A pensioner from Moscow spent two months communicating with false employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Central Bank


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She sold an apartment in the center of Moscow, put the money in a box and sent it by courier — to a "secure account". The woman lost 28 million rubles.

Scammers called Tatyana Valentinovna in early October. At first, police officers communicated with her, then allegedly several FSB majors, and then managers of the Central Bank. Tatiana was assured that they were trying to get a loan in her name, so you need to get ahead of the criminals, take a loan yourself and send the money to a "safe account".

After a successful transaction, scammers began to process Tatyana Valentinovna about the apartment: they say, it needs to be fictitiously sold, otherwise the bandits will get the housing. According to the criminals ' instructions,the pensioner went to the MFC, where she met with a strange woman and checked in at her apartment. Then Tatiana met with realtors and buyers of her apartment on Makarenko Street.

The sale was executed in accordance with all laws in the presence of a notary. On November 25, 25 million rubles fell to the account of Tatyana Valentinovna. After that, the scammers began the final stage of the divorce: they assured the pensioner that everything should be done secretly and she needed to stay in a hotel for some time. Having settled in and cashed out the money for the sale of the apartment, Tatyana Valentinovna put them in a box and put them in the trunk of a taxi that arrived.

After that, "employees" and "majors" did not contact the woman. A few days later, Tatyana Valentinovna realized that she had become a victim of fraudsters, and scolded herself for forgetfulness. The woman recalled that in April 2022, a district police officer came to her and told her that you should not trust people on the phone. A criminal case has been opened on fraud on a particularly large scale.