Ticket and Hotel Carding Scheme


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This article will be short, without explanations in the form of pictures, it is worth noting that thanks to this method, you will be able to make round-trip tickets and pay for the trip 2-4 weeks before departure. Agree, this has its own advantage, especially when you fly with a girl, everything is on suitcases, there are 8 hours left before departure, and there are no tickets with the hotel.

This article is for those who like to slowly prepare and do everything in advance.

Actually what do we need:

- European credit card (you can use either a regular one or a non-VBV one)

- Dedic/VM/socks (under the city of the map, we set the exact setting of time, language and other data manually, or using CCtools)

Bought or took a map from the logs - I have the Germans

Next, all we need to do is Google a local office in German, which usually works with German citizens. If you don't know German, then use the built-in translators from Google Chrome to translate pages into the desired language

We exclude in advance offices like: edreams and hedgehogs with them, they are clogged, fucked up. Yes, they have many domains, for many countries, I know what you can do through them, but I prefer a different method, more about it below.

We find a German office that has international flights, as many companies offer flights from cities and surrounding areas of Germany, in our case.

As soon as we find the right intermediary, we select tickets immediately in both directions, if there is a possibility of paying for the hotel, and also add the necessary hotel

Next, we start the process of booking and paying for tickets.

Remember the main rule: don't behave like a carder, but like a real holder

Accordingly your ip location should match the map city

It is rare for a real holder to book tickets and hotels in the last 6 hours before departure, so take the booking interval 4-5-7 days before departure

You register a new mailbox for the person who will book the ticket, it is better to do this on the service and select a subdomain

In billing, you enter all the data from the card, with the exception of the First and Last Name, and in the phone you change the middle digit

As a rule, in all European offices, for registration and discharge of bi

summer, requires: first name, last name, date of birth and expiration date of the passport

Everywhere we indicate that you are a German citizen. Payment on such sites is usually redirected to 3dsecure. To do this, we will need a map without the VBV code. Of course, you can also use it with the VBV code, as anyone likes and allows the material.

In the best case scenario, you will find an office with a dedicated merch that doesn't have a VBV check and absolutely any valid card with the required balance will go there.

If your payment has passed, you will immediately receive information about your booking, and within a couple of hours you will receive air tickets with all your insurance.

When booking a hotel, the scheme is the same, if the office has the opportunity to pay for the hotel, in addition to air tickets-so it's generally great. Everything is generated in one order and paid for at once

Payment For Hotels

In this article, we will talk about how to pay for a hotel reservation with a regular European card.

I will not make a big introduction, as it was already written earlier in the article about "Air tickets". I will only say that to work, we will need a map of Europe, take for example Germany credit gold. Let's take more, 10 pieces, why? I'll tell you more. We are not interested in the presence of vbs. We will look for merchandise that does not respond to 3d secure protection, because it simply does not exist there.

And so there is a goal to make a hotel in Barcelona for 10 days. Directly on the hotel's website, I would not recommend you to enter, as it is too late to cancel.

Remember, the most important rule, unlike air tickets, is that a paid reservation cannot be canceled after check-in. In other words, if you check in, no one will be able to show you that your reservation has flown off and it is now unpaid. According to the privacy policy and rules of all booking offices that provide booking services, you cannot be evicted for a fully paid reservation if you have already checked in at the hotel. But with one condition, if the reservation says: "Non-refundable" - means that if you have previously
paid for your reservation in full by credit card or paypal, bank transfer, then no one will cancel your reservation after check-in. Rules are rules.

There are also exceptions, but we'll talk about that another time.

I chose a hotel for a holiday in Barcelona and stayed at the " Barcelona Princess 4*"

First, we need to find an office, of course, not rubbed to the holes, we do not take,, and others. Although many people still pay for the reservation on the expedition, not on the domain com, but let's say .es or another less clogged one. 2-3 hours before check-in, they hang up and pay for the hotel and get a profit.

We're opening it up and we drive in the following: book barcelona princess

As a rule, Google gives us English-language offices or multilingual ones. On the first 5 pages, the leaders of the booking industry are located, feel free to skip and go further, look at the 10th page and beyond. You can also choose or in another language and already there we are looking for reservas barcelona princess

The essence of this search is to find the least well-worn office, in any language ( you can use the built-in translator in google chrome), which will be happy to send you a booking confirmation ( Voucher
We have seen a lot of interesting things and open in the tabs those sites that you do not know

Let's say we have 10 tabs and each site offers its own booking services.

What do we do first? We are looking at payment methods and what the payment is made through. As a rule, credit cards are accepted everywhere, but we are interested in processing. If you are not new to carding, it will be immediately clear to you whether the merch has 3d secure protection or not. Sometimes this is additionally reported in the offices.

Our goal at this stage is to pay for the booking and determine for ourselves which of all the offices will send the voucher and not cancel it, three hours after entering it.

Since we are looking for an office, it is best to book different hotels on each site, as an excessive number of requests to one hotel can also lead to cancellation by the hotel Security Service. At the moment, you do not have a verified office, so we set the necessary dates on each site, select different hotels, then choose a room: Something like "Pay throw credit card" or "non refundable" or "pre pay" should be indicated there, and so on. We are interested in full payment on the office's website. Many sites only offer to authorize
your card or enter it as a guarantee, and the full amount will be debited from the physical carrier at the hotel, with you. This option is no good, so be careful and look for numbers with the payment option remotely. Next, we fill in the necessary data for booking, as a rule, we only need an email, the name of one of the guests and a phone number (you can specify your left one, you can choose from a fool). I recommend making a reservation the day before check-in, day to day is even better, but there will be much fewer options with hotels, fewer places, and so on.

Go to the processing itself and enter the cards. We chose a suitable room and it says in black and white that the credit card will be charged the full amount for the room and you do not need to pay extra at the hotel. Enter the map. The cardholder is one of the guests. Billing - either you specify any billing, for example, Russian, if you are a Russian or Ukrainian according to your passport, and so on.

In this way, I enter the card as if I were the cardholder. Of all the information, I am only interested in the card number, cvv and exp. The rest I specify from balda. This will work if the office does not have AVS installed ( matching the entered billing data with bank data).

Next, we click the pay button and wait, if everything went well, you will receive a confirmation on the page that your reservation was paid for and you will receive a voucher by email within a few minutes. This is the first option.

Option two: AVS protection is enabled in the office. Our actions: we take a virtual server under the map, in this case the Germans. We enter all the information in the billing, including the phone number and so on, but specify ourselves as the cardholder. This option can also pass, all offices have their own nuances. We are looking for card processing without WB, I wrote about this above.

As a result, we received emails from our offices with successful hotel payments. If you put up your reservation for the day. Then this is a great way to see where cancellations will occur and where they won't.

And there will be cancellations. Constantly check your email, analyze what could have caused it to be canceled. If you have material, try the same office every other day, but using a different drive-in scheme.

It may also be that you did everything correctly, but the bank itself sent a request to the office that you need to cancel the payment. Holder caught on too quickly.

Well, now I will clearly show you how I found one of the m's

leg booking offices that don't work hardcore) I took one gold Germany map and put it in Google: book barcelona princess

Paid for the reservation the day before check-in

I found the following site:

Then I selected the dates I needed and went on to select a number. The peculiarity of this office is that everything is paid for by credit card. Payment is not allowed at the hotel

I selected a number and click "Book Now"

In this office, I followed the method that I am a full-fledged ruler of the map) I drove in the IP address from the Russian Federation and indicated all the data similar to the original ones. Processing here is done via sage pay, and VBV verification is disabled here. After entering all the data, put a check mark, click "Confirm Booking" and pray.

Of course, it is best that the payment always takes place from the first time, so as not to fall under fraud. My map was thick, so I was lucky

I immediately received an email with the order number.

In the voucher file attached below, but when opening the file, it said the following::

Well, if it is written, we will wait for them to approve it and send us a voucher

After two hours of waiting, two emails come to the post office, one with apologies for taking so long and your issue is resolved, and the second email contains a long-awaited voucher.
The voucher is just a confirmation, you can check in to the hotel using your passport, as I usually always do. In the event that the reception can't find your reservation in any way, you first check your email and personal account on the office's website to see if everything is OK with your reservation, if everything is clear, print out the voucher and give it to the reception. Now this is their headache and it does not concern you, usually after this you are settled in 5 minutes)

From myself, I will add that I checked into the hotel using one passport, I did it, I will repeat it the day before departure. Perhaps in this office you can do it in 2 days or more - I didn't check it, and there's no need.

Thus, we paid for a hotel, saving a lot of money on vacation, at a cost of$ 100 for material, when searching for a normal office. And if you already have an office, the cost will be$ 10
Bonus: - the scheme is the same

Paying by Air

We all like to relax, but we don't always have free time, and the most annoying thing is that the opportunities don't allow it.

You can go to a travel agency and book a vacation officially, say to Turkey, but what if the budget is limited, and so you want to fly to the Dominican Republic

Knowing the shady aspects of carding, but not going into details, users book tickets and hotels through third parties at closed venues. As a rule, each of them guarantees that it is precisely his booking at the hotel that will definitely not fly off, and you will successfully check in at the airport. If you ask how, after all, this wizard pays for your vacation ahead of time, then the answer usually follows that it is partially legal, or he has connections in the aviation business, someone completely ignores such questions, only a small part can say that he pays with cards. Using other people's cards.

You pay 30-40% for tickets, a slightly lower rate goes for the hotel. The wizard usually says that he will make tickets and a voucher for the hotel in 1-2 days. But as a rule, all this is done on the last day, even a few hours before departure.

This is done in order to eliminate the percentage of defects as much as possible. By the word marriage, in this case, we mean cancellation of tickets.

Based on your reputation on this or that forum and the reputation of the seller, you can agree on a partial or full prepayment, post-payment, or transfer funds to the guarantor.

Try to always work through the guarantor, even if there is a commission provided. There are too many inconsistencies here, and if you remain extreme, and you sent money directly to the Wizard, it will be extremely difficult to get it back.
These are all lyrical digressions, a short story based on experience from the life and life of my colleagues.

Recently, I decided to try out how to pay for this ticket and register myself. I studied a lot of sites, both airline companies and intermediaries, vulnerabilities of merchant payments, and so on. All of them will be discussed below

There are probably two ways to make your own air ticket and pay for it illegally

1. You look at the websites of different airlines, choose a flight, seats, and get to the point of payment.

The time has passed when you could enter any card and receive your e-ticket by email. Most airlines now
reduce the amount to $ 1 and ask you to enter a mini dep, even if the card payment has passed, the next stage is payment verification.

Regardless of whether the card is issued in the United States or Europe with or without an EDB.

Without going too far for an example, this kind of security is practiced on the S7 website, Aeroflot

With other airlines, you can try to do it directly, it is better to take a map of Europe

I won't tell you about the subtleties of driving directly through the company's website right now, since there is still a second way.

2. Order a ticket through an intermediary, any office that books and issues electronic tickets. On the intermediary's website, you can always see detailed information about ticket issuance. Either the intermediary hangs up the reservation, withholding funds on your credit card and debiting them before departure, or there is an instant ticket withdrawal or within 24 hours. Funds are debited from the card immediately. As a rule, if the interval for issuing tickets on the site is specified for more than a day, then this office is worn out to holes, or the staff will look at the payment details with a passion.

The main focus of ticket processing is realistic payment.

By this phrase I mean the following. You need a flight from St. Petersburg to London, you have bought a card without VBS, say France, then behave like the owner of this card. Many people make a mistake and put on a sock / vpn in France and arrange a flight the next day from St. Petersburg to London. Well, it is not logical and not realistic, you will agree. Real people and operators work in offices, and this looks at least strange. How can a person with a Slavic surname be in France with a French bank card in time for 8 hours in St. Petersburg to fly from there to London?

Someone will also want to bang a real card holder, like I'm here with him, you can't see the will for a century, my friend from the Mediterranean. I.e. if I need one ticket, I make myself and another one for that guy (holder). This option may work, but when you register, you will be asked where the cardholder is and why you are alone. In this case, the success of a successful departure will be equal to 10%

Now let's get down to business. To successfully pay for the ticket, and most importantly, a problem-free flight, we need:

Card. As a rule, this is the Credit type, Gold or Platinum level (Any Europe, Japan, Australia and Oceania will also work, but not always, it depends on the merchant
and office)

1.1 Ideally, this is a map without checking for 3d secure, or a map with the 3d secure code (VBV).

1.2 You can also try to pay with rolls + in the fact that you know the balance, but US cards do not go much now, if only the so-called worldwide beans. And paying for a ticket with a roll of Europe is blasphemy. There are ways to cash out, but this is a completely different story

1.3 Many offices accept payment via Paypal, you can pay, but not with the accounts of countries that have been wiped out to the holes

I decided on option 1.1

We make tickets in both directions at once. And it is cheaper, and there is a high probability that the tickets will not die in 7-14 days. And if the return tickets are canceled, we will do it again, in any case, we do not lose anything.

I bought a map of Holland without VBBV from a seller, opened a multilingual office:

The trick is that there are a lot of support countries there, from the domain .but I didn't pay anything, because I thought it would be paid every second

I needed tickets from Russia to China. The subtlety is that a single merch and the phrase steal from your own people will not work here. This is a multilingual office with operational support in different countries, processing is American, but slightly

Opening it, for comparison, you can open, set the same search criteria, but get completely different results. For example, one domain simply doesn't see half of the available tickets on the second domain.

Now for the setup:

We take the grandfather of the Russian Federation, put proxifier on it and put on the sock of the city of departure. In my case, this is Novosibirsk. I liked the option with the S7 airline.

It is worth noting that if we had chosen the first path of this article, then we would not have been able to pay on the left on the official S7 website .

Next, fill in the data in the form below

On the next page, we offer life and baggage insurance. I don't choose anything, I like to take risks))
The next step is to enter your details and card details. I entered an arbitrary address in Novosibirsk, an arbitrary mobile phone number for the telecom operator, and an index for the street

I refused the offered packages further and also set myself up as a card holder

Click Pay and wait. If the payment is not successful, you will be redirected to re-enter your bank card details. I was lucky, the card turned out to be valid, with a balance, and the payment went through. A
booking confirmation email arrived 10 minutes later

Following this email, my 2 round-trip e-tickets arrived within 15 minutes

Let's sum up the results:

An important caveat: If you book directly, and not through an intermediary, then in 70% of cases they require a payment card and you can't get through without it.

When booking in the second way specified by me, the card is not requested. But if something went wrong, for example, a quick charge arrived, then as a rule, even issued tickets can be canceled, but this happens extremely rarely. In any case, always check your email, especially before departure. There are long-playing map beans and so on. Try entering a map with the VBV code, although again, there are more interesting places where you can spend this material.


I successfully checked in at the airport and went to China. The return tickets also didn't cause any problems, so I left on them as well.


Try to search for non-zayuzannye, not advertised offices, search in different languages, Google translate to help you. Try to pay for it the first time, so you won't get scammed. Choose your payment card carefully and look for delicious bins.

Here are some good ones:

The main thing is never to use other people's cards of the Russian Federation and the CIS in your work!
And remember, each office and merchant has its own nuances. For some, my scheme is suitable, but for others, you will not bypass this method of fraud.


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do you selling air ticket if yes i would like to buy from you 30-40%