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A student of the Borisov college forged and sold tickets to the concert of the Russian singer in social networks


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A young Borisov resident posted ads in social networks for the sale of tickets to a concert of a popular Russian performer. As it turned out, the tickets sent to customers after receiving payment were fake - they were made by the fraudster himself. Thus, the guy deceived several citizens. BelTA learned this from the police department of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

Law enforcement agencies received a statement from a 22-year-old resident of Logoisk that she was deceived by a young man on one of the popular Internet sites. The girl who suffered from fraud explained that she planned to buy a ticket to the concert of a popular Russian singer. She noticed an ad for the sale of a ticket randomly on the Internet. Since there were no tickets available for free sale, the girl decided to buy it with her own hands.

After a short correspondence, the applicant transferred Br140 to the bank card specified by the seller (this was a prerequisite for the sale). The person involved immediately sent the ticket, which caused doubts in the buyer. She immediately contacted the official ticket sales platform: her doubts were confirmed. It turned out that the attacker had used computer technology to produce several fake tickets.

During operational activities, the seller's identity was established. It turned out to be an 18-year-old student of one of the Borisov colleges. The Borisov district Department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case. It is established that the described fact of deception is not isolated. Similarly, Borisov resident managed to deceive several residents of the country.