A technological crisis? US military seeks alternatives to existing radio stations.

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The military is moving to a new level with the help of modern technologies.

Due to the modernization of the network infrastructure and the transition to new technologies, the US Army expresses interest in acquiring affordable and easy-to-use radio stations. This step is part of a strategy to improve communication and coordination of troops on the battlefield.

The Defense Department strives to provide its units with reliable and efficient means of communication that can adapt to the changing conditions of military operations. The main focus is on ease of use and the ability of staff to quickly learn new radio stations, which in turn will help reduce the time spent on preparing and implementing new technologies.

When choosing suppliers and products, the military places high demands on the quality of communication, range and resistance to external influences. Of particular interest is the possibility of integrating new radio stations with existing network infrastructure and other means of communication.

Various options for cooperation with manufacturers, including foreign companies, are being considered. It is expected that the renewal of the radio fleet will improve the coordination of troops and increase their combat capability at the current stage of modernization of the US Army forces.