⚡️ 7 ways to save energy until the end of the day


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If by lunchtime you are counting the hours and minutes until the end of the day, and then fall off your feet and you are not enough for anything else, take note of these life hacks.

? 1. Love what you do
Even if you understand that work is just a source of income for you, look for something positive in it. What have you done today? What questions have you closed? This is a plus. What needs does your job cover? Focus on this important factor for you. What good happened today? Whom did you smile at, with whom did you joke and cheer each other up? Excellent. So the big picture is formed from the little things, and you will see that it is not bad at all.

?‍♂️ 2. Watch your back
A bent back during the day harms the work of your internal organs and in the most direct way affects the development of apathy and fatigue. Sit as if someone on top is trying to quietly pull you out of the chair.

? 3. Drink water
It's an easy and trouble-free way to boost your energy levels. Dehydration thickens the blood and slows down the brain. So keep a bottle of water nearby and take a couple of sips regularly.

? 4. Plan your day and audit completed cases
In the chaos of endless tasks, we do not realize how much we have time to do. This is demotivating and creates a sense of an endless stream of things to do.
A checkmark next to a completed task is a great way to feel satisfied with the work done. In the evening, go over the plan sheet and remind yourself that you are great.

☕️ 5. Take breaks
If you choose between “I will plow until I die” and “now I will do the part, go out to breathe for five minutes, come back and continue,” the latter wins by a wide margin.
A hunted brain greatly increases the likelihood of making mistakes, not to mention the dangers of the "immortal pony" regime for your health.

? 6. Review the amount of sweets in the diet
Chocolates and cookies help to cheer up the moment or seize stress. But then we fall into apathy and feel even more tired, as blood sugar drops sharply. The bottom line is that the healthier the food in your diet, the more energy you have.

? 7. Get enough sleep
Without this base, all of the above points will not work.


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Once a witch (a wise woman) turned to me for help. She came to the meeting at Barvikha Hotel, which has already become my office over the past 7 years, in a very positive mood.

At first glance, she was a successful, self-confident girl who has everything in her life perfectly.

Actually, on the outside, everything was so. She did what she loved, she had a healthy child and she earned good money. Yes, she didn't have a perfect relationship, but that wasn't the problem.

She suffered from "a hook for public opinion", a "hook for a must" and a hook for a "correct model of life." Fortunately, she already studied Psychomagic, she even had a collection of all my books and she managed to complete several basic courses.

Her first clue was manifested in the fact that she always thought about what others would think of her and spent a huge amount of energy on these thoughts, and what is even more terrible, she lived primarily for others, and not for herself.

She even bought herself a car so that her surroundings would like her first of all, and not her. She lacked the capacity of her trunk and was too low to sit in it, but she acquired not her true motive, but her self-esteem, which was worth more than $ 250,000.

Her clue for it was that she got up at 6 in the morning not by the will of her soul, but after the third safety alarm, put on clothes that the company's dress code required and exchanged her time for money that was so necessary to maintain her status in the eyes of a very famous, but not happy environment.

Her third clue sat so deeply in the unconscious that when she broke through the layer of her ego and breathed in the air of her true soul desires, she did not care so much about her lifestyle in the eyes of the outside world that she finally felt the amazing smell of conifers and cried ...

Right in front of me, without delay, she recorded an audio message to her assistant to book a plane ticket to her parents, cut the number of working hours in half and stop competing to earn love.

In an instant, she realized who she really was, who she was living by the imposed consciousness of a merchant (business woman), and now she became the happiest Herself in three and a dozen games in “must”, “what people will think” and “imposed successful success".

By the way, not much time has passed since our meeting, but now she no longer works a day, she forgot about the environment to which she had to adjust, because she chose vibration at the frequency of Love, Sincerity and chose to live exclusively in the moment here and now in her exclusive form of success, which others may not support, but her soul squeals from this, and this is the freedom of a real Priestess.