A 38-year-old teacher from China transferred 4 million yuan to her lover, taken on a loan secured by an apartment

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The fraudulent scheme was suspected by bank employees, but the girl continues to believe her "boyfriend".

For four months last year, a teacher from Shanghai surnamed Yuan invested in her lover's cryptocurrency project — the total amount of funds invested by her exceeded $555,000. Suspicious transactions on Yuan accounts were recorded by the bank's system, and employees reported this to the police.

However, Yuan continues to transfer money to the man and even covers for him. For example, she denies sending him 640,000 yuan ($89,000), even though bank documents show this. On another occasion, Ms. Yuan lied to the police about the reason for the money transfer, saying that she had bought luxury bags at a discount from the man.

Yuan is sure that the man will definitely marry her, so she can't testify against him.

"She has invested a very significant amount and believes him. She is more likely to believe that criminals work for the police, and not that it is he, " said the officer of the anti-fraud team.