Abracadabra project lost $6.5 million as a result of the attack


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The Abracadabra Finance DeFi protocol was affected by the exploit, the amount of damage was ~$6.5 million. This was reported by PeckShield experts.

Hi @MIM_Spell, you may want to take a look (w/ $6.49M Loss) pic.twitter.com/uHs0JweuoM
— PeckShield Inc. (@peckshield) January 30, 2024

Specialists of the Blocksec company confirmed the project's losses of "millions of dollars". They noted that the attacks are long-lasting and called on users of the protocol to withdraw their assets as soon as possible.

Immediate action is necessary! Users should withdraw their assets ASAP! https://t.co/boorxklyfO
— BlockSec (@BlockSecTeam) January 30, 2024

The Abracadabra team responded to the incident. According to them, we are talking about the exploit of "several" Ethereum pools or "boilers", as they are called in the project.

Magic Internet Money (MIM), a stablecoin pegged to the dollar, fell by almost 16% at the moment.

Against the background of the project's statement about the intention of the DAO Treasury to buy back and burn MIM as much as possible to restore the peg,the asset price almost returned to par.

We are aware of an exploit involving certain cauldrons on Ethereum.

Our engineering team is triaging and investigating the situation.

To the best of its Ability, the DAO treasury will be buying back MIM from the market to then burn.

More updates are coming.
— (@MIM_Spell) January 30, 2024

Quotes of the native token of the SPELL protocol did not respond to the incident — the price increased by 0.1% during the day.

Blocksec told The Block that the preliminary analysis suggests an attack on the project's smart contract. According to the firm, at the time of the comment, assets worth about $29 million remained at risk.

According to DeFi Llama, the total amount of funds blocked in the protocol is almost $160 million.