7 types of carders at risk


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Each family, perhaps, is unhappy in its own way, but in the misfortune of individual people, psychologists clearly see the scenarios most often laid down in childhood. Feel like your life isn't going anywhere? You may be one of these types.

Double Combo Dealer
This is the type who is obsessed with life hacks. You have met such people - he has a phone for two SIM cards and another handset in order to save on calls to the three main operators - the dealer cannot calculate how much this pseudo-useful venture cost him in total. For ten years now, he has been building a dacha out of chipboard, clay and lime honey with these hands, instead of studying and finding a normal job and paying the builders. It is critically important for this type to feel that he has everything in his hands, that he has twisted and found a profitable solution, testifying to his ingenuity. Women despise such, but sometimes they regret. A double-combo dealer is doomed to live his life in a web of soothing self-deception, only vaguely feeling that he has been looking for a ruble in a puddle all the years and has never seen the sky.

What to do if you recognize yourself as this type: Read the biographies of those who wisely took advantage of favorable circumstances, instead of trying to fool the villainess-destiny. Stop calculating your monthly expenses. Improve your skills in your main activity instead of watching another DIY tutorial.

Artistic whiner
The artistic whiner has a certain appeal due to the good style and sense of humor with which he presents his suffering. The whiners are often women, often very pleasant looking. Theatrical complaints about their own awkwardness, bad luck and dullness are designed to hide the hyper-rational and self-confident emotional predator that feeds on attention. Many artistic whiners have cult status in the get-together, and their partner is overjoyed to have such a popular personality. But living with her for a long time turns out to be far from as interesting as the victim initially thought.

What to do if you recognize yourself as this type: ask yourself why you are whining. Look for talents in yourself that will attract the attention of people to you and will not strengthen your image of an eccentric orphan - he is good in youth, but shameful for an adult.

Latent creator
A latent creator is a person who prays for artistic techniques in art, literature, adores experimental theater, does not miss a single festival, invents original hashtags and spends annual bonuses on the course “Create a great novel in 40 days”. The position of a latent creator is far from being creative, he is a good organizer and is able to achieve career heights due to energy and empathy - but most likely, he will cross him half way to a warm chair and he will go to an ashram to study emptiness and weaving from a vine. His creative attempts are secondary and receive a polite welcome only because the latent creator has many friends. In the worst case, he declares with burning eyes to the school of journalism with the words “I have always dreamed of writing, the pen is my vocation,

What to do if you recognize yourself in this type: before submitting your creations to the public (putting them in the public domain, giving them to relatives), work on yourself for five to ten years, and let independent authorities evaluate you. Creativity is not a happy flow of unfiltered self-expression, but the same work as all other crafts.

The futurist lives tomorrow when he:
- will lose eight pounds
- will hand over the license and buy a car
- will find the one
- will receive a well-deserved promotion
- will somehow end up in a warm country in his own house, surrounded by sucking households and neighbors, gritting their teeth with envy.

The futurist does not understand that the future has come long ago, that it comes every day and is bright just as much as a person has put mental efforts on it. Most likely, at school, the futurist was an excellent student, at the university, science was given to him playfully and the horizons shone, and then something broke, and stupid C grade students from dysfunctional families began to bypass him in everything. A representative of this type does not want to realize that his lag is not accidental, and continues to wait for the weather by the sea. A natural quick mind softened him, brought up laziness and arrogance in him in relation to non-canon ways of achieving goals, and high self-esteem does not allow him to see things in their true light. The escapism of a futurist can manifest itself in different ways,

What to do if you recognize yourself as this type: Get a notebook to write down goals. Break each big goal into small tasks, then into microscopic tasks like "sit down 20 times before breakfast." Curb your perfectionism - if you dream of a speedboat, start a simple rubber motorboat and learn how to handle it. Start your willpower training with something that brings you pleasure. Get out of the shell and join the groups, with their support, everything becomes easier.

The humble person grew up in an incomplete, poor or dysfunctional family, on the periphery of social life. As a child, he dreamed of heroic deeds and princesses, but by the time he reached the senior grades, the gray world won: the humble began to prepare to enter the weakest university with minimal competition, he builds his personal life according to the principle “A person pays attention to me - thank you, this is so-so party - but I am a little bit of a mess, too. The humble person suffers from a pathological lack of ambition. This type diligently pulls the strap within the framework that life has given him, he is a conscientious performer and a loyal friend. But over the years, the humble accumulates fatigue and hopelessness, realizes himself entangled in the web of the daily struggle for minimal physical and psychological comfort,

What to do if you recognize yourself in this type: take a piece of paper and divide your life into two parts - on the left what you would like to leave, on the right what you want to change. Take the second sheet and write down your daily activities - on the left are those that serve your desires, on the right are those that have become an automatic routine for you. Think about these lists. Read about people who were nothing at 40 and became millionaires and idols at 50. It's too late to dare only when you are being carried to the crematorium.

This is a person who voluntarily assumed all the hardships of this world and in return received the seeds of paranoia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The hyper-responsible already at the age of twelve realized that he should give all his best, and the question of why to do this bypassed him. This type loves self-education, the request to let him write off the test terrifies him - the one who wrote off will be worse in the end, and the one who allowed it will be to blame! A hyperresponsible person serves as a headman, at work remains the eternal deputy of the department who does all the work, and only goes up for promotion when there is no one else to move - the workaholic lacks the imagination and courage inherent in real leaders. Not far-off acquaintances consider the hyper-veritable a cracker, but the heart of a romantic beats in his chest: having built everything and everyone, looking up from the calculator, he sighs about personalities, whose appearance is usually characterized as "cute". Naturally, without reciprocity, because handsome men consider them too serious, and hyperresponsible people could watch themselves better instead of night vigils in the office.

What to do if you recognize yourself as this type: ask yourself why you are struggling for. Think, would you love yourself if you were that handsome? For what? Formulate your other values, besides duty and amorous addictions. Start developing your personality not for the sake of improving your skills, but for the pleasure of knowledge and skills.

Parents grow the acceptor as an elite vegetable: they suggest that everyone will want it, and all that remains is to choose. This type includes many girls who rely on their appearance. Other options for educating an acceptor are a smart guy (“yes, with three generations of academicians they will tear you off everywhere with their hands”), a rich man (“we have already solved the main problem of existence for you, son” ), a welfare man (“remember, these are our taxes, the state is obliged to us, you just need to knock it out of it”). It is for the acceptor that you are ashamed when he shouts to the driver of the minibus at the terminal “go already, I'm paying money to whom!”. It is he who cheats with taxes, and then is outraged by paid medicine. The acceptor takes a passive-aggressive position in relation to life, not wanting to give anything away until he is showered with roses and golden ducats. Since this does not always happen,

What to do if you recognize yourself as this type: try to do something socially useful with your hands and head just for fun. Look at others on the street, try to guess - what is the talent of this person, why is he better than me? Start by giving charity to pleasant actors: fundraising for sick children or homeless puppies. Gradually move to contact assistance to less pleasant categories - refugees, orphanages, lonely elderly people. You will be surprised, but this is exactly what you lacked: giving and consoling will be much more pleasant than taking and demanding. It is the feeling of need that will allow you to sleep soundly at night - now, perhaps for the first time in your life, you are truly valuable.