AI captured Google News: how the aggregator is going to deal with "junk articles"


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Low-quality and unreliable content may soon flood the Internet.

According to a recent article published by 404 Media, the Google News news aggregator has recently received more and more sites filled with so-called "garbage articles" generated by artificial intelligence. Often these are just rewritten materials from other sources, published without any verification.

An example of such a situation is the case of the Worldtimetodays website, which recently published an article about "Star Wars", which is very similar to the previously published material on the Distractify site.

For some reason, the Worldtimetodays article contained a photo of the author from the original article and some strange wording typical of content created by artificial intelligence. For example, instead of the phrase "Star Wars fans", the phrase "Star Wars fans" was used. The site also featured articles that were hardly reworked from the original Heavy source, including their watermarks on images.

It is likely that the authors of this controversial site have set up an automatic parser for text and images, which are then still automatically processed by the conditional ChatGPT and published in the finished article format. Such conclusions can be reached taking into account the fact that even a minimal check on the part of a person would exclude such absurd errors.

Google representatives quickly responded to the situation and said that the accusations that such sites are prominent in Google News are not true. According to them, such resources can only be seen in the aggregator when using artificially narrowed queries, including filters that exclude the dates of original articles.

Google also reported that the content ranking process focuses on quality, not on the way it is created. Content that is automatically generated to improve the site's ranking is usually considered spam, and in such cases, appropriate actions are taken to display it in the news feed.

However, given the continued development of artificial intelligence and its availability — we can only expect an increase in the number of various articles with unreliable information in the future. A small part of them can still get into popular news aggregators, including Russian-language ones.

In this context, it is important to realize that the appearance of material in news aggregators is not always a guarantee of its reliability, so you should be skeptical of any information from unverified sources.