A white hacker received $ 2 million for finding a vulnerability in the Polygon blockchain network


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The reward was a record in the history of the DeFi sector.


A security expert discovered a critical vulnerability in the Polygon second-level solution that could lead to losses of $850 million. The project paid the researcher a record reward of $2 million.

The Polygon project launched a bounty program in September, and cybersecurity specialist Gehard Wagner drew attention to it. He noted that Polygon uses the Plasma security system to protect transactions between its networks and Ethereum, which, in his opinion, is difficult to reliably implement.

Wagner spoke in detail about how he discovered the vulnerability in the "bridge" Plasma Bridge. The expert called the vulnerability "a doubling of costs bug". Using an error in the code, an attacker could withdraw an amount 223 times the initial value of the tokens. Depositing every $200 thousand could bring a potential hacker $44.6 million. If the vulnerability was exploited, the loss of the protocol could amount to $850 million.

Polygon developers agreed to pay the maximum vulnerability detection reward of $2 million, which was the largest bug detection reward in the history of DeFi.
Polygon developers also confirmed that the bug was present on the main network. Wagner suggested that the problem arose "due to the use of third-party code without fully understanding it." He stressed that the developers solution turned out to be "not too sophisticated", but it coped with its task.


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What is Blockchain (in simple terms)


Every day we hear more and more about technology such as blockchain. Either the United Arab Emirates is transferring its workflow to this system, then another startup based on the blockchain is launched, then bank is talking about some implementation initiatives, and so on. What is blockchain? The article is dedicated to those who do not know anything about this technology or think they do.

Blockchain is a technology for reliable distributed storage of records of all ever committed transactions (we are talking about a crypt). It is a chain of blocks, the volume of which is constantly growing as miners (cryptocurrency miners) add new blocks with records of the most recent transactions, which happens every 10 minutes. (now, due to network load and excitement, the time is 20-60 minutes).

Blocks are written to the blockchain in a linear, sequential-chronological order. Each node - that is, a computer connected to the network using a client that verifies and transfers transactions - stores a copy of the blockchain that is automatically loaded when a miner joins the network. The registry complete stores information about all addresses and balances, starting with the genesis block, that is, the very first block of transactions, until the most recently added block.

Blockchain technology is considered innovative because it serves as a "trustless" mechanism for verifying all transactions on the network. The fundamental innovation of the blockchain lies in its architecture, which enables decentralized transactions that do not require trust. It allows you to get rid of "trusted intermediaries" and completely decentralize transactions of arbitrary types between any participants on a global scale.

In a system similar to a blockchain, transactions can be made with any currencies, financial contracts, tangible and intangible assets. Moreover, the blockchain can be used not only for transactions, but also for fixing, tracking, monitoring and performing transactions with any assets.

In essence, we are dealing with a huge spreadsheet for registering all assets and an accounting system for performing transactions with them on a global scale, without restrictions on the form of assets, type of participants or geographic location.
Thus, the blockchain can become a means of registration, accounting and exchange of any financial, tangible (property) and intangible (voting rights, ideas, reputation, intentions, medical data and others) assets.

The article was written based on the materials of the book: M. Swon - "Scheme of the New Economy", 2021 I recommend reading.