7 important thoughts from Steve Wozniak: on Apple, Jobs, money and happiness


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How a real geek feels about money, what he thinks about happiness and about Apple after Jobs, and how he behaves in social networks - read the review


More than 40 years ago, Steve Wozniak invented the first personal computer - Apple I, laying the foundation for the creation of a world-famous company. And despite the fact that over the years this brand is associated primarily with Steve Jobs, Wozniak's contribution to the development of Apple is enormous.

Today Steve Wozniak, also known as WOZ, is the same inventor in love with technology and technique. He participates in major technical conferences to inspire young inventors. Awarded a number of honorary degrees for his contributions to technology. And he continues to engage in inventions - since 2014 he has been the chief scientific consultant at the Primary Data IT company.

On September 30, the co-founder of Apple will speak for the first time in Kiev at the OLEROM FORUM 1. The editorial staff of PaySpace Magazine learned from interviews in recent years how the famous inventor lives and what he thinks about Apple, money and social networks.

About Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was not involved in any of my projects - Apple I and Apple II computers, and printer interfaces, floppy disks, and other inventions that I made to improve PCs. He didn't know technology. He never designed anything as an apparatus engineer, and he didn't know software. He wanted to be important, and important people are always businesslike. This is what he was aiming for - Reach A Student YouTube interview quote
However, Steve has repeatedly spoken of Jobs as the cornerstone of Apple's success.

He sold the Apple II, the product that made us all our money in the first 10 years. I just designed it

Calling Jobs his friend, Wozniak does not deny that the Apple CEO had a difficult personality.

The most creative Apple employees who worked on the Macintosh left the company and refused to ever collaborate with Jobs again. Due to Steve's bad temper, Apple has lost impressive talent - in an interview with the Business Journal.

About Apple

“I am very pleased with the way Apple is doing,” WOZ said at the Paypal FinTech Xchange 2016 conference.
In five years at the head of the company, Tim Cook managed to double its income. When he took office, Apple had $ 100 billion in annual revenue. By 2017, the figure had grown to $ 200 billion.

Also among the positive aspects of Tim Cook as CEO, Wozniak noted the refusal to cooperate with the FBI and provide the department with data on the owners of Apple equipment.

“I admire Tim Cook for standing up to protect people's privacy, because all his life Apple has made me wonder who is more important - a person or a technology.”
Also, according to Wozniak, under the leadership of Cook, the company has never released a terrible or ugly product.

However, you can also hear criticism from Steve about the company he created. The engineer is not happy with smartwatches, wireless headphones, and even Apple smartphones, which, according to the engineer, lack innovation.


At the same time, he acknowledges that Apple’s model is not about short-term success, but about long-term customer loyalty. In this case, the smartphone war is not a sprint, but a marathon.

About smartphones
In August 2016, in an interview with Financial Review, Steve named his favorite smartphone model. It turns out it's not an iPhone. At the time, his favorite was the Nexus 5.

One of my favorite smartphones is the Nexus 5X. It is compatible with USB Type-C cable. I Believe USB-C is the Future - Australian Financial Review interview

About money
Wozniak's fortune is about $ 100 million. The capital of Steve Jobs in 2011 exceeded $ 10 billion. The reason for such a gap in the income of the co-founders of Apple lies in the fact that Wozniak was not initially interested in money.

I didn't want to be around money because it can distort your values - interview with Fortune


Of the strange stories about money that come to mind when thinking about Wozniak - two dollar bills. On the Engadget Show, the engineer said that he makes money for himself. He buys sheets of $ 2 bills from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, cuts them into sheets of 4 bills and staples them into a notebook. You can snatch two dollars for a Big Mac out of your notebook at any time.

I don’t invest. I Don't Do That Nonsense - Fortune Interview
This quote from an interview with Fortune speaks volumes about Woz's attitude towards the desire to increase his savings. In an interview with Business Insider, he added that he does not even invest in young projects.

I don’t remember the last time I supported projects on KickStarter. Usually, by the time a product reaches the end consumer, it is either not working, or is not useful, or is no longer relevant - interview with Business Insider
Wozniak also explains his reluctance to participate in crowdfunding by the fact that the investor cannot see how the startup team used the funds.

About social networks
Wozniak was never too active socially. And he himself said more than once that social networks are not for him.

I have 5,000 Facebook friends I don’t know, why would I keep track of what they do in life every day?
However, there is a resource that Steve enjoys using. This is Foursquare, a geo-location social network.

“My wife will be able to see where I am,” frequent traveler Wozniak added in an interview with Fortune.


“I'm expecting a train to Rome,” Woz reports on Foursquare

About happiness
Steve Wozniak has his own formula for happiness, and it is not related to money.

The first component is to smile and joke more often. The second is to avoid being in a bad mood.

Don't worry when things go wrong. Just Think About How To Be Constructive - CNBC Interview

Steve also advises creating things just for fun, even if they never make a profit. This is how we develop our brain.