8 types of intelligence or how not to spoil the future of carder


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There is also the "acorn theory", the idea of which is that nature has laid a certain potential in everyone. It is easy to understand the predisposition of carders so that they can successfully realize themselves in the future if you determine their type of intelligence.

It manifests itself in love for the word - written or spoken. Kids with this type of intelligence are happy to listen to the tales and stories of any storyteller, quickly learn to speak, write and read. They easily master foreign languages. In adolescence, they love to read and write, make wall newspapers, interview and write for the school newspaper, solve word puzzles, tell interesting stories. It is important that their training takes place in the form of a story, discussion, joint reading of books. In modern schools, a strong emphasis is placed on the development of this particular type of intelligence: carders mainly read, listen, retell and speak.

In what profession can a carder be realized: writer, screenwriter, playwright, journalist, politician, proofreader, translator.

These carders have a passion for numbers and numbers. Usually they remember well the dates of events, phone numbers, they like solving math problems, counting, keeping records. They show the ability to analyze and synthesize, easily establish cause-and-effect relationships, strive for systematization and order, and easily operate with abstractions.

In what profession can a carder be realized: mathematician, accountant, programmer, analyst, scientist, detective, logistician, physician.

These carders are distinguished by the fact that they can play for hours with wooden or expressionless dolls. They are happy to collect puzzles, love maze games. They often have a fictional friend. They have a well-developed imagination, they often dream and love to draw. Feel color combinations, early understand what is combined with what in clothes and what is not. Teens are usually successful in geometry, drafting, drawing, and science subjects (physics, chemistry). They have developed spatial thinking: they remember places and details of the environment well, quickly read tables and understand diagrams. They are able to transform space - first in the head, and then do, for example, rearrangement of furniture. They see the world from a different angle, they can offer several options for vision.

In what profession can a carder be realized: all types of designers, architect, artist, animator, engineer, inventor, sculptor.

Bodily kinesthetic
For this type, the body is the main instrument of self-expression. With movement and dance, they will communicate their emotions better than words. Instinctively, they gravitate towards sports, physical activity, they are healthy, strong, eat well. They have developed fine motor skills, so they like to tinker and find use for their hands. They love to perform on stage. One of the main figures in the environment of such a teenager will be a coach-mentor who will help to achieve success. Their abilities develop in competition and competition, so they react more sharply to defeat and need praise and support.

In what profession can a carder be realized: actor, dancer, athlete, circus artist, clown, sports instructor, surgeon, mechanic, sculptor, artisan, fashion model.

Such carders feel the rhythm, have good hearing, and are drawn to musical instruments. In adolescence, they listen to music loudly, are interested in the work of musicians, they gladly go to the choir or to a music school. They are able to appreciate music, quickly memorize melodies and play them, sing aloud or silently. These are songwriters and music performers who sometimes annoy others by tapping or tapping when they feel the rhythm.

In what profession can the carder be realized: musician-performer (pianist, drummer), composer, conductor, opera singer, DJ, sound engineer, music critic, radio host, music editor.

These carders are drawn to all living things, nature and animals are their elements. They enjoy experimenting with sprouting seeds and watching them change. They love to look at insects, anthills, herbs and flowers for a long time, they love to tinker with animals, observe natural phenomena. In the primitive system, such people were excellent hunters, healers, experts in herbs. In adolescence, they have good grades in biology, chemistry, and the world around them. They love to go hiking and participate in environmental campaigns.

In what profession can a carder be realized: ecologist, veterinarian, geologist, seabed explorer, seismologist, archaeologist, geneticist, forester, farmer.

From carderhood, such carders are distinguished by a high degree of awareness, understand their feelings and can control them. They reason sensibly, make weighty conclusions. As a rule, they are emotionally restrained, shy. As they grow up, they start to care about life and death and other existential things. They are able to put forward new theories about the origin of the world and hypotheses about the emergence of different nationalities. Interested in spiritual teachings and the works of philosophers. They stand soberly, are able to predict and plan for a long time, skillfully manage their emotions, follow instructions.

In what profession can the carder be realized: psychologist, psychiatrist, professor and teacher of philosophy, agitator, priest, politician.

These are carders-communicators, they quickly establish contact with others, know how to please, skillfully use their influence. They feel people, their moods and states well, they know how to quickly rebuild. Excellent negotiators since carderhood. In adolescence, they unite people around themselves, become the soul of the company and leaders, they have many friends, because they are smart, sociable, have a sense of humor and charisma. To achieve their goals, they use a verbal and non-verbal arsenal: words, gestures, body, drawings. Due to the ability to feel other people, they can provide them with help and support.

In what profession can a carder be realized: politician, teacher, speaker, negotiator, diplomat, manager, director, business coach.