A network of spies operating under the guise of scientists and businessmen in the interests of China has been uncovered


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In the UK and Germany, 5 citizens suspected of working for Chinese intelligence were arrested. The arrests are unrelated, but reveal interesting methods of China's intellectual property theft.

In the UK, Christopher Berry (32) and Christopher Cash (29) are accused of violating the State Secrets Act in the interests of China. The criminals were arrested in March 2023. The first court hearing is scheduled for April 26. Cash, through his lawyers, has declared his complete innocence.

• Source: https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/cps...ged-have-breached-official-secrets-act-behalf

In Germany, 3 citizens — Herwig F., Ina F. and Thomas R.-were arrested on suspicion of working for Chinese intelligence. The prosecutor's office claims that the defendants actively cooperated with the Chinese special services from some time until June 2022.

• Source: https://www.generalbundesanwalt.de/...ressemitteilung-vom-22-04-2024.html?nn=478184

Particular attention in the case is attracted by the purchase and shipment of a "special laser" to China, which falls under the export control of the European Union. Thomas R., according to investigators, acted on behalf of an unidentified employee of the Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China (MGB), collecting information about innovative technologies with military potential.

The prosecutor's office also reports on an agreement between the defendants and a German university, which provided for the transfer of scientific data to a Chinese partner in the service of the Chinese Ministry of State Security. Research could help strengthen China's naval combat power. The defendants must be brought before a federal court, which will decide whether to detain them.