9 ways to wake up your creativity


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1. Freewriting
Just sit in front of a computer or a piece of paper and start writing. You cannot imagine how much of the unpredictable flow of filled text can take out of your subconscious.

2. Play with words
Try rhyming and writing poetry or songs. For example, I often took my free minutes to make combinations of two, three or four words.
I have direction words that I regularly reflect on: productivity, creativity, awareness, joy, success. You can play with them. Come up with your own definitions of these concepts each time. If you write them down, you can find a lot of useful information and tips.
On trips, the waiting time or the flight itself is well hidden by the following exercise. I write the collocations "creative productivity" and "productive creativity" and begin to write two definitions. Or I add any random word and begin to consider a completely different phrase.

3. What if?
It is also useful to think about the possible development of the situation, assuming certain conditions. We simply do not notice many things, considering their existence impossible.
A fairly common technique in coaching, which, according to my observations, is rarely used on its own. I usually formulate a problem or problem that I would like to solve. Then I identify the main obstacle to their implementation and imagine that it has disappeared.

4. Mental maps
The advantage of mind maps is that you can see the connections between ideas and they often literally point to new ideas.

5. Look at the situation through the eyes of another person
I have used this technique many times. I only used it in business-related situations. My favorite characters that I “asked for advice” are Steve Jobs, Ruppert Murdoch, Warren Buffett, Richard Branson. You need to introduce the desired “interlocutor”, ask him a question and hear what he will answer or advise you to solve your problem.

6. Flight of fantasy
Sometimes in the company for a warm-up, I suggest sketching 10-20, it is better to indicate in advance the required number of fantastic, unusual ideas to solve a well-known problem.
From what employees generate during the brainstorming session, a list of ideas is drawn up. In the future, these ideas can lead to original thoughts when looking for solutions to a real problem.

7. I call this method structuring
I write out the problem or task, and then I begin to decompose it into its components. Often, a solution to a whole problem comes by analogy or on a tip from a solution to one of its components.

8. Quota for ideas
In Michael Mikalko's book, I took the quota of ideas exercise into service. Every day and at the beginning of a discussion or brainstorming session, I definitely mention the number of ideas and suggestions that we should receive in the end. Having a specific number significantly improves the productivity of the discussion.

9. Ask questions
Train your curiosity by asking questions about the origin, purpose and possible development of everything that comes into your field of vision.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of all kinds of techniques like those described. Creativity, in my opinion, is also manifested in the ability to use any recollected technique at any time. The main thing is interest in life, curiosity and confidence that there are always different ways of solving problems.