About modern cybercops from departments "K"


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Good afternoon, dear habrapeople!

Recently, a “hysteria” that is absolutely incomprehensible to me has unfolded on the Internet regarding the activities of the “K” management departments in different regions of our vast Motherland. Many forums tell chilling stories about scary cyber cops codenamed “kashniks”.

I was puzzled by the controversy that had unfolded and met with several of my friends, the first of whom works in one of the territorial departments of the SKP of the Russian Federation and occupies a significant leadership position there. My second interlocutor was a friend who holds a similar position in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Why did I invite representatives of different departments to the conversation? Because articles 146, 272-274 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation belong to the category of so-called “alternative articles”, under which a preliminary investigation can be carried out both in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Over a glass of beer we had a rather interesting conversation. Briefly, I would like to acquaint our dear readers with some excerpts from this conversation:

Question to both interlocutors:
Guys, what kind of incomprehensible “bouncing” on the part of law enforcement officers began in the areas of intensifying the fight against “cyber crime” and suppressing crimes related to copyright infringement and related right?

Yes, there is such a thing... There are several opinions here... Some believe that this is another “politician” from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose leadership has eaten up all the “baldness” of the guys on Old Square due to the fact that foreign colleagues are putting pressure on him, because In our country, copyright protection laws do not work at all, especially in the ru zone. Others attribute such vigorous activity of the “kashniks” to the upcoming reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as to an increase in detection rates, the so-called “sticks”. The personnel composition of the “Kashiks” has long been no longer a secret behind seven seals. Among them there are practically no qualified specialists left in such areas as IT, information security, suppression of crimes using high technology, suppression of violations of copyright and related rights. Most operas do not even know the basics of criminal procedural legislation, as well as the basics of legislation on operational investigative activities. Plus, we must not forget about the corruption scandals surrounding these units. Many “officers” are really afraid of being on the street.

Question to the SKP student:
I want to ask you a question about the topic and subject of our conversation. How many criminal cases do you deal with per month, and under what charges?

We bring about 10 cases a month to court. In nine cases out of ten, we bring charges under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of copyright and related rights). The object of crimes is overwhelmingly 1C disks. On my territory there are several fairs like “Gorbushki”, and every month the “kashniks” come crawling to me asking me to work in cutting “sticks”. The local OBEP sometimes works when the authorities cannot correct the statistics.

And what are the sanctions in court?

Maximum one year probation.

What about the issues of compensation for material damage to copyright holders?

What material damage? Who needs this? Recently we got hold of a batch of left-wing DVDs with the latest film releases. At the beginning, they sweated copying and logging, and then they got tired of looking for copyright holders and sending requests to them. Do you think any of the copyright holders have responded to me? Nobody! Several years ago, “kashniks” and “obepovtsy” detained a container with porn, the owners and manufacturers were not found, and it still sits and rots in one of the regional departments near the cops in the internal parking lot. Nobody needs all this fuss. Unless it’s “cutting off a stick.”

Listen, do the “kashniks” use any special technical means when conducting operational-search activities? Maybe they have some special equipment, or software, or specialists... for example, when investigating cases related to illegal actions in relation to content?

Are you kidding me or making fun of me? What special equipment? A voice recorder from the time of the discovery of China by Europeans, and a more or less washed homeless person who was sent for test purchases. Do you think that their ordinary opera knows such words as content, domain, domain name registration, administration? I’m still amazed how these geniuses in Moscow managed to “inflate the topic of torrents and dig up something there”! Stopudov, some interested commercial specialists from outside “worked and managed the orchestra.” And I won’t say anything at all about the removal of servers. Why the hell should a follower look for adventures? A more or less sensibly prepared lawyer can stir up such a scandal and stir up such a fuss that you won’t get away with losing your position, in special cases. You can leave the zone.

You might think that you can't stand technology?

Only morons take out equipment and keep it in their possession due to lawlessness. There are an infinite number of ways to secure evidence in a criminal case without causing horror and hysteria, within the framework of the law. Moreover, if there is not enough evidence, but the investigator has the “invoice” in his hands, the suspect himself is interested in minimizing the adverse consequences for himself, and under certain circumstances, without pressure, he will provide everything himself. You know this very well! And taking out servers from providers is complete nonsense! Although, I cannot say unequivocally who is right or wrong regarding the situation in Moscow. I am not familiar with the materials of that case.

Well, have you had at least one case under Chapter 28 of the Criminal Code (crimes in the field of computer information)?

I didn’t, but the police on our territory did. Yes, it floated away! A few years ago, a drunk student somehow managed to shut down an ATM. OVO officers passing by thought that he wanted to steal money. They brought him to the nearest police station. At the department, the investigator on duty managed to initiate a criminal case against the student under Part 1. Art. 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, because thought that the ATM was a computer and the student “hacked” it, because I had a USB cable with me. Thank God that the district prosecutor had his senses and canceled the decision to initiate a criminal case. And laughter and tears.

Question to the Ministry of Internal Affairs officer:
My friend, am I asking you the same questions? Comment on your colleague!

Nothing to add. I confirm everything in full! The atmosphere on my territory is even more “fun”. In short, stop it, the beer is getting warm!

This is where we started the conversation on the topic.

But I can tell you a story that I witnessed myself, because... One of our clients got into it. Several years ago, a so-called “cyber-telephone attack” was carried out on a commercial structure that provides services in the field of logistics, due to which all telephones and Internet connections were blocked for several weeks.

The result of this attack led to the company stopping during this period, because... most clients were unable to contact her office. All attempts to contact resulted in the fact that when dialing the company's telephone number, short beeps were heard in response. The telecom operator and provider just shrugged their shoulders and couldn’t help, or maybe they just didn’t want to. The owners of the company turned to the valiant “cashniks” for protection.

These cyber cops refused to accept the application for three days under various pretexts. After the application was finally accepted, the cashiers began asking questions to the businessmen about what they wanted. The behavior of the cyber cops left the applicants in a stupor. Pathetic requests like “is it possible to identify the subscribers from whose numbers are being hacked, or to identify the villains who organized the attack” were simply ignored.

Further more interesting: the operator suggested that businessmen independently contact all communication service operators that operate in the city (at that time there were more than two dozen of them) and, through their security services, find out where the “slotting” is being carried out, then independently go to the address and detain the villains, after Why hand them over to the hands of the “kashniks”. To the question: “Why should we do this ourselves?” The answer was received: “We do not have special equipment and specialists who could help you.”

The businessmen came out of a state of stupor, but entered a state of out! There was nothing to do... And they went, scorched by the sun, to the nearest detective agency... In a few hours, private detectives established the points from which the “slotting” was carried out, and the next day they identified the villains themselves and started external surveillance of them. I can’t know how the points were established, most likely through personal informal contacts among the city’s telecom operators. The businessmen's guesses about the dishonesty of competitors were confirmed, because... the points were located in their warehouse territories. The information received was passed on to the “kashniks” on the same day. The latter awakened to wild enthusiasm! It was decided to “pick up the surveillance” of the detectives and detain the villains. The detectives handed over all the information, including photo and video materials, to the brave detectives. They decided to make the arrest at one of the metro stations. It was produced according to all the canons of Hollywood action films. During the arrest, the villain’s nose was bloodied and pine cones were stuck into his skull.

Everything is fine! The villain is apprehended and justice prevails! A few minutes later, detectives approach the valiant cyber cops and it turns out that the detained person had and does not have anything to do with the investigation. But the photo and video materials show a completely different character. A curtain! Music! A few days later, the “kashniks” deigned to visit the points and interview the warehouse guards. The “slotting” stopped. At least thanks for that :)