A criminal group that deceived EU citizens through a network of call centers under the pretext of investing in cryptocurrency has been exposed


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Under the procedural guidance of the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, the illegal activities of a criminal group that operated on the territory of Ukraine and deceived foreign citizens were exposed.

Two organizers were detained, among them a trusted representative of the "thief in law" nicknamed "Khmelo", and 12 participants who established the functioning of a large-scale fraudulent scheme.

The detainees were informed about suspicion of fraud, as well as, depending on the role and participation of each person, they were charged with creating, leading a criminal organization, as well as participating in it (Part 4 of Article 28, Part 4 of Article 190, Part 1, 2 of Article 255 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

They launched a powerful advertising campaign about favorable conditions for investing in cryptocurrency. Interested citizens from different countries of the European Union received calls from call centers. Posing as representatives of the cryptocurrency developer from various international exchanges, they encouraged people to install special certificates and transfer money to electronic wallets under their control. Further, they created an artificial appearance of increasing the invested capital, provoking people to transfer large amounts.

Thus, they seized the funds of citizens.

It was previously established that the amount of damage caused to victims of fraud amounted to several million hryvnias. The full circle of victims of illegal activities of persons and the final amount of damage caused is established.

Law enforcement officers conducted almost 40 searches on the territory of the Kiev, Khmelnitsky regions and the city of Kiev. They seized 136 pieces of office equipment, documentation, about 1,000 SIM cards, starter packages of various mobile operators, as well as 64,520 US dollars, more than 300 thousand UAH, and 4,600 euros.

At the request of the prosecutor's Office, they were given preventive measures in the form of detention.

Measures to expose them were carried out in cooperation with investigators of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Kiev region, with the operational support of the Department of Internal Affairs of the National Police of Ukraine.