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The easiest way to find out the reasons why you were refused to open a current account for a legal entity is to ask directly the representative of the bank with whom you contacted.
If a bank employee cannot give an intelligible answer or you just want to clarify the situation for yourself (for example, before submitting documents so as not to waste time), you can familiarize yourself with the most likely reasons below.

Reasons for refusal to open a current account
The reasons stated below apply to both legal entities and individuals.
  1. The bank's refusal to open a current account may be given in accordance with some Federal Law about “On Counteracting the Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes”. The bank cannot open an account without identifying the client. The personal presence of an individual, an individual entrepreneur or their representative is required (also applies to legal entities).
  2. The same article allows the bank to refuse to open an account to a legal entity or individual if there is no person at the registration address (for an LLC, for example, it will be the address of the main office, for an individual entrepreneur it may be the address of actual residence) there is no person (there is actually no office), or other information provided turns out to be inaccurate.
  3. If the internal control service of the bank has suspicions about the involvement of a legal or natural person in terrorist organizations or aiding the latter, the bank has the right to refuse to open an account.
  4. Refusal to open a current account of an individual entrepreneur, LLC or other legal entity may be caused by a decision of the tax authority, for example, if there are debts.
  5. An account may not be opened if the bank has technical restrictions or problems that prevent you from opening or maintaining your account. This can include equipment malfunctions, lack of free personnel, etc.
  6. If restrictions are imposed on the bank itself (the license is revoked, sanctions are imposed in accordance, etc.)
  7. If the opening of your account violates other applicable laws or regulations established.
If you think that the bank refused to open and maintain a current account for you unreasonably, and there are no legal grounds for refusal, you have the right to sue the bank with the recovery of losses incurred for this reason (disputes between legal entities are considered by the arbitration court).