A million dollars is just the beginning: a breakthrough in 'P vs. NP' will change the world


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One question could revolutionize computer science and online security.

Mathematicians around the world are facing one of the most significant unsolved problems in computer science - the question "P vs. NP". The Clay Mathematics Institute has put up a one-million-dollar prize for solving the puzzle, but in reality its value may be much higher. The solution promises to revolutionize online security, science, and even provide clues to six other so-called "Millennium Challenges" chosen in 2000.

The question of the equality of complexity classes P and NP is one of the most significant and unsolved problems in theoretical computer science and mathematics, which raises the question of whether these two classes of problems coincide. The P class includes problems that the computer can solve efficiently, i.e. in polynomial time, while the NP class contains problems for which you can quickly check the correctness of an existing solution. The crux of the question is whether being able to quickly check a solution also means being able to find it quickly. If P and NP turn out to be equal, this means that there are fast algorithms for solving all problems from NP, which can have profound implications for the theory of computing, cryptography, and many other areas of science and technology.

The "P vs. NP" problem lies in the apparent discrepancy between finding solutions to problems and verifying those solutions. For example, when planning a world tour, the number of possible routes increases exponentially with the number of cities, making it almost impossible for computers to find a solution. However, when it comes to checking the proposed route, this is much easier.

The "P vs. NP" question is whether this discrepancy is a reality or an illusion. If you can check the solution of a problem efficiently, does this mean that you can also find the solution efficiently? There may be clever ways to circumvent the need to check all potential options.

This asymmetry seems obvious, but there have been cases in history where researchers have been surprised to find simple solutions that seemed complicated. Thus, every attempt to solve this problem only emphasizes its extreme complexity.

"The P vs NP problem is reflected in many aspects of the computational world, going beyond our travel example. In theoretical computer science, researchers try to determine how easily computers can solve different types of problems. The P class represents problems that they can solve efficiently, while the NP class includes problems that computers can check efficiently for solutions to.

If P = NP, and we find fast algorithms for these seemingly complex problems, then the entire digital economy may be at risk. This is because many cryptographic methods that protect, for example, credit card numbers and passwords are based on mathematical assumptions that can collapse if P = NP.

The legendary mathematician Kurt Godel first proposed the "P vs. NP" problem in 1956, pointing out its extreme importance. Most experts believe that P is not equal to NP, although there is no evidence for this yet. To prove that P differs from NP, it is necessary to exclude all potential algorithms for the most complex NP problems, a task that currently seems unattainable for modern mathematical techniques.