AI, augmented reality and mobile shopping: what to consider for those looking to try their hand at e-commerce

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We examined which product is better to sell online and which market trends should be paid attention to new merchants.

Online sales could reach $ 6.4 trillion in 2024.
According to Shopify's Future of Commerce 2021 study, the number of people who shop online has jumped from 65% to 84% with the pandemic. In addition, those who prefer physical stores now shop 38% less frequently. EMarketer predicts global e-commerce sales will increase from $ 4.9 trillion. in 2021 to $ 6.4 trillion in 2024. That's almost double the total e-commerce sales in 2019.

These numbers show that the Internet is becoming a major player in global commerce. So why not try opening your own online marketplace? Moreover, you can reduce risks thanks to dropshipping. This retail method does not require storage of goods in a warehouse, because your site is an intermediary between the buyer and the manufacturer.

In which niche is it better to start a business? Here are 5 ecommerce ideas to try.
  1. Appliances
    According to OLX, small household appliances (mixers, hair dryers, irons) are among the leaders in purchases made by Ukrainians on the Internet.
  2. Products for beauty and health
    The beauty and health care industry is one of the largest in the world.
  3. Sale of used goods
    People don't mind using second-hand goods as long as they are of good quality and in good condition. Therefore, you can collect things like clothing, jewelry, furniture and place them on your website.
  4. Smart home products
    The way gadgets interact with each other (internet of things, IoT) is impressive. For example, returning from work and raising the garage door sends a signal to turn on the air conditioner in the house. Despite the potential of the Internet of Things, there are still not many people selling these devices online. So why not give it a try?
  5. Educational courses
    There are many successful entrepreneurs and teachers with valuable knowledge to share. And you can open an online store where these people will create and sell courses. In addition, the need for distance learning, which has arisen with the pandemic, increases the chances of success.
Electronic commerce has been developing for several years. Certain trends have already formed on the market, which cannot be ignored in order to achieve success. We have selected the TOP 7 of them.

Online shopping is increasingly done from a mobile​

E-commerce players are doing their best to improve user experience and facilitate mobile payments. After all, more and more online purchases are made from phones. In 2019, Statista estimated that by the end of 2021, 73% of online sales will be on mobile. Phones enable shopping from anywhere, which is vital in today's world. Therefore, if your site does not allow you to make purchases through a smartphone, you are losing a lot of opportunities.

Augmented reality (AR) helps create a new shopping experience​

Thanks to this type of technology, consumers can not only better view the product through the 3D model, but also try it on. AR is indispensable in areas such as fashion and home decor.

The volume of voice search is growing more and more​

Increasingly, consumers are using voice search to shop online. The growth of voice search is creating an opportunity for e-commerce businesses to diversify their user experience and increase loyalty.

AI (artificial intelligence) helps stores collect invaluable information​

AI constantly collects data about how the consumer makes purchases, when and what exactly they are looking for in a product or service. This process cannot be replicated in an offline store. The data collected by AI enables the shopper to receive personalized product recommendations and better serve customers.

Chatbots make purchases faster​

Chatbots interact with online shoppers in a similar way to a sales rep. The modern shopper wants to be able to find and purchase an item in just a few clicks. Therefore, the chatbot is becoming indispensable.

Video is being used more widely as advertising​

According to experts, a video is better than a photo, it helps to retain attention and familiarize the buyer with the advantages of the product, therefore, it increases the likelihood of a purchase. Therefore, it is worth taking care of high-quality video content on your site.

Sustainability of brands is important​

The inhabitants of the planet are paying more and more attention to the environmental friendliness of the brand. Therefore, you should consider the carbon footprint of the products sold in your online store, as well as the packaging material in which it is delivered.