A teenager in India sold his wife for a smartphone


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Police in the Indian state of Odisha have arrested a 17-year-old man who sold his wife to another man a month after the wedding, the Hindustan Times reports.

The 26-year-old girl had to be rescued from the state of Rajasthan on the other side of the country. Here in August, the newlyweds came to work in a brick-firing workshop. A few days later, an enterprising teenager exchanged his wife for 180 thousand rupees (about $2400).

The young man spent the money for lunch and a new smartphone. Then he returned to his native village, and when the girl's family asked about her, he said that she left him. Relatives of the missing person did not believe the story and contacted the police, where they checked his call history and found inconsistencies in the testimony.

During the interrogation, he told about the transaction, after which law enforcement officers began to search for "goods". The rescue operation turned out to be very difficult: local residents refused to let the girl go home, insisting that their 55-year-old fellow villager paid for her.

The failed businessman appeared before the juvenile court last Friday. He was sent to a correctional facility.