A network of fraudulent call centers was liquidated in Transcarpathia - the leader and 18 members of a criminal organization were detained


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Law enforcement officers exposed the activities of malefactors who deceived foreign citizens. The organizer of the illegal business was detained in the Dnipropetrovsk region, while other members of the criminal organization were detained in Transcarpathia. They face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Transcarpathian police officers, in cooperation with international partners, conducted a special operation, as a result of which they exposed and stopped the activities of a large-scale network of fraudulent call centers. Illegal business was established by a 29-year-old resident of Kryvyi Rih. He created a criminal organization, which included 18 of his accomplices.

To stop their activities, officers of the criminal police of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region conducted almost 40 court-sanctioned searches in several regions of Ukraine. We are talking about the apartment of the suspects and call centers that the defendants set up within the Mukachevo district in rented premises.

"During the searches, approximately half a thousand pieces of equipment, weapons, narcotic substances, bank cards and money - almost 50 thousand dollars were seized. 12 cars were also seized, including premium class cars, in particular Mercedes, Ford, Volkswagen, BMW. All this is now important material evidence in the case, we are working with the information received, " says senior investigator of the Transcarpathian region police Yevhen Bartovanets.

In call centers, the organizers placed dozens of operators who, at the direction of the leader, called foreigners and introduced themselves as employees of banking institutions. In the conversation, the scammers noted that they should tell their clients secret information. To do this, the victims were persuaded to install a special application on their gadgets. After following these instructions, the attackers gained access to all bank accounts of foreign citizens. In the future, money was withdrawn to accounts that were specially created in advance for figureheads.

Members of the criminal organization "senior" set the task-100 thousand dollars of profit per week. As of today, it is known that the dealers have lured almost a million dollars from the victims. Law enforcement officers managed to establish a detailed "route" of the movement of funds.

According to the results of operational measures, the 29-year-old leader of a criminal organization is now in custody-the police detained him in the Dnipropetrovsk region, and his 18 accomplices.

"On behalf of the Hungarian police, I would like to thank for the fruitful cooperation of the investigative units of our countries, which managed to expose a criminal group that in cyberspace harmed not only Hungarian citizens, but also citizens of other countries. We would not have been able to solve these crimes if it weren't for the hard, dedicated work of Ukrainian police officers. We are confident that this is the first step towards further cooperation between our services, " said Hungarian Police Spokesman Christoph Gal.

Investigators of the Main Regional Police Department, under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor's Office, informed the detainees of suspicion under Part 4 of Article 28, Part 1, 2 of Article 255 and Part 5 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, that is, creating a criminal organization and participating in it, with the aim of committing fraud on a particularly large scale.

The suspects face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.

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